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Everything posted by kewb

  1. When I worked full time I kept my freezer stocked with easy to grab staples: Assorted home made soups Chili Meatballs Meatloaf Breaded chicken cutlets Grilled chicken cutlets Black bean burgers Cooked ground beef some simple seasoned and some taco seasoned. Add a salad to any of the above and dinner was done. I would plan a weekend where I would be prepping and cooking and just do it.
  2. When I visit my sister in DC it is mandatory that I bring a chocolate babka from a bakery town. When I go across the border to NY we tend to bring home pizza. There really is nothing quite as delicious as NY pizza. Although CT pizza is a close second. We also like to go to Arthur Avenue in the Bronx and bring home lamb sausage from this one butcher. It is the only place you can get it. I do remember the shocked feeling I had when I discovered there are places in the US where you can not get mallowmars, the best cookie ever.
  3. The first homeschool lesson my children had was to learn to cook themselves breakfast. If you do not want to prepare a feast teach them how and tell then what time they have to be prepared to start school so they can plan what time they have to get upthe 5 year old can master simple things like frying an egg and making toast.
  4. I chuck broken toys. I cut food into chunks. I have never heard of chunking something to mean toss.
  5. Years ago we had a power roller. Loaned it out and never saw it again. That thing was awesome. It attached to the paint can and kept a steady flow of paint to the roller.
  6. The article is biased. It leaves out quite a few things to elicit the response it is looking for. To post it with the header "can we talk about the elephant in the elephant room" is disgenuos. There are many strong feelings about what is going on and a lot of bias amd emotion. This is not the place for the discussion. There are members of all faiths and beliefs on this board and this thread is bound to hurt someone. The more I think about this article the more irritated I become. There is no mention of the 34 terror tunnels IDF located leading from Gaza into Israel that have now been shut down. No mention of the civillian homes rigged with explosives. No mention of the poor donkey loaded with explosives that IDF had to shoot and kill to force detonation. Just mention of Israel bombing Gaza. Sure, no bias in the article.
  7. My sister was my maid of honor. She lives 5 hours away. I did not expect her to attend my shower or bachelrette party. That would have been a ridiculous amount of travel.
  8. I am not horrified. It looks like a mish mosh of several shelf stable item from around the supermarket. Many Americans do eat these products. If I was putting together the junk food portion doritos would be in that section. I will admit, I love chocolate pop tarts although it has been a decade since I have had one and I do use jello instant pudding occasionally.
  9. I have a smartphone but still carry a pen. I never carried a note pad. I always jave ramdom scraps of paper in my purse. I prefer my grocery list on paper.
  10. No, we may not discuss the elephant in the room. This article does not discuss the fact that Israel notifies in advance that they will be bombing/attacking and tells civillians to leave. Your article does not discuss the rockets that Hamas has been firing into Israel are responsible for the lack of electricity. This article leaves out the summer camps of hate these children attend. This article leaves out that Hamas uses their own people as shields by placing rockets in schools. This article is designed to elicit emotion and anti-semitism.
  11. Rip. So sad. I loved the Rockford files.
  12. Other. It depends on the day. I usually follow one of my friends words of wisdom: If I can see the dirt without my glasses it is time to clean. The best lesson my mother taught me was "What do you want your kids to remember about their childhood? That mom was always cleaning or that mom was up for some fun? Go have fun, the dust bunnies will still be there when you return."
  13. Sleepless in Seattle Bringing up Baby Please don't eat the daisies
  14. I think the secret to his youthful look is having never changed his hairstyle.
  15. No, my dh did not ask my fathers permission or blessing. I was not my father's property to give away. I was and am my own person.
  16. It might but it also might not. So he asking people to call her princess. She wants to be a princess. Maybe I am missing something here but I don't see it any differently then another nickname being bestowed on someone. A true princess is not a spoiled, vapid airhead. I find some of the things being said on this thread about a little girl whom none of us know kind of mean spirited.
  17. Putting aside the obvious issues of politics, colonialism, etc. aside, I think it is kind of sweet in an over the top bizarre way. I find the assumptions of what this little girl is/will be like rather bizarre, too.
  18. I use a fair amount of recipes and inspiration from: http://ohsheglows.com/
  19. One of our favorites: Edamame and black bean salad 12 oz Edamame 15 oz black beans 1 med/large carrot chopped fine 1 red pepper chopped fine 1 can water chestnuts diced fine 3 scallions chopped Dressing: 2 tblsp olive oil 1/4 cup Braggs liquid aminos (or soy sauce) 1/4 cup rice vinegar 1 tsp grated ginger 2 cloves garlic minced 2 tblsp sesame oil Whisk together ingedients and poour over salad. Let marinate for at least an hour. Garnish with black sesame seeds if desired.
  20. In some ways it is better. I know my teens think it is ridiculous to hate an entire race of people based on skin color or religion. I also think in some ways nothing has changed. Racism is alive and well and still being taught to generation after generation. Only now I think it is more a wolf in sheep's clothing then in your face racism. The racist will smile to your face, sit next to you on the bus, conduct business with you, and then go home to their family and tell their family and close friends about how nice they were to the {insert racist slur here}.
  21. I never really thought about it. I suppose my number one rule is that it is low maintenance. Life is too short for high maintenance friends. I have no problem cutting out a toxic friendship like the cancer it is.
  22. I love the old fashioned names. However, I do not see Temperance making a comeback.
  23. I am still in contact with a few people from childhood. I wouldn't say we are besties but we do catch up periodically.
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