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Everything posted by kewb

  1. No, you are not wrong. Your dh is being clueless. That said, I would rather my dh go to the concert if the alternative meant listening to his whining. It is his relationship with his daughter that he is impacting and he has to want it to be a priority.
  2. Caught up = All clean. My dream home-everyone has shelves in the laundry room-go fetch your own laundry. Now, I usually have one of the kids bring the laundry basket up.
  3. Commercial shampoo tends not to market itself as good for oily hair. You need to buy a clarifying shampoo. Usually marketed for fine hair as a volumizer. The best tip my hair stylist gave my daughter was dawn dish soap. The soap they use to bathe animals that are victims of oil spills. Once a week she washes with Dawn. Works great.
  4. I was beginning to think I made this movie up. No one in my family ever knows what I am talking about when I mention Nestor. Bawled my eyes out.
  5. I am adding Toy Story 1, 2, and 3. Something to cry about in each and every one.
  6. How could I forget this one. Cry every single time.
  7. Talking while I am watching something drives me insane and with each passing year it drives me crazier. It is incredibly rude to the person watching. If you want to talk to me wait until a commercial.
  8. We have a small bathroom and the lighting is as follows: 1 overhead light with exhaust fan 1 shower light 1 mirrored medicine cabinet with florescent lights on both sides.
  9. 1. Snoopy Come Home-when snoopy is leaving to be with his first owner. Gets me every time. 2. Dumbo -when the mom is caged up and she rocks him on her trunk. Tearing up just thinking about it. 3. The Champ-Ricky Schroeder crying for him to get up at the end. 4. Beaches-The funeral. 5. Steel Magnolias-when Sally Fields is ranting about how she can do all these things and Shelby can't. 6. Harry Potter-When Hedwig gets killed (much more emotionally charged in the book) and when Dobby dies.
  10. I do dinner for lunch. I pack up dh's portion for his dinner and he reheats it when he gets home. The kids have a light meal before heading out to practice. Right now that is about 4:30. Then I pack a hearty snack for after practice-some kind of muffin or fruit bars.
  11. I dread public speaking. I took public speaking in high school and my teacher was awesome but I still dread it. When it is my turn to lead our teen group ( and that at its max was 9 kids) I want the floor to open up and swallow me. What has helped over the years is being well prepared. Practicing in front of a mirror. And breathing exercises. Also what has helped the most is doing it. I will admit, it has gotten easier but I would still rather do anything else.
  12. If every day was pasta day my son would be thrilled. I have never been able to stick to a meal plan like that because sometimes I am just not in the mood for what is on the menu that day. I tend to shop what produce is on sale that week and plan around that.
  13. We enjoyed the movie. It was classic disney. I wouldn't say it was the greatest one ever but I wasn't expecting Gone with the Wind. I think I enjoyed that blog post about the movie indoctrinating kids with a pro-gay marriage message more.
  14. I have never heard that term. I always thought it was Americans because America is part of our name-like Brazilians, and Portugese, Canadian.
  15. Sorry, I missed that you were looking for work pants. I used to do drawstring for work a lot. I usually found inexpensive elastic waist or drawstring pants at Sears. Sure, they were a bit old ladyish but I was comfortable.
  16. My dh is now gluten and dairy free. His doc recommended it to help with his Lyme disease. It has been about 3 months now. It has not helped his lyme symptoms at all but the digestive issues he had all of his life are gone and his skin looks great. He has also helped with overall inflammation. At the start he was a good 80lbs overweight so what we assumed was just extra weight was also swollen flesh. He has since dropped about 20lbs and the shape of his limbs continues to normalize even though the weight loss has slowed down.
  17. I have a pair of these: http://women.duluthtrading.com/store/womens/womens-pants/53507.aspx They are my favorite for comfort.
  18. When my kids were little I so wanted to be the it house. Wasn't meant to be. Another boy on the block was the it boy and everyone hung out at his house. The way it worked on our block: the kids were outside. There was really no going in and out of houses unless it was raining. Everyone congregated at it boys house (and I will admit he was very imaginative and made up the best games). Kids came home for bathroom/snacks/meals. They would usually bring their snack back to the other house.
  19. I am in the same boat. It didn't help that I let everyone stay up to finish watching the Harry Potter marathon.
  20. I grew up cooking on an electric stove. My mother (who grew up with a gas stove) had always told me that people who learn to cook with gas have a difficult time converting to electric but those who grow up on electric have it easier. Our first apartment had a gas stove and I loved it. It is easier to control the heat. When we moved into our house it came with a flat top stove (Which i use my cast iron on all the time) and I had no problem switching back. All my friends who grew up with gas stoves complained bitterly about their electric stoves.
  21. Been there, done that. Basically, I just walked up to the judgemental people and sweetly informed them of my child's age. In a bullying situation-I would then sweetly ask if they could alert their child(ren) to the age difference. In a behavior expectations situation-still sweetly informing them of my child's age and a sweet smile and comment about his age and developmentally appropriate behavior.
  22. I did know this. I also had friends on the pill for many years to regulate their periods. I had friends on the pill to help with cramping and to make their periods lighter. The majority of the people I knew on the pill were using it for reasons other then birth control.
  23. I don't have the nutribullet but I did finally take the plunge and bought a vitamix. I do not regret the decision at all. It may be my most used kitchen appliance.
  24. I usually have an upstairs book, a downstairs book, an in the car book, and when I was working full time I had an office book.
  25. I am always tucking my daughter's bra straps. Drives me nuts. I am on them both about their posture constantly. I fluff and fix hair. I hug them in public. I am sure if I ask them this question they will have a long list.
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