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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I think it is a fairly common practice these days. It is a way for companies to save money.
  2. This is a good one and I am totally not biased because some of my dh's t-shirt designs have been printed by them. We are also fans of www.riptapparel.com and www.teefury.com And if he is larger www.freshbrewedtee.com They specialize in big and tall and I believe have just started offering all adult sizes.
  3. Happiest day of my life was when we got our "killer dog" and no one wanted to play with my kids anymore. The neighbor kids were okay 1 or 2 at a time but when they were in a pack forget it. One kid went out of her way to get anyone else in trouble. If they were all together someone would be the punching bag that day. It always seemed to be mine (although I do know everyone had a turn it felt like it was always one of mine). Plain