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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Maybe I am just in a snit today but people, take a pill. Some people want a certain type of party. This is their option. It is your option to choose to attend or not attend. I would hate to think a bunch of strangers were making bridezilla comments about me and judging me based on a snippet of conversation someone posted on the internet. Look at the invite and see if it says Black Tie. If no mention then a dark suit will suffice. You could also inquire further about dress code rules at the country club. There are many options here that do not include getting your knickers in a twist over a family member saying dh needs a tux.
  2. Best purchase ever-barbecue wok. No more skewering.
  3. I clear out a space on the bottom shelf of my freezer so the bottom tray is straight and stack them.
  4. Silicone ice cube trays. http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&keywords=silicone%20ice%20cube%20trays&page=1&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Asilicone%20ice%20cube%20trays
  5. Definitely the norm. Definitely rude. If the person is my friend I simply say "Hey, I'm over here." My friends get the point. We laugh and move on. I am sure I have been guilty of it at some point.
  6. kewb


    It doesn't really bother me anymore. I equate it to the valley girl speak of my youth. I cringe a little when I think of all the times I said "Like, gag me with a spoon."
  7. Around here if you forget your card they can plug in the phone number that is linked to the card and you get the savings.
  8. I use a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. My kids say it itches when I first put the drops in. When it stops itching I make them keep it in for another minute. It only itches if they have swimmers ear. If I am using it as a preventative it feels like nothing (or so they tell me)
  9. We have a rabbit living in our front yard. It tortures my dog without mercy. It is smart enough not to go into the fenced backyard. It loves to sit outside my dogs favorite window and nibble on weeds. It just sits there and stares at the dog as he whines and trembles. I can almost hear it saying "neener neener you can't get me". That said, I doubt I would be making heroic efforts to get rid of the rabbits. The buyer needs to get a grip. They will probably return at some point.
  10. Before you get married: Talk about money. Know what money comes in and where it goes. Talk about you want out of your life and make a financial plan to get there. Make sure you both want the same things. If one is dreaming of champagne and a mansion and the other is fine with a bud and a shack you need to know that before you get hitched. From a woman's standpoint-never ever let your husband control all the money and tell you that you don't need to worry about it. Things happen, illness, divorce, emergencies. If you have no idea what your money situation is it adds stress to an already stressful situation.
  11. We did not do toy guns but I have certainly been shot with an assortment of lego lasers and stick guns. Our basic rules were: 1. No shooting mom. 2. No aiming for the face. 3. No shooting mom and dads guests. 4. Outside. 5. You have to stop if your friend says stop.
  12. My 9th grader is currently reading 1984 and is enjoying it. I may remmeber 1984 more fondly then most since my high school class was the class of 1984 (yes, I am that old). He also liked Animal Farm. I think Animal Farm is more enjoyable when you understand the communist/socialist connection. Brave New World is also on my list of books for him to read. I like the short story suggestion. The Lottery is a good one.
  13. My daughter swims competively so we had always discussed using tampons and the Diva Cup. She is still trying to master the cup. She uses tampons when she has to swim and pads when she does not. Purely her choice. Tampax makes a Jr. size.
  14. So true. The minute health care became a for profit industry instead of what it was supposed to be the system was doomed. Insurance is about profit not about helping you if you have a health issue. To the original poster, I am glad your dh is doing well.
  15. Telling me you are bored equals a dust rag and the vacuum in my house. It is amazing how they are able to find something to do.
  16. Same kind of set up at my library. Open floor plan but it is clearly the teen area. The teen area at our library is frequently utilized either by teens reading, people looking for books, or tutoring. If it was separate like the children's room I don't think it would be an issue. Teens need a place to be teens and I think a library is a pretty good place for it to happen.
  17. I did enjoy the article but I think they are way off base on the cost of homeschooling. I could do it for less if I put the curriculum together myself but my time is worth something so I purchase curriculum and supplement as needed. I also have to pay for extracurriculars that would be included if my children attended public school. Plus, the cost of gas. I have to drive everywhere. That alone is a few hundred per year.
  18. Neighbor kids-no. Everyone can go home and get their own snacks. This policy was set in place before we moved into the neighborhood so I saw no reason to change it. If everyone was in our yard and my kids asked for a snack I would offer to everyone. Few took us up on our offer because fruit and yogurt were not good snacks.
  19. Reminds me of an article I read when I was in high school. Some Day My Prince Will Come and Other Lies Snow White Told Us. Personally, I love a good disney movie. I discuss all kinds of things with my kids from them such as: Cinderella-victim of child abuse.
  20. My dh uses the nose pillows. Your dh has to stick it out and try different masks until he finds what works best for him. It is in his best interests to use the cpap.
  21. Definitely a second opinion. I have had the scare tactics used on me from local mechanics to dealers. The last time I had my van at the dealer (8 years ago) they told me something was in bad shape and basically my engine would fall out of the car any minute. The engine has yet to fall out. The last time I had my van at firestone for an oil change they told me I needed to flush the radiator and replace the hoses. That would be the radiator my usual mechanic just replaced the week before. I told them I would take that under advisement. There are plenty of shady mechanics/dealers out there ready to take advantage of people. It is very frustrating.
  22. I still prefer an actual book. However, it is definitely easier to travel with an ereader than a stack of books.
  23. Not an affliction I suffer from. I have no problem choosing a book over any other chore I may have to do and I don't feel the slightest bit guilty. The dishes will just get dirty again, the dust will return, the laundry will still be there when I finish my book. I do, however, know many women who suffer greatly from this affliction and I really think there should be a support group. I have only met one man in my lifetime who suffered from this.
  24. I used to watch it all the time. I learned quite a bit and I found Stacy and Clinton hilarious. I always wanted someone to volunteer me for a makeover but then decided they would make me get rid of all my comfortable shoes. I like my comfortable shoes.
  25. From my conservative upbringing, in answer to your questions: 1. Yes, The Torah was written by G-d and given to Moses but unlike the Orthodox believe that things can change while still remaining true to Jewish values. 2. No one I know is waiting around with bated breath for the messiah to show up. We live our lives as close to Torah as we can so the messiah will come. 3. I like this website www.jewishfaq.org for a starting point.
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