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Everything posted by jenL

  1. Absolutely. My grandmother has a favorite of her 4, and she has passed down that lovely quality to my mother. I was the favorite for a while because I met the ridiculously high standards. My other two sisters have not, and my mom used to adore me for that. Since I've "distanced myself from her" (mom's words) because I am no longer fitting her standards (meaning I don't "need" her like the others claim to), my mom is starting to write me off. She very openly gushes about my middle sister & her kids and acts as if they are so amazing. It's quite sad actually because this is the same behavior she used to do to this sister except she made her feel bad because it was always about me. I'm glad my sister is receiving the "awe" from my mom because she spent her childhood feeling slighted (and rightly so). However, it drives me crazy that this arrangement even exists at all. Initially, I thought I was jealous because my sister was now receiving the praise and I wasn't; however, I've come to realize that it's not jealousy. Instead, it's disgust. Disgust because my mom picks and chooses us based upon HER standards rather than loving each of us for who we are. My mother still laments and gets angry when her mother openly chooses favorites and slights her, but she cannot see that she is perpetuating the same behavior. For years my sister and I resented each other, and it wasn't until we both moved away from my mother that we realized that all the issues were caused by my mom and how she viewed us. I'm so thankful that my sister and I have cultivated a relationship despite years of being pitted against one another. We are now trying to not be this way to our own children - it's taken me 2 years of counseling to reassess myself, my parenting, and the warped relationship I had/have with my mother in order to break this cycle.
  2. Just the fact that you are facing this head-on is huge! I will pray for you. God will not let you down here... just keep lifting it high to Him. :grouphug:
  3. So happy to hear you have found a place! Congratulations!
  4. Babycakes by Karma Wilson is another wonderful board book that both of my boys adored. The other suggestions, esp. Goodnight Moon, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and Good Night, Gorilla are perfect. For a little later on, Bear Snores On is a great read-aloud that most kids love.
  5. I finished Dragonfly in Amber yesterday, and I'm nearly done Heaven is for Real. Here's my list so far... 1) The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot 2) The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein 3) Crazy Love by Francis Chan 4) Outlander by Diana Gabaldon 5) Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon Still not sure why I'm picking books of 900+ pages, but I must say I'm thoroughly enjoying my Gabaldon choices! Voyager is coming up next! :D
  6. Welcome, Katie! You will love it here! :)
  7. Thank you for sharing this! Btw... I LOVE your avatar! :D
  8. FB recently changed their photo capabilities, and they are horrible! I've been having trouble uploading from my computer! I'm not sure what to do about it either... I wish they would leave well enough alone... grrr...
  9. This is something I have been struggling with for a while myself. I am the heaviest I've ever been (aside from pregnancies), and I really want to be fit. I can see what I would look like, but I just can't make myself do it. I discussed this with a counselor friend last week, and she said it's a control issue, and it's all about ME choosing to make the effort. It's easy for me to keep letting days go by because it would be SO much harder to excercise. However, what I fail to consider is how good I will feel once I get into the swing of things... it's just taking that step to start. I wish I had other advice. I could tell you how great you will feel, how it will make you healthy, etc. I know all this for myself, but it's not making me get up and move. Until I decided I've had enough of myself, then no one can do it for me. You will need to reach that breaking point for yourself. :grouphug:
  10. I'm planning on attending the Southeast Convention. It will be my first ever hs convention! Any other hive mommies going to this one?
  11. Bethany, I am glad they are letting Zee go home... praying for everyone to heal quickly, for you to get some rest & for your own health. Try to take care of yourself as best as you can. :grouphug:
  12. :crying: With tears rolling down my cheeks, I have prayed for the family. I am so very sorry. :grouphug:
  13. I just had a scare a few days ago, wondering if I was pregnant (turns out I'm not), so I understand exactly what you are feeling. It's perfectly okay to feel alarmed, scared, angry, etc. Let yourself grieve over what will change. It's healthy and very normal. I just saw your update... I'm so glad you are feeling better about it, and it's wonderful that your dh is excited! May I congratulate you? I hope you have a healthy pregnancy!
  14. Hmmm... great question! Things I will never like: 1. Lima beans 2. Liver 3. Rude people 4. Liars 5. Being left out on purpose (see #3 & 4) 6. cleaning bathrooms 7. crowds 8. spiders, roaches, and Japanese beetles 9. having a yard with no privacy I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones I can think of right now.
  15. Oh, so pretty! I had a ragdoll years ago that we adopted from a local shelter... oh how I loved him; he was the best cat we've ever had. His name was Gable, so my first thought for yours was Gabriella.
  16. Praying, Bethany! Hoping the boys feel better very soon! :grouphug:
  17. RC, you are hysterical (in the funny sense, not because you are being held hostage)! So glad to hear you are feeling better! Listen to the doctors so we don't have to get a message from your son again, okay? ;)
  18. Sorry about the school's poor attitude, but it seems typical of many schools lately as I hear many parents complain about this around here. Congrats on making the leap into homeschooling! You're in for an amazing ride!
  19. Oh my! Lifting her and the entire family up in prayer! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  20. I have been praying for those of you in Australia, and I will continue to do so. :grouphug:
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