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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Yes, I would give up the coat closet for a pantry. And I live in the Northeast where coats get a lot of use. Kids can keep their coats in their rooms. As could dh and I. Or put some hooks up for use during coat season. Company coming-put coats in a bedroom. On a side note-I do not recommend keeping panties in the kitchen.
  2. Lemon Chicken with stir fry vegetables.
  3. Facebook is what you make it. I don't accept friend requests from people I do not want to be friends with. I hide news feeds from friends who post things that do not interest me.
  4. I believe it is a Sealy Posturepedic. Also, the offgassing was not too bad. They delivered it, I covered it in baking soda, cracked a window, and let it sit all day before vacuuming up the baking soda. No chemical smell at all when we went to sleep that night.
  5. We just replaced our old enough to vote mattress. We bought it from Macys.com during a sale. Their customer service is great. I can't say I love the mattress but it was the best we could afford. It beats sleeping in the pit of my old mattress.
  6. Before kids, no. Since having kids I cry at everything. My kids find it hysterical that I can be brought to tears by a commercial.
  7. Personally, I don't get twitter. I don't tweet. I have seen some news reports on peoples tweets that have been quite funny.
  8. Buffalo wings a 3' hero possibly meatballs (if I can find the time) macaroni and cheese salad (odds are I will be the only one eating the salad)
  9. He is a large part of my childhood. His music legacy will live on.
  10. At 12 my dd was all about decorating cupcakes. I would bake up the cupcakes and lay out a toppings bar. Assorted frosting, candies, marshmallows, etc. She also loved macaroni bites (don't look at the vast nutritional wasteland that those are, just enjoy their cheesiness) http://www.food.com/recipe/mac-and-cheese-bites-490034
  11. I make a lot of muffins with oats in them. Oats are filling. I also make a lot of things from scratch and keep them in the freezer-toaster pastries, waffles, fruit bars, etc.
  12. Has she been checked for arthritis. My arthritis pain from my spine is nowhere near my spine.
  13. We have a magic jack for the land line. That is the number I give out to people I have no interest in actually speaking.
  14. One of the requirements of getting a dog was that they would walk the dog.
  15. I would certainly try the diet first. The worst thing that will happen is it won't help or prove to difficult.
  16. I love this site. Everyone loves the super fudge babies. My dh really likes the cashew bars. Everything I have tried from her site has been a hit with my picky eaters.
  17. My 10 year old hair dryer just bit the dust. Meanwhile the Conair that my dad bought me when handhelds first came out over 30 years ago is still going strong. And my mother won't give it back to me. It is very frustrating. I bring my good shoes to the cobbler when they need a repair. Not my payless cheapos.
  18. I don't have as much as I used to but there are a couple of pieces that I just loved so much I can't bear to part with them. I do try to follow Tim Gunn (paraphrase to follow)-If it doesn't make you feel fabulous why is it in your closet? Over the past few years I have gotten harsher with myself and released to the universe that which does not make me feel good. I admitted that I wore the same 5 outfits daily and got rid of most of the rest.
  19. I expect everyone to change in the house because it increases the chances of long term success for the one who has to change. This is not about protecting my spouses feelings or tiptoeing around his diet. This is about him getting better and as a family doing everything we can to make it happen. My kids can have all the gluten and dairy and other junk they want when they are at a friends house or if we go out to eat. But at home, they can eat what everyone else is eating. I find it more mind boggling when people have the attitude of "Well, x can eat whatever without any problems so why should x have to suffer because y can't control themselves." My answer to that is x can have all the whatever x wants outside of the house. I don't have to supply it in the house.
  20. My dairy free dh can have goat milk cheese. It may just be cows milk that is the issue.
  21. I am not dealing with the OP situation but we have just made the radical move to gluten and dairy free for my dh. I get the difficulty of a lifestyle change and I get the kids revolting against dramatic change. The OP's kids are old enough to understand why they are doing what they are doing and are old enough to not be wet blankets about it. Cancer is stressful for everyone (my dh is a survivor) and it is certainly not easy to balance the role of caretaker and parenting. Kids are kids and it puts mom in a really bad place. I've been there. My kids still complain but I don't have to listen to it. Yes, it can be quite sucky to no longer have whatever food item you love and will die without but a whole new world of great tasting food is out there. It is about changing their focus from what they can no longer have to what they can have. To quote a mormon I heard on the radio the other day (she was a funny lady)...I say no to sex and alcohol but I say yes to almost everything else. Want to go out to dinner-yes. Want to go shopping-yes. Want to sneak onto this movie set and see if we can meet someone famous-yes.
  22. Yes, you can. You could use vodka or bourbon. It is awesome.
  23. Ok, I am one of the my table, my rules people. My ds can be quite picky. His choice is eat what I prepared or you are free to make a sandwich, some yogurt, or cereal. No one has to starve or eat something they find revolting. However, you are not allowed to complain about what has been prepared. I find that to be rude and ungrateful after someone took the time to prepare a meal for you to enjoy.
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