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Everything posted by kewb

  1. None of my dogs have ever marked in the house. Every tree, bush, branch, plant, fire hydrant we pass while on a walk is fair game.
  2. I think it is a fairly big deal around here. I only know of its happening when I see neighbor teens in their prom attire and he picture explosion on facebook. There seems to be limos, new prom dresses, tuxedos, a catering hall and dj. Pics galore at various parents houses and a large gathering outside the highschool for additional photo ops. The after prom parties involve hotel room in the city, or cabin in the mountains, or shore house. When I was in high school the students certainly treated it like the most important night of your life and if you didn't have a date-well, you were a total loser. And they certainly did their best to make you feel like one. And if you didn't want to go to prom-sour grapes for not having a date. Everyone wants to go to prom. No one went solo or as a group of friends. No date meant you did not go to prom. After prom everyone would head to the beach to watch the sunrise and then go out for breakfast.
  3. I have always said that no child left behind should have been called "no wealthy white child left behind".
  4. Over the years I have seen Duluth Trading pop up in threads about quality clothes and reasonable prices. I finally purchased some of their long tail tank tops and I am in love. So, thank you to all who have suggested them time and time again. I just placed a second order because my dd has been borrowing (taking) my tank tops to wear.
  5. I just keep my fine, straight, limp, hair short and layered. Every time I try to grow it out I end up frustrated at the amount of effort and product I have to use to get my hair to do anything other then hang there looking lifeless and stringy. I like wash and wear hair. A little mousse and 5 minutes with the hair dryer and I am good to go. Enough about my awful hair, I like a bob with a long wispy bang.
  6. My 15 year old still likes me to tuck him in most nights and have a cuddle and chat. He will even sometimes hug me during the day (but never in front of any of his friends). If he weren't so huge (5'11) he would probably still try to get into bed with dh and I in the morning for a snuggle. You should see him when he gets jealous that I am cuddling the dog. I do miss the days when he would just climb into my lap and snuggle ip.
  7. We have always made healthy eating and fitness the focus in our house and have always stressed that bodies come in all shapes and sizes. I have been struggling with this the last few years with my almost 12 year old dd. My dd has always been at the top of the charts for height and weight. They have been tracking evenly she is just at the top. She swims 4 days a week for 2 hours. She works out with me 3x a week. I rarely buy junkfood because none of us need it. We have talked about how her weight is something she will need to be aware of all of her life and will have to think about to maintain a healthy weight. She is going to be boxum (like me) and curvy (like me) and she has the added advantage of being built like her father, broad shoulders and all. All of her friends are natural waifs. Sometimes this really bothers her. When she is with them she looks even larger then she is. All the talk in the world about everybody is different and appreciate your curves does absolutely nothing when all of your friends are petite and you are already a c cup. When we go clothes shopping I stress shopping for your body type vs. the latest fashions. I try on things with her so she can see how I can't wear the latest fashions either because I am spilling over. I have to try on tons of jeans to find a pair that fits right. I also try to never criticize my body in front of her and say I look fat.
  8. I went to my 10 year reunion and it was okay. I was reminded why I did not keep in touch with these people. I have not gone to one since and have zero interest in ever attending again.
  9. Me, I would just eat the filling alone. Or I would add it to a salad.
  10. That the strangest thing I have ever heard. My ds was able to read the bottomline of the chart without even a hint of a squint. Meanwhile, the assistant and I had to move closer to see if he was correct (and he was). My dd is also able to read that line. Neither one inherited my nearsighteness. So far, they have their fathers good eyesight. And they both spend a lot of time with their books.
  11. I believe people make that argument because in their minds"being bullied" is a normal thing. It is supposed to happen. When our ds was being bullied in school and we were having our umpteenth meeting with the school they said to us (among other things) "He has to learn that not everyone is going to like him and he is not going to like everyone else." My dh and I looked at each other and said "Yes, that is true. The flip side to that coin is that as an adult you don't have to put up with it. You can switch jobs, not hang out with someone, you can change the situation. Why does my 10 year old have to just deal with it?" That last meeting cemented our moving forward with homeschooling.
  12. I do not enjoy foul language and don't normally use it. If I smash my finger or drop a favorite dish I may let out an expletive. I told my kids if they want to trash talk with their friends to go right ahead but don't do it around me and make sure there are no children around. I also let them know that if they choose to speak that way that other people will think they are stupid and treat them accordingly. When you want that job or good service it matters.
