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Everything posted by kewb

  1. The tamper with the vitamix is not an issue. Takes a second or 2 to push down anything that needs a push. Really a non-issue for me.
  2. kewb


    I have to say, Neal is suddenly better looking and less frumpy. What up with that? Have the producers been watching this thread? Definitely not enough hook.
  3. I would simply tell her the truth about your thought process in person. It is too easy to give a tone to email that is not there. After that the ball is in her court.
  4. My grandmother swears by golden raisins soaked in rum. She has 10 of them before she goes to bed at night. There seems to be some folklore behind it if not science.
  5. After waffling on the cost for the past 5 years I finally just bit the bullet and bought one. I can honestly say it gets used every day. Dh has a daily smoothie (which he used to call chunkies from our old blender). The kids also usually have a smoothie a day. I make salsa, hummus, coconut milk, & almond milk frequently. For me, it as worth the investment.
  6. I stretch ground beef with oats. If I am making meatballs I add a cup of oat flour per lb of meat. Meatloaf -throw in a cup of oats. Sometimes i will make flour out of lentils and add that to meatloaf. Sloppy Joes with a mix of ground beef and cooked lentils. For my dh a lot of the time it is about the texture. If I am skimping on the meat in a stir fry I make sure there are plenty of mushrooms so there is a similar feel.
  7. I'll join in. I keep telling myself that tomorrow will be a new chance to get it right.
  8. I did not reach full growth in that area until college. Then they grew again during pregnancy and never went back to the size they were before.
  9. I just started using MFP after a too long hiatus. I went totally off the rails and need to get back on track.
  10. My 10th grader only seems motivated by the deadlines for the online class he is taking. It has also helped somewhat this year that I instituted the following at home schedule. Monday-assignments for the week are reviewed. He can pick and choose how he wants to complete them. However, whatever is not completed by Friday has to be done over the weekend. He has had to do a lot of homework these past couple of weekends. He is not happy. Too bad was my response. Get it done during the week if you want your weekends free.
  11. That is very nice of you. I was planning on keeping all of my wealth from the widow in Nigeria.
  12. Well, if it makes you feel any better I reduced my 15 year old to tears the other day by talking really loudly about how if he continues down the good enough path he is on he will be a loser, a mooch off of society, and never be able to support himself of a family. There was more but this was the gist. Lets just say I am not particularly proud of myself. I would try some vocabulary games that you do together like the index cards that someone else suggested.
  13. It is probably allergy related. Using a netti pot before going to sleep will help with the morning stuffy nose.
  14. My ds is responsible for fun things. You want to meet your friends for lunch, movies, accessories we deem frivolous (such as the new sunglasses he wanted when his old pair is fine), any clothing item you want after the budget has been spent, etc. That comes out of his earnings.
  15. Is it wrong that I am so happy that I am not alone in my dislike of A Christmas Story.
  16. I know a fair amount of people who view adoption as babysitting someone else's kid for 18 years.
  17. I have never seen pulp fiction. Not my kind of movie. Dh made me watch Kill Bill with him once. Hated it as much as A Christmas Story. But I am going to suggest you watch Shawshank Redemption(since based on this short list we have similar taste in movies). I had no interest in seeing it when it came out. Movie about criminals-pass. I did watch it a couple of years ago and I can honestly say it is one of my favorite movies.
  18. There is something magical about Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. The day glo orange color. The little noodles. The fact that my mother would never buy it. My kids pick Annie's mac and cheese over my homemade one. Such is life. As for the original article, too vague. I need more data.
  19. I wish I had never watched A Christmas Story. I think I am the only person who has seen it and hated it. I have never seen: The English Patient Titanic The last couple of Star Wars movies I did recently see The Notebook (and I thought it was only OK.)
  20. Now I am thinking I really should do a film unit on this movie. It is totally educational.
  21. I just got back from "Thank goodness it is over" lunch with ds. He said he felt confident about the writing/critical thinking but bombed the math section. I reminded him that we knew going in that there would be a lot he didn't know in the math section because he is repeating algebra this year due to it not sticking at all. So no surprise there. We already knew that as an area to work on this year. I am now going to put it out of my mind until December.
  22. Same thing here. I did have ds do a practice test on Monday just so he would know what to expect but other then that zero prep. No matter how much I told him I am only having him take the test for the experience and so that we know what to work on for next year and that this test is not deciding his life course and that I have no expectations for performance he was a bundle of nerves this morning. One lesson learned before he even took the test-must learn how to use graphic calculator. Mean mommie never lets him use one because I feel you have to know what you are doing so you know if you enter it correctly into the calculator. I showed him how much I love him by making him a hot breakfast this morning. Eggs and hashbrowns. I have not cooked breakfast for my kids since I taught them how to make it themselves.
  23. Unfortunately, I did not get to drink that bottle of wine. My dd figured out how to use a fork as a loom.
  24. Only for you, that homeschooling dad, would I out myself.
  25. Tom, it is totally a weird vortexy thing by you. You know I talk to you and am happy to be shunned by the nutters when we talk. I should add in the past year I have had 3 moms contact me about homeschooling their kids here. Granted-2 out of the 3 have enrolled their older kids in school because of the lack of support but that is another thread all together.
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