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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I am in bed by 10- sleeping anywhere between 10 and midnight. I am up by 6:30 most mornings. Dh-Up until 2-4am. Sleeps as long as he can. In all fairness-he is sick and insomnia is part of the disease. Even when we were first married he was always a night owl. He would go to bed at 1am and be up to go to work at 7. I have always been a morning dove and he has always been a night owl.
  2. My kids learned long ago not to say those words to me. I will find something for them to do and it will involve cleaning. I did just see this today: B - been creative? O-outside play? R-read a book? E - exercised 20 minutes? D-done something helpful?
  3. My family-we don't do family reunions. Of course, we also cut off whole branches of our family tree at a time so the amount of family i speak with totals 10 people. So a holiday dinner suffices as a reunion. My husband's family-his step sister has one every summer. Usually the last weekend in July. She sends out a mass email. This is the date. Whoever can make it attends.
  4. There is no reason why she can't ask a question of an adult. It sounds more like she needs a lesson in tone vs what she is saying.
  5. I absolutely abhor Mandateering. If you make it mandatory it is no longer voluntary. I have a disabled husband and after taking care of his needs I have nothing left. However, you can get people to volunteer without it sounding like mandateering by calling it something else. For example-instead of a blanket volunteer request ask people to do a task. For example-Will you pick up a case of water to for the next meeting and bring it when you drop off x. Or -will you please arrive 15 minutes early to help set up the food. Most people are happy to do an assigned task but are unwilling to commit a block of time to an unknown.
  6. My mom taught me: Always go to the bathroom before you leave the house. Bring your coat; how much can it eat? My dad taught me: Driving is a privilege, not a right. Being right doesn't do you any good if you are dead. Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free? You can only drive one car at a time, yours.
  7. Tom and I were on here for a couple of years before I outed myself. I don't think he knew it was me until then, I know there are a few Jersey girls on here but I don't think I have ever met any of them.
  8. I have never had a problem cashing savings bonds. That is weird that the bank would not cash them. They earn interest for 30 years so to get the maximum amount stick them in your safe deposit box and forget about them. I believe they are worth face value after 12 or 15 years. I can't remember. I am a believer in savings bonds. Thanks to my bonds we were able to cash them in and have the down payment for our house.
  9. I went nuts the other day when I finally had enough of answering questions my 16 year old son is capable of getting the answer to himself. He responded to me that he knew I knew so didn't it make sense to get the answer from the person who knows rather then waste time looking it up himself. I may have gone apoplectic at that point because this is the same thing my dh says to me when he does it. For the gazillionith time I explained that it is not easier for the person they intruded upon who then had to stop what they were doing to answer the question that they could have solved on their own. Absolutely maddening.
  10. No. At 10 my kids could sit away from the adults with their friends in the same theatre. I think they were 13 before I started letting them go by themselves.
  11. He had the cancer for a few years. He very much rolled with the punches. He did not want to be treated like a sick person and he lived his life. These past couple of months he took a turn for the worse.
  12. If you like I can pm you my address and I will forward to his family.
  13. Thathomeschoolingdad lost his battle with cancer yesterday. He was a true friend irl and I will miss him. Cancer Sucks.
  14. Yes, this. I told my daughter that if she wants to wear heals she will not clomp around like an elephant. Stand up straight, little steps, glide. Practice, practice, practice. I also taught her how to walk down the stairs in heels. Hand gently touching railing, body slightly angled toward railing so your foot fits on the step. Practice, practice, practice.
  15. kewb

    Snap chat

    I didn't say they were more private. I said you have privacy protection. Under the law you have more privacy rights via a text then snap chat. This has more to do with the government getting a warrant to look at your phone and view your messages. All the same things that can happen with a snap chat can still be done with a text message. No matter what format-don't be stupid.
  16. kewb

    Snap chat

    My ds uses it. I hate it. We have had numerous discussions and shown examples of how not to use it to send anything embarrassing. That there is nothing to stop someone from using another device to take a pic of your snap chat so you don't know they did it. And how you have more privacy protection via text then using snap chat. Conversations I never thought I would have with my children-Don't send pics of your business via text, snap chat, facebook, instagram.
  17. Let go of your expectations of how it will be. Just enjoy your family. It is difficult for others to understand how you are different. They remember you as you were and you are now living a life so foreign to what they know it is difficult for them to wrap their heads ariound it. How was that for a run on sentence? Easier said then done, I know.
  18. We enjoyed the movie here, too. Even ds, 16, found it enjoyable. I thought it was a great twist on the fairy tale. I did feel there could have been some more character development. There was definitely room for more detail. Seriously, kept waiting to hear that Harry Potter laugh and was thankful I did not.
  19. I hope my teens do not make some of the bad choices I made. My ds thinks he knows how to get away things. Sometimes, I let him think he got one over on me. One day, when he has kids of his own I'll tell him all the things I know.
  20. Bottom line - it is against the law. It has nothing to do with trust or being overprotective.
  21. Do not buy from hot topic. They are notorious for stealing designs. Not cool. My soon to be 14 year old daughter likes Old Navy, Macy's, and www.teespring.com, for her sci-fi fix she likes www.freshbrewedtee.com
  22. My husband and I have not taken a vacation without our kids. Our family and friends think we are strange and are always trying to get us to go away on our own. We like being with our kids. The way we figure it, we only have them for a short time before they go and start their own lives away from us. We want to take advantage of it. We have plenty of friends and family who don't think twice about taking off without their kids. It works for them the same way our arrangement works for us.
  23. I spoil my pup. I bake him treats. Fresh ground flour, all natural peanut butter, or applesauce, or cheese. He loves them. When I am really feeling motivated I cut them into little bone shapes. Most of the time I cut them into rectangles.
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