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Everything posted by jenL

  1. I haven't read all the responses, but if it were me, I would keep the date. Over the past couple of years I have learned that my immediate family (dh, kids, me) are the ones I need to be most concerned about, and I have to do what works for us. This does not mean we are selfish, it just means that we make our family the #1 priority - as it should be according to the Bible - We, of course, include all other family members, but it is THEIR choice if they come. I cannot feel guilty when not everyone can be included. That is just life, and life is busy. It is up to your mom to determine what HER priorities are. You can only control so much, and organizing 3 different venues is tough, especially when churches are steadily booked for months in advance. Keep the date, enjoy the day, and share pictures/videos with your mom if she chooses not to be there.
  2. I voted 11-12. Dh is usually out of the house by 7, and he comes home between 6 & 7 at night. His commute is 60-75 minutes each way. He is far more comfortable with me being home with the kids, than having to juggle two work schedules. We did this when our eldest was younger, and it was so stressful for him to have to leave work if our son was sick if I was unable to leave my job. For him, he'd rather sacrifice the income in order to have the mental security that he can go to work, do his thing, and then come home. Adding homeschooling to me being a SAHM just extended my job for more years. He's perfectly happy with how things are going. I'm content too.
  3. I would not seek out a haunted place. I have stayed in a couple of B&Bs that were haunted. I did not know it at the time, but I did not sleep well at either of them. One was in Vermont, and we learned that the wife of a sailor who owned the house died and was buried under the front tree that our room was right next to. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling deeply unsettled like I was being watched. Several times, I felt cold in the bathroom. At the time, I had no idea why. We ended up seeing the B&B on a haunted New England show a few years later. Another was just outside of Gettysburg, PA. It was a gorgeous place - I think it was called the Stone Barn or something like that. The stone building was used as a Confederate army hospital during the Civil War. I thought nothing of that when I was booking it. Our room was downstairs, around the side of the inn, and it had it's own entrance. From the moment I entered, something was just not right. We stayed the night anyway, and I was awake most of the night. I could not wait to get out of there. My grandparents lived behind us while I was growing up in the house where my great-grandfather died. It was very common to hear footsteps throughout the day/night when no one was upstairs. I fully believe he was haunting the place. He never felt evil though.
  4. So glad to hear he can go home, and that it is not MRSA! Praying for you both still! Thank you for all the updates. :grouphug:
  5. I'm so far behind. I really have to stop picking books that are 900+ pages long. I'm working on #4 in the Outlander series: Drums in Autumn. It's good, but not as fast of a read as the first 3. I had been forewarned of this, but I'm determined to read the entire series since I've made it this far. I've heard they pick up again in book 6. Ds & I will finish The Door in the Wall this week. I'm not sure what we're going to read next.
  6. Hi Ladies! Happy Monday! Lunch - a mixture of different things today. One had a turkey sandwich, the other a PB&J sandwich, both had strawberries and a cheese stick. I had leftover blueberry pancakes and strawberries. News - My eldest son passed his taekwondo belt test on Saturday! He's now a high white belt, and it was such a joy to see him beaming when they handed him his belt. My youngest son's birthday is this weekend. We're having a small friend party for him on Friday, so I'm just trying to get all that together amidst an already busy week. I can't believe he's turning 4... where does the time go???? Pets - one very large and muscular tuxedo black cat named Jax. He's my boy! Enjoy the rest of the day! It's quiet time now at our house... My favorite time of day! :D
  7. Thank you for the updates. Still praying here... I'm glad he is already seeing some improvement. Hopefully, the pain will be managed soon as well. :grouphug:
  8. Just sent up a prayer for you, Kari. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  9. It must be such a relief to have an answer and a plan! So glad to hear you are on your way to becoming healthier!
  10. I sincerely miss being in a college/university class setting, and I would be a professional student if someone else would pay for all my degrees! I've often thought of going to get another Masters degree, but there are too many things I would like to study, so until I can make up my mind, I'm going to save the money. However, if someone was funding me... I would choose medicine (specifically OB), zoology, marine biology, meterology, British and American Literature, and theology. All of these areas truly fascinate me. Genetics would be pretty interesting as well!
  11. Oh Faith, I feel awful for him! I'm praying... please keep us posted!
  12. These are great ideas, ladies! I'm so excited, and I still have a year or so to wait! A friend suggested St. George's Caye in Belize... anyone familiar with that? Another suggestion I received was Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic... thoughts? I looked into St. John, and it seems very expensive. Those of you who have been there, would you agree? Different tripadvisor.com reviews spoke of high taxi fares, how there were only 3 resorts and they nickle and dime you to death, etc. There are SO many wonderful options! I'm a huge researcher, so if you have more ideas, keep them coming... it takes me a while to make a big decision like this. Also, if you recommend a specific resort, I'd love to look into that as well. Thanks so much!
  13. I've received recommendations from friends IRL who have suggested either St. John's, Costa Rica, or Belize! I will look into those... For now, keep the ideas coming!
  14. Next year, dh and I will be celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary, and we've decided to take a trip by ourselves! We've never been to any place tropical, and the options are quite overwhelming. So, that is where the Hive comes in as I know some of you have been to some amazing places. Due to budget constraints, we know we'll have to stick to the Carribean area as the South Pacific, Fiji, or some place like that will be too expensive with airfare and all. Hawaii *may* be a possibility if we can find a good price. We're not sure if we want to cruise as we're not overly fond of crowds, and we've heard some ports may include 3-5 ships stopped at a time. However, we'd like the all-inclusive aspect of a cruise, so we're thinking a resort? We like relaxing on a beach, but we couldn't do this exclusively for 5-7 days. We enjoy hiking and anything having to do with being in nature; we like historical places as well. We're looking for the perfect balance of romance, activity, relaxation, and beauty. Suggestions? :)
  15. Don't beat yourself up about not getting the vaccine this year. My pediatrician friend said this year's vaccine was virtually useless in terms of the strains they picked. We don't ever get the flu vaccine. The year we did, we were all so incredibly sick. I know so many who have had similar experiences. It's a personal preference for us; however, and I understand why some choose to get it. For now, make sure you and dh get enough rest, bulk up on vitamin C, eat well and drink lots of water. Hoping the rest of you stay healthy!
  16. It sounds like you have a great plan ahead of you! I've had to implement letting go of things in my life like your #3, and I can tell you, it will make a WORLD of difference! You'll be amazed at how much of a burden you were carrying once you have let those things go. It's sad that it takes so many moms such a long time to realize this for themselves. Kudos to you for taking the first step toward better mental health! :grouphug:
  17. He's definitely still got "it"!!! I had no idea he was turning 49 though... I nearly passed out yesterday when I was looking at the cast of Dancing with the Stars, and I saw that Ralph Macchio is 49. Seriously, I still remember the 80s like it was yesterday, and I don't feel like I'm old enough to be where I am in age! :D That was a GREAT era!!!!
  18. :grouphug: Praying for you and your family! I'm a product of a parent who was/still is a substance abuser. For the sake of you and your children, do get help for yourselves. My mother did not do this for herself or for us, and at 37 years old, I'm now in a recovery group trying to sort out my past and its effects on me over the years. If you are a Christian, try to see if local churches offer the Celebrate Recovery program. It's a faith-based 12-step program, and it has changed my life immensely. If you are not, Al-Anon would be another great choice for you and your kids. It is wonderful news that your dh is seeking help - stepping out of denial is extremely difficult, and for him to do this is a beautiful thing! Hang in there. We are here supporting you as well! :grouphug:
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