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Everything posted by kewb

  1. No revealing the name because who wants months of your mother-in-law telling you how they don't like the name.
  2. I didn't find out at the ultrasound. I wanted to be surprised. Then my cousin said to me "Isn't it a surprise whenever you find out?" It made me laugh but I still wanted to wait until the end. To find out at the ultrasound was a bit like reading the last page of a mystery before reading the book.
  3. I am afraid I must disagree with you on a couple of points: Chocolate chip muffins and waffles are divine (at least when I make them) Chocolate and fruit (unless it is raisins) should not mix. I love fruit. I love chocolate. Just not together. Much like my cheesecake issue. Cheese-good. Cake-good. Cheesecake-gross. Does chocolate cake count as a bread product or are we talking banana bread with chocolate?
  4. Allow me to add-If it is not chocolate it is not dessert. Only people who are allergic to chocolate are excused.
  5. Agh, so close to 1000.
  6. I love Dr. Pepper but it is number 2 in my book. The best soda is Dr. Browns Black Cherry.
  7. Just thought of another one. In the Burger King vs. McDonalds kerfuffle McDonalds is the clear winner. I absolutely love their cheeseburgers. But the fries were never the same after they stopped frying them in beef fat. In my parts I am supposed to love and adore the flame broiling of Burger King. Given my druthers I hope there is a Wendy's nearby. And, if I did like Burger King that creepy king they were using in their commercials would have sent me running for the hills.
  8. If you walk into the house with muddy/slushy shoes-yes, take them off by the door. General walking about feel free to keep them on. Although, I do concede that shoes off does make for less dirt tracked through the house. I hate being barefoot so I always have shoes or slippers on. I hate not being told in advance that your home is shoe free. Sometimes I have holes or mismatched socks. As long as I know in advance I don't care what your shoe rule is.
  9. itunes gift card starbucks gift card dunkin donuts gift card
  10. How could I choose just one? There is my beloved pastrami on rye, the classic Italian hero, falafel, buffalo chicken wraps, vegetable wraps, sushi rolls, too much to choose from.
  11. Whereas I do enjoy Cool Ranch it can not hold a candle to my beloved 1970's taco flavor doritos. I am throwing in my hat with Dr. Who haters. My dh and kids are whovians. I didn't like it back when I was in high school and I still don't like it now. I love Star Trek more then Star Wars. My newest complaint Doctors using the phrase- Ideopathic Neuropathy. There is a cause. Your science just does not know what it is yet. And yes, it could be lyme disease. Just because you think 4 months of antibiotics should have killed the lyme and bartonella infections that my dh has most likely been walking around with for the past 30 years does not mean you are automatically correct. Maybe you should order a blood test or something rather then giving the male version of hysterical woman with the vapors.
  12. I associate The Sound of Music with Thanksgiving. Growing up it always aired around it. I have fond memories of waiting all year to watch it with my mom and sister. And then for weeks after my sister would get my mother to sing the hills are alive in the car. Then she would roll down the window as my mom was belting it out for all the pedestrians to hear. I should mention that no one in my family can carry a tune, even it had a handle. Crunchy cheetos are the best of the best. I also loved original taco flavor doritos.
  13. I only go to the morning movie when tickets are $6-$7 vs $11-$12 per person. Plus, popcorn. I bring in my own water bottles and candy. I must buy my popcorn there. Something magical about movie theatre popcorn.
  14. I love pantyhose and slips and spanx. My legs look better in hose. The proper foundation garment allows clothes to drape properly and flatter my body. I do not find jiggling odd bulges on my body at all attractive.
  15. Having watched my facebook feed explode with "It's Merry Christmas not Happy Holidays" all I can say is this: Get over yourselves. Christmas is not the center of the Universe. Just because someone says Happy Holidays as an inclusive statement (because they have no idea what holiday you may or may not celebrate) at the grocery store or the mall or in a print advertisement or any location where you spend money in no way diminishes your belief in Christ or takes the Christ out of Christmas. I am pretty sure, based on the little I know, that Jesus would not be hawking some piece of plastic as the must have item in order to better celebrate his birth. Happy Holidays is not a "war on Christmas". If you want to know what a war on Christmas looks like-look at the rise of communism when Religion was banned and churches torn down. Someone wishing you a generic Happy Holidays is just another human being wishing you good cheer and health during this holiday season. Accept it with the grace in which it was given and stop getting your knickers in a twist over it. As a non-christian, if someone wishes me a Merry Christmas I smile and return the greeting in kind.
  16. I got a green velour track suit as a gift once. Does that count as unique or just awful? I like geeky tees: www.freshbrewedtee.com http://www.welovefine.com
  17. "Don't wish there childhood away" was the best advice I ever received. My aunt told me that when I was wishing my oldest would sleep through the night. She told me that every stage of childhood is a gift and will be gone before you know it and to try to relax and enjoy it. I really tried to take it to heart and live by it. I certainly failed on many occasions but I tried (and I still try but teenagers can be challenging).
  18. Peanut butter is gross. Peanut butter and jelly is grosser. The only redeeming quality to peanut butter is that is pairs nicely with marshmallow fluff on wonder bread. And even then-only on rare occasion. And if you must have peanut butter-creamy. Only creamy. The only Sound of Music version allowed on tv is the Julie Andrews movie. I can not read Charles Dickens (exception-Great Expectations). The man is too wordy. I know he got paid by the word and all but come on. The Great Gatsby-The book, the movies, I might prefer having bamboo under my fingernails.
  19. I don't like those either. I see no reason to alert people to the gender of my children and what sports they enjoy. Why don't I just put their names on the rear window, too. Nor does the whole world need to know how many people are in my family and our pets.
  20. I had to google goathead thorns. That is one sharp plant.
  21. Well, in general, I love crock pots. But I hate mine because I burn just about everything in it. Shopping carts-In theory I return them to the cart return every time. In reality-sometimes that is far away and I figure I am helping the economy by keeping someone employed because they have to gather shopping carts. :)
  22. Would now be a good time to mention that in addition to tp going under I also allow shoes to be worn in the house.
  23. I will admit to pondering going over to cloth tp but in the end (no pun intended) I don't need more laundry.
  24. Ok, I am not a Christian and I absolutely love Christmas music. Even that Christmas Shoes song. I know it is a piece of drivel meant to make middle class white people feel good about themselves but it makes me cry every single time. Toilet paper-under.
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