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Everything posted by jenL

  1. Congrats to your dh too, Rosie!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D
  2. Fabulous news!!!!! Congrats!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D
  3. Another uptight mom here... I would be floored if one of my boys received an invite to a party there!
  4. My son would love him! However, mom and dad cannot get past all the snake escape stories to allow him to get a pet snake! Yes, we are wimps.
  5. Today, ds watched a History Channel Universe episode about Jupiter and then gave me 5 facts that he learned. We continued in R&S grammar with verbs, did WWE, completed 4 pages in geography, and worked on measurement in math. Spelling included the introduction of 4 new tiles/sounds for AAS and a spelling test. I've just started looping our schedule, and we're having a great week so far!
  6. We stayed at New Orleans Riverside when we went to Disney a couple of years ago. We really liked it there. It was quiet & it had a very peaceful feel to it. The foliage is lush and there are winding paths that run through the different buildings; it's enjoyable to just stroll the paths & relax.
  7. :grouphug: The unknown is always so frightening. Praying it will all be okay.
  8. I'm just coming into this now, Heather, but when I read your OP, I instantly felt warmth and happiness that you were being given this opportunity. It surely must be a God-thing if this particular baby made you stop and *think* rather than saying no right away. It is not at all crazy! It sounds like your husband has already starting loving this little one. As hard as it may be initially, God often leads us to where we need to be. It reminds me of how He says if we follow him and obey, he will bless us over and over again with more than what we originally asked for. Praying you will find your answer soon! I love her name, btw! :)
  9. After an exceptionally crazy week (trying to balance our new schedule of extracurriculars), I'm still working on book #3. I'm almost done Crazy Love by Francis Chan which is challenging my Christian faith and me. I know I'll have to read this one again. I've also started The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Ormartian for a church bible study. It shouldn't take me long to get through it. I WILL get myself caught up by the end of this week!
  10. I am very sorry for your loss. It sounds like it was heartbreaking all these years; however, the fact that you were able to restore your cherished relationship after her second surgery is a true blessing. I'm sure you will hold on to those memories forever. May they comfort you as you grieve. :grouphug:
  11. Yay! Good for you!!! I read The Book Thief after The Help, and it was hard to get into at first... give yourself some time off after The Help. It will help you to enjoy The Book Thief, especially since you are probably still digesting the first book. Both are incredible novels, but SO incredibly different. They will stay with you for a long time. You may like to read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks now since it is also about that time in history & deals with an AA family.
  12. :grouphug: I'm so sorry, Bethany. I have 2 sisters, and I know you must ache because of this. Praying for both of you.
  13. I am in the process of decluttering our house, one room at a time, and this post speaks volumes to me! Thank you for sharing it. I am going to remember it as I continue this quest.
  14. I ditto everything the other posters have said. I used to be a remedial reading instructor for dyslexic and LD children in grades 6-8. I taught a program called Wilson Reading. AAS is almost exactly like Wilson except it is NOT teacher intensive. It would take me hours to plan lessons for 5-10 kids, whereas I open AAS with my son, and we just go. I set the timer for 15 minutes, and we stop when the time goes off; the next day we pick up where we left off. My son LOVES spelling, and he asks to do it first every day. He is not a natural speller by any means, yet I can see his progress daily. We may back up and review if necessary or stay on a step for several days/weeks. It's an excellent program, and it will fill in your son's gaps while helping him become a good speller in the process.
  15. :iagree:Listen to the wisdom of Jean... she's 100% correct! :) You have done nothing wrong. Nothing.at.all.
  16. Oh yes! Even dh & I use this on our feet when we can't stop coughing... works like a charm! Glad you've found it for your little one!
  17. Unbelievable! It baffles me how some people can be so brazen in their actions, and then have the nerve to blame others for their inability to do the right thing. Hooray to you for being truthful!!! I hope you are now free to enjoy the classes and watch your kids! Don't think any more of this as you have done NOTHING WRONG this entire time. She sounds crazy. Update after the next class... I'm interested to see where this goes...
  18. OH! He's SO beautiful! I actually gasped when I saw the picture! I'm still yearning to have a horse (which I've wanted since I was 9), but I've still yet to have. Thank you for sharing!
  19. I think that's great! Next it will be Cat Stevens, Crosby, Stills & Nash, and Dan Fogelburg! :D
  20. Just this past October, we upped my life insurance so it will be high enough to put both boys in private school, afterschool care (if necessary), hire a maid, put them through a fairly expensive college, and still continue with sports, clothing, food, etc. For the longest time, I would have grave anxiety over what would happen to my boys if I were to die. Now that the insurance is in place, I truly do sleep better at night. Now, as for the boys' emotional states... I do still worry about that. I have my sister nearby and close friends (esp. from church) who would keep an eye on them, so I feel somewhat reassured that they will be okay. I do believe God works everything for our good, so I try to trust in him for their futures (with me alive or dead).
  21. This is something I worry about with my own husband. I am so glad to hear he is doing better. Praying for his continued healing and for your nerves to relax! :grouphug:
  22. I finished The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein today! If you are a dog owner, you may like this as it's a story from the dog's point of view over the course of his life with his family. I enjoyed it even if it wasn't the best book I've ever read. I'm still behind by a book, but I'm aiming to complete two this week, although I have yet to choose them! I have a huge stack to choose from... decisions, decisions...
  23. Gorgeous!!! I also envy your counter space! A happy cooking mama I could be in your kitchen! :)
  24. We would also keep home here. Sorry he's not feeling well & I hope he recovers soon!
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