  13. Electonics use is a family decision. What your family chooses to allow or not allow is none of my business. It is like my father always told me..."You can only drive one car at a time. Yours." Rude behavior is something else. There is nothing wrong with asking someone to lower the volume or to move out of the middle of the aisle. Sometimes people don't realize they are being rude. To be honest, I have stopped in the middle of the aisle to start reading a label and have held up traffic. Someone will say excuse me, I apologize and move. But, I guess that is okay because I am reading a label and not texting my husband to ask which brand of pickles he wants. I've got bigger fish to fry then kvetching about what I think other parents are doing wrong. I get judged plenty for homeschooling, for co-sleeping whne my kids were little, for feeding my kids "that poison in a can" instead of nursing, for working full time and putting them in day care when they were babies, for being too strict, for not being strict enough, for not allowing electronics, for allowing electronics, for not letting my 5 year old watch Spiderman when it was released when all of his friends were allowed, for being too school at home vs. unschooling, for not being school at home enough, for not being a vegan, for buying conventional produce, for eating red meat, for my religion, for my choice in clothes, for canceling cable, for getting on my high horse about people judging others when they have not walked in those shoes.
  14. Blue dawn is also amazing for oily hair. My dd uses it once a week when she showers. My kids wash their faces with honey and once a week mix in a little baking soda. The baking soda helps with the black heads. They have used toothpaste with great success. An aspirin paste works well, too. The biggest preventative is making sure they change their sheets frequently.
  15. Its funny I read this and thought "wow, soaps are still on the air." I used to watch both back in the 80's but I couldn't tell you which one was the best to watch now. I can still remember cutting out of school early to get home in time to watch Luke and Laura's wedding. Without knowing any of the characters now I bet what is going on is someone is involved in a love triangle. There is a bad girl scheming to get something. The wealthy family is feeling put upon and an evil character from their past is back in town. If only Dr. Noah Drake would return/
  16. Both of mine like the speedo vanquishers, too.
  17. I think it is an amazing gift to be a surrogate but I don't think I could carry a baby for 9 months and then give it to someone else even though the baby is not biologically mine (assuming donor egg and sperm and I am just the incubator).
  18. I think a pediatrician can treat kids until age 21. I imagine most start making the switch in their teen years. I love my ped so I see no reason to switch them over at this time.
  19. Love this cookie and is my go to recipe. The oat flour gives it an awesome texture. I don't know if it will satisfy the moist and chewy lover.
  20. I understand where you are coming from but it is not your home. Your mil is trying to do something nice for you and you are coming across as an ingrate. I am sure you are not one and are only thinking of your family but I would find it incredibly rude if someone I was throwing a party for started making what they perceived as a request and I most like would perceive as forcing your beliefs on to me. Since your mil is already aware of your no alcohol beliefs you should be secure in the knowledge that she will not purposely serve alcohol. Another thing to consider-even if she did tell her guests not to bring alcohol because it is a dry party she has no control over her guests. They may bring it anyway. If she asks you about things you would like at the party that is a totally different story and you could feel free to let her know then.
  21. One of my high school social studies teachers kept a meatball maker in her desk drawer. She told the class it was an ancient torture device and when the boys got out of hand she would pick it up and open and close it at the front of the room. They stopped right away.
  22. My dd's favorite ice cream cake Crush a package of oreos. Place in bottom of pan. Top with softened ice cream of your choice. Place in freezer. When frozen add layer of whip cream. Put back in freezer. To serve, place pan in larger pan of warm water to soften edges. slice and serve
  23. Am I the only person who has had a bad experience with a lab. My family had a golden lab when I was a kid. I loved that dog but he was nuts. We just were not active enough for him. My mother took him on mile plus walks every day. On weekends he was swimming in the bay and running on the beach. It was not enough. I can't count the number of shoes he chewed up ( a lot of those shoes belonging to friends). He only listened to my mother. Ultimately we sold him to a woman who owned a farm and jogged 5 miles every day so he would have lots of land to roam. After him we went back to German Shepard Dogs.
  24. I have written my share of complaint letters. I have also written letters of praise when someone goes above and beyond. I used to love Panera but over the past couple of years, the ones near me at least, have been shrinking the portions. I get that the cost of everything has risen and they are trying to make a profit without raising prices too much but it has impacted their quality.
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