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Everything posted by kewb

  1. No makeup unless I am attending a wedding or other fancy affair. Even then it is not a lot.
  2. I experienced heartburn for the 1st time when pregnant with dd. I didn't have it often. She did have more hair then her brother when she was born.
  3. Is your snot clear? If yes, then it is probably seasonal allergies.
  4. 2 regular size ovens. I can not tell you how much I miss my mother's dutch ovens. I wish I had the space for 2 ovens. I don't think I would like 2 small ovens unless they were large enough for a 25 lb turkey.
  5. Well, if it makes you feel any better I buy brown eggs because I find them less glaring to the eye. I do remember as a kid my mother buying brown eggs instead of white and my sister and I insisting they tasted different and were yucky. She told us to she was blue in the face that the only difference was the hen that layed them but we wouldn't listen.
  6. I will never forgive my dh for making me fall in love with firefly knowing it is was a short lived series.
  7. I am fortunate to live in an area where I have a fair amount of choices to shop in a reasonable distance. Paper goods. toothpaste, trashbags, etc. I either buy at the supermarket or Costco. Sometimes CVS or Walgreens when they are having a sale. I don't even know what to say about the classism and snobbery statement made by a pp. I can only speak for myself. My reasons for not shopping walmart are easily verified and well thought out and has nothing to do with being a snob or classist. I like a bargain as much as the next person but I also believe that one of the best ways to get a corporation to change their ways is to vote with your wallet.
  8. I thought that was just me. Glad I am not alone in this.
  9. Personally, I think Walmart is responsible for the downward direction of the standard of living in this country and I won't give them so much as a single penny of my hard earned money. Their business practices are abysmal. They beat up their vendors, their merchandise is cheap, they purposely keep the bulk of their staff part time so they don't have to offer benefits, there have been numerous cases filed for illegal practices such as making employees clock out and then go clean up their aisles. I dealt with a lot of vendors that walmart used when I worked full time and they had some tales to tell along with friends who worked for them. Costco, on the other hand, pays a living wage and has quality merchandise. Target-I have never been a huge Target shopper so I can't really speak to it but my friends tell me their quality has declined over the past decade. If you have not done so already you should watch The High Cost of Low Prices.
  10. This reminded me that when High School Musical was really big one of them had a song-What time is it? Summertime. Everytime they asked I would do the dance and sing the song. If they ask me what time it is I will often respond the way my father did to me: "Why do you need to know? Do you have a date?" This thread is fun. I never realized how many little things I do just to drive my kids batty. Being a parent is sweet.
  11. We use magic jack because the only people who call us on the land line are people we don't want to talk to.
  12. In my experience you can not entice the cat to come down. It will, however, come down when it is ready.
  13. I've done that. Mine hate it, too. My oldest just reminded me that when I knock on his door and he asks "who is it?" I usually answer with "Candygram. No I am not the landshark."
  14. Love this. I just ordered it to wear to an affair. I am hoping my bOOks don't look like they runneth over.
  15. I dance in the car when we are at a red light. I have been known to bust a move in a department store. I will sing in the car when the windows are open. I have been know to shout "To the minivan and beyond!" If I say we are chillaxing my oldest has a fit. I do believe I need to start shouting "bring out your dead" We did have "Tis only a flesh wound" going for awhile.
  16. Another Disney lover. My take on it, however, is once is enough. Maybe twice. We went when my kids were 10 & 7. I felt since this was a once in a lifetime trip those would be good ages. They would remember the trip and they weren't old enough to be cynical. We knew we were eventually going to make the trip so we saved a little here and there over the years so we would have the funds for it. I certainly would not go into debt over it. If you go during the week of the NJ teachers convention I believe about 1/2 the state of NJ is there.
  17. It is really more of a when I notice. The dogs water dish usually gets done every few days.
  18. With the cons you listed, no I would not let my child walk alone to the library. I started letting my oldest when he was 13. But ours is a bit further and requires crossing 2 major roads.
  19. I would expect my house cleaner to leave me a note about the stain for when I return. When I next see house cleaner I would expect a verbal apology. After that it is over and done. It is just carpet. They get stained. Life happens. I would then move on.
  20. My grandmother once said she only cooks for other people. When it is just her she doesn't bother. Now that I am middle aged I totally get it. Most nights I would be content with a bowl of chips and salsa for dinner.
  21. Always a favorite around here and quick and easy. From Heart of the Home, by Susan Branch Hot Cherry Tomatoes 2 Tbl butter 1 Tbl olive oil 1 clove garlic, minced ( I always double up on garlic-can never have enough) 1 basket cherry tomatoes 2 Tbl fresh basil, minced or 2 Tbl fresh parsley, minced Melt butter and oil in large skillet. Add minced garlic. Over medium heat, add cherry tomatoes. Heat through-if skins begin to split, they are definitely done. Sprinkle on basil or parsley-stir and pour into serving dish. Another favorite that my mom used to make, but a little more time consuming. Stuffed cherry tomatoes Basket of cherry tomatoes Soft garlic and herb cheese Hollow out cherry tomatoes. Put soft cheese into baggie and snip of corner. Pipe cheese into tomatoes. Platter and serve.
  22. The club team my kids swim on gives out a medallion to everyone on the team at the end of the season. It just says Swim on it. The ere are trophies for the MVP, most improved, etc. The kids all know the medallion just means they are part of the team but they like getting up at the awards dinner and getting something they also know what they have to do if they want to earn one of the trophies. I think participation awards have their place as long as the recipient knows what it means.
  23. I have friends with serious food allergies and they bring their own food wherever they go. People are well intentioned but mistakes happen. It took me years before I learned to recognize all the way corn is hidden in our food. Ascorbic acid-corn, vitamin c -corn, vodka-corn. and so many more. My friend would be appreciative of the efforts but it is too easy too miss something if you are not living with a serious food allergy. A better way to go would be to be welcoming and understanding of people bringing their own food to eat.
  24. I forgot to mention my grandfather in-law. Je is 98 I believe. Or 96. Anyway, he was living on his own until 93. Vibrant and active. When he was 90 he took an extended vacation in Florida and came home complaining about how old everyone was. He was the oldest one there. At 88 he managed to get himself off diabeties medication by changing his diet completely. His health has been declining these past couple of years but he is still sharp as a tack.
  25. If you want to keep the friendship then you need to tell her how you feel about what happened. If she is truly a friend she will feel bad that she hurt your feeling. If she defends what she did then I would start being unavailable.
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