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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I loved last nights episode. The creepy doll following rumple tells me that we will get more of his back story with his father (which makes me happy since I love to know what makes these people tick). I am a bit confused as to how his shadow will hide the dagger where even he can not find it. I liked that Emma needed to admit that she is still really ticked off about being abandoned. It is one thing to get all the answers as to the whys and whats and another thing to process it. Coming to terms with her past will allow her to embrace her future self and be a true believer in who she really is. I think she will need to be a true believer to win the game with peter pan.
  2. I purchased beans from Olive Nation. I was just thinking that I need to make more. I am on my last jar. I am going to go throw some beans in my vodka right now.
  3. I don't remember how old I was when I stopped playing with my stuffed animals and dolls. I know it was certainly after most of peers. No one ever suggested I give them up. Now that I am thinking about it, my older sister probably told me to give them up because they were babyish. I don't recall listening to her about it. I still play board games. I still have my teddy bear. I will still take my turn on a swing if one is handy.
  4. I think she was just making conversation.
  5. Not everyone has a bff from the early ages. I was a painfully shy child and best friends were few and far between. I never stressed over not having one (at least I don't think I did) because I enjoyed my own company. I think this obsession our society has for having that bff is creating more feelings of loneliness and failure. Everyone is different and everyone has different needs. Your dd has friends, she has interests of her own, she is her own person. If it was me, I would tell her that her self worth is not measured by having a bestie. Some people don't find that person until college or later and that is ok.
  6. My kids will tell you they live in a benevolent dictatorship. I suppose that makes me a dictator.
  7. It's not about the nail was very timely for me. Very funny.
  8. Netti pot. The greatest thing ever. Washes all that nasty yellow gunk right out of your nose and the saline helps keep swelling in the membranes down.
  9. Keeping on top of hand washing is the best preventative in our house. Along with repeated reminders about not touching ones face.
  10. I don't think it disappointed at all. Hook= :drool5: . I fancy him, too. I think eventually Neil and Mulan will hook up just like Emma and Hook. They make better couples. I did enjoy Rumple's wardrobe change. The doll is new but I am sure it has something to do with his search for Neil. I am curious how that will pan out (no pun intended).
  11. Absolutely not. I would never see my beloved jars again. If I did see them again they would have months worth of penicillin growing in them.
  12. I have used it numerous times on my kids plantar warts (why they just don't wear their flip flops at swim practice is beyond me). It normally takes a few weeks. Once I caught one early and it only took a week. At night I place a small piece of banana peel on the wart and cover well with duct tape so no air gets in. I alternate that with some apple cider vinegar soaked cotton. During the day I keep it covered with plain duct tape because the kids complain if it is lumpy when they walk.
  13. I cut them in half, toss them in some olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and sea salt. Roast until tender and delicious. I was a brussel sprout hater until I was in my 30's. Then I had some fresh brussel sprouts. Life changing.
  14. I am currently reading Moloka'i by Alan Brennert for my book club. It is about a girl growing up with leprosy in the leper colony in Hawaii. Very thought provoking.
  15. I have been on synthroid for over 30 years now and have not experienced any adverse affects. Not everyone who goes on synthroid has a negative reaction to it. It is like any other medication though. In the beginning it takes some trial and error. In the end you may decide it is not working and you will want to try something else or it will be what you need. I do recommend insisting on the brand synthroid. There are, I believe, 3 different generic manufacturers and when you refill your prescription you can get any one of them. Even though they are all supposed to be the same they are not. Some have different inert ingredients that you can react with.
  16. A bit of both. My kids make their own breakfasts and lunches. I cook dinner. My dd likes to help me bake cookies. Sometimes she will assist with a salad. It is my own fault that they do not help out more when I am in there. When they were little I worked full time and I just wanted to get dinner on the table quickly. I did not encourage them to help as much as I should have.
  17. I hate grocery shopping and like to do it as little as possible. However, fresh fruit doesn't last long in this house. My monthly shopping looks something like this: Costco run every couple of months for staples. Big bags of baking soda, big bag of sugar in the raw, 20lb bag of rice, frozen wild blueberries, assorted other freezer goodies, and cheese. Trader Joe's run once a month for cereal, crackers, assorted things I like from Trader Joe's Bi-weekly trip to the poultry farm for eggs, poultry, and dog food. I belong to a food co-op that I pick up bi-weekly. Once a week to fill in what the co-op did not cover-assorted herbs, fruit, meat on sale, etc. I do find that if I buy less and go with more frequency I have less spoilage and use what I have for fresh fruit and veggies.
  18. I give my dog kefir when he is having tummy troubles.
  19. My mom and I went to a tag sale together where they were selling a wedding dress. I tried it on. We loved it. I bought it. If I had gone to a store with her she would have made me try on things that I thought were hideous and she would say "trust me, it looks much better on." And she would have been right. She has the talent for spotting a gem. Long story longer, she would hold a lot of sway because I trust her judgement. I have watched Say Yes to the Dress and am horrified by the behavior of these people. I have informed my daughter when she gets married you do not bring an entourage with you. You bring one or two people (your mother) whose opinion and judgement you trust not to let you walk down the aisle looking like an idiot.
  20. My dh uses one. When he uses it he does feel like he slept better. He thinks I need one because my snoring has gotten worse. He may be right but a sleep study for me is not in the budget right now.
  21. We text from upstairs to downstairs all the time. It makes things easier sometimes.
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