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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I think it is about teaching our children that there are choices in life. Choices about the kind of parent you want to be, choices about career, choices about your future. Most important, that the future is not written. Life is not black and white. There is a whole world of grey. What makes sense now might not make sense in 10 years. You have to be flexible. Adapt, migrate, or die-as my old science teacher used to say. Before you get married you need to talk about children and what you envision. If you are thinking dad goes to work and mom stays home and the other is thinking whomever has the better benefits/money works and the other stays home you will have problems. What you envision parenting to look like needs to be spoken about before you tie the knot and start that family.
  2. I know we all say looks shouldn't matter but first impressions with an attorney matter. Much like the wedding invite sets the tone of the wedding the reception area sets the tone for the attorney. Even though what I am sitting on should not be a reflection on the attorneys skills it will be a factor if I am walking in off the street. That being said, you don't have to go NYC over the top marble and mahogany in a rural area but I would think you want some comfy and luxurious looking chairs. Decide if you want a modern or classic look and go from there. Antique stores can be a great place to find classic furniture.
  3. My dh is battling candida along with a host of other things. He gave up dairy. In the beginning it was more challenging. There is one brand of vegan cheese that he likes (it even melts). Cashews will be your friend. You can make gravies and sour cream with them. Nutritional yeast (awful name but so good for you) gives a cheese like taste to many things. He also takes an anti-fungal prescription pill.
  4. The dress is beautiful. I have no genius imagination. Nor would I want to part with my Golden Books. I can't help thinking about how impractical it would be to wear. You could not wear it to an event with food. I would imagine clear liquid beverages would be okay. Sitting would probably crinkle the skirt beyond repair so you have to stand all evening. Forget going to the bathroom.
  5. Oh, this drives me even battier then those who do not rsvp (and that makes me pretty nuts, too). It is 100% rude to back out of a commitment when something you think is better comes along. I have taught my kids that you honor your commitments. The only exception to this rule is if one of those once in a lifetime things popped up-like you are asked to play with the NY Symphony.
  6. When mine were little I found that the disappearance of that card that sent you all the way to the beginning was a real time saver.
  7. In our house the first tooth got a Golden Dollar. After that-a dollar in quarters. I have been informed that our tooth fairy was cheap. Some of their friends got $5 and up per tooth. Sometimes, our tooth fairy fell asleep on the job. I was really embarrassed for her.
  8. Having grown up on the Original Mr. Peabody and his boy Sherman I am hesitant to see the movie. I usually do not enjoy what they do to my beloved characters. This thread has been an interesting read with the adoption issues mentioned.
  9. It has never occurred to me to put the bananas in a bag. They are already neatly packaged in a bunch for easy transport.
  10. Academically my high schooler is quite average. No AP or Honors classes. He does lifeguard during the summer and he participates on 2 swim teams. I don't think there is anything extraordinary about his resume. Sometimes I wonder if it would have been better if I had sent him to high school. I am playing my hand to the best of my abilities.
  11. I apologize as well, I am usually more gracious.
  12. Use of the word Nazi to describe anything then the most atrocious of acts. The mean lunch lady who insists that everyone display a modicum of decency when in the cafeteria by turning on and off the lights, or yelling, or banging on your table with a block is not a Nazi. She is nowhere near a Nazi. If she dumped your food on the floor, stepped on it, made you eat it, and then beat you and shot you-then maybe you can call her a Nazi. True Nazi believers are horrible human beings. They view people who are not like them as subhuman. They think they have every right to treat these people as animals, beat them, deny them proper food and clothing, taunt them, shoot them for the heck of it, make them wear a label identifying themselves, and all other manner of crimes against humanity. To use the word Nazi in any other form diminishes from the true meaning of the word and makes light of what people truly suffered at their hands.
  13. I tried this one the other night. It was fantastic and I will make it again. I subbed quinoa for the brown rice. http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/portobello-mushroom-salad
  14. I totes love comic sans. There I said it.
  15. I don't even remember that being said.
  16. My favorite pans are my pampered chef stoneware pans. My favorite spatula is also from pampered chef.
  17. I have the basic kindle and prime. I never use prime for a book loan. I do, however, use my local library all the time for ebooks to borrow. You should see if your library is part of an ebook system. I hate to admit how much I love my kindle because I also love my books. But traveling with my kindle loaded up with a bunch of books is lighter then carrying all those books.
  18. I had mono. It sticks around for months. Mine started with flu-like symptoms and swollen glands. I slept a lot. The act of taking a shower led to a 3 hour nap. It was frustrating when I was feeling better to want to do things but ending up napping for hours afterwards.
  19. Personally, I like consumable gifts. With that in mind, How about some Harry and David Gourmet Pears? http://www.harryanddavid.com/gourmet/pears or something from http://thegardenenthusiast.com/ or a spa day to work out all the kinds from gardening.
  20. I make granola bars with some frequency. This recipe never lets me down: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/homemade-granola-bars-recipe.html I just change the dried fruit to suit my needs. I also eliminate the added sugar. The dried fruit and honey makes them plenty sweet. I also make these coconut bars a lot: http://www.freecoconutrecipes.com/index.cfm/2012/5/23/chocolate-almond-coconut-bars http://www.freecoconutrecipes.com/index.cfm/2014/2/24/chocolate-coconut-bars -sometimes I add toasted almonds to them to make them like an almond joy bar. Muffins-lots of healthy muffins.
  21. Seems pretty cut and dry. 1. No children under the age of 6 are permitted in the classroom. 2. Parent participation is a requirement of being part of the coop. Spell out parental involvement for each class. Good luck with your coop. I gave up on them because in my neck of the woods many of the homeschoolers I come in contact with are "all my kids or none of my kids".
  22. I have been giving this article a lot of thought. I did find it interesting, as I stated earlier. I think what it comes down to for me is that I do not believe modern medicine has all the answers. I am grateful for the things it does know. Insulin, chemo, antibiotics, etc. Having been navigating the labrynth of lyme deniers vs. lyme does exist I have interacted with all kinds of doctors. All of this experience has reminded me that science does not know everything. We learn new things all the time. Before Aids had a name people were dieing from something but no one knew what. Science had to catch up. What is pseudoscience today may become fact tomorrow. What is fact today will become false tomorrow. That is evolving knowledge.
  23. I love all the street food I have ever tasted in every country I have visited. That said, my favorite will always be a hotdog all the way from a NYC street vendor and a pretzel. That is the taste of childhood.
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