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Everything posted by jenL

  1. You look GORGEOUS! I really love the picture of you kissing dh's forehead and your feet are bare. Your friend did a wonderful job! Congratulations again & thank you for sharing!!!!
  2. This week I finished 2 books! I'm still one book behind, but that's okay... I will catch up eventually! I finished Crazy Love by Francis Chan early in the week. I loved how it challenged me as a Christian, really making me take a look at my faith and what kind of person I am. I began Outlander by Diane Gabaldon on Tuesday and finished it Saturday. I LOVED IT!!! I love the romance of the story and the historical basis of it. My step-father's mother was from England, and they have Scottish relatives. They have their own family tartan and coat of arms that hang in my mother's house. Learning about his family's past has been exciting and enlightening. I love history! I wish he was nearby so I could go through his family's artifacts. I believe he has begun to trace his geneology as well. I began reading the 2nd book of the Outlander series yesterday... so far so good! :D
  3. Our dining room was a playroom for about 3 years. We recently emptied it, and we were going to make it a cozy sitting room because it receives great sunlight. However, we recently decided to turn it into our school room because of the great natural light. I'm excited! We don't need a formal dining area as we are not ones to entertain, so for us, it's wasted space if we use it as its intended purpose.
  4. Dawn, I would take living where you are any day! Want to switch houses with me? We're only 25 minutes from Charlotte if it's not rush hour. We are actually talking about getting further away from suburbia as we desperately want land. However, dh doesn't want his commute to be longer than it is (he drives during rush hour and it takes him an hour to an hour & 15 minutes), so he's torn. I wish we could live in the middle of nowhere where I can raise goats, chickens, have a HUGE garden, etc. Unfortunately, because of dh's work, we have to stay near a financial city, so Charlotte it is - we had NO desire to go near NYC. Anyway, I am just the opposite of you, and I completely understand your dh. However, as a homeschooling mom, I know it's tough for you to feel so far away since you are the one home the most. :grouphug:
  5. :iagree: Wondering how you are doing? Looking forward to seeing a baby picture soon! :)
  6. Congratulations!!! Babies are wonderful!!! :grouphug:
  7. Sometimes "better now than later" really is the best motto. It will all work itself out. Hang in there! :grouphug:
  8. Happy Anniversary and Congratulations!!! Enjoy your dinner and your upcoming date!
  9. My son would LOVE for that to be in our school room! Although, the room wouldn't be big enough. Right now in my school room, I have a huge mess! Stuff is piled and/or scattered everywhere. We're in the process of purging and moving the room to brighter room of the house. We've been doing school at the kitchen table or on the couch lately. Why I didn't decide to wait until summer to do this, I have no idea...
  10. Your post is such a beautiful reminder of the graciousness of God! Thank you for writing it. Praying for you!
  11. How exciting, Heather!!!! So happy for your and your dh!!! I will be praying that all goes smoothly for you. This is definitely a God thing, and He will provide!
  12. Hope I'm not too late! Just prayed for him!!!
  13. I'm sorry. :grouphug: I'm sure that is extremely frustrating. Unfortunately, your dad is being ignorant here, and it does not sound as if he wants to be educated either. There is nothing you can do except to remind him lovingly that your kids are your kids, and you are making the best choices for them and your family. If he continues to gripe, you may have to become more firm in stating your convictions. Unsupportive family members really stink.
  14. I worry about this with my youngest son. However, we are committed to persevere for him when it's time. We also do not like the culture in the public schools, and we agree that homeschooling provides a lifestyle that is flexible, full of free time for the kids, and enriching academically and culturally. Is there any way you could get your dd involved in homeschooling activities outside of the home? Maybe girl scouts, 4-H, drama or art classes? That way she is out with other kids fulfilling the social needs. Maybe a weekly girl playdate/gathering? I know your health has been an issue, so if these things are not possible, do not feel guilty. This is still the best choice overall for our children - how's that for unbiased? - and you can keep doing this! It may be time to get creative with her and how things are presented. As your dh says, being in school may lead her astray... plus, you can't talk much in school anyway without getting into trouble. You're doing a GREAT thing, Jean! Don't give up!
  15. :iagree: I have this on my shelf... not sure if I want to read it now... is the book as bad? Worse?
  16. This board has become my homeschooling lifeline, and I have learned SO much about homeschooling and the world in general! I love how I can come here after an especially stressful day to know that I am not alone and to receive advice to carry on. Even if I don't post a question, someone else probably has, and I love how I am learning constantly by being a member here. I've been inspired to declutter, excercise, eat healthier, cook more from scratch, explore more, read more... many wonderful mores that are making me a better person! Thank you to SWB and all the wonderful ladies and men on here! The inspiration I receive on this board is immeasurable and priceless.
  17. Thank you for the update. I'm so happy to hear you are doing well! You sound so positive, and I think that is absolutely wonderful!!! Still praying for you!!!!
  18. :iagree: I'll often avoid seeing a movie if I've read the book because I don't want the movie to ruin the book. I'm currently reading Outlander, and my brain is having a great time with the English and Scottish accents! :D
  19. Your location reminds me of my friend's aunt who lived in Perry, Maine. She used to talk about the same issues as to how hard it was to get things at certain times of the year. She froze an extremely large amount of food each summer to make it through the winters, and she canned a lot as well. The Tightwad Gazette as others have mentioned should be a big help. One way that you could survive over the next 7 months is to adhere to a strict meal rotation. It will be boring, but you can be successful by eating only the foods you can afford and that are accessible. Or, make your meat go further by putting less into a meal, so you will not have to buy much (if any) going further. I was able to make 3-9x13" chicken pot pies the other day using 3 boneless chicken breasts. I found cooking the chicken in the slow-cooker and then shredding the meat made it go further than chopping it into pieces. I wish I had other suggestions, but everyone else has pretty much covered them already. Wishing you the best!
  20. I've actually seen a couple of real estate listings in my area that state "homeschool friendly lay-out/home" in the description of the living space. I always smile when I see it. Of course, they are homes we could never afford! :lol:
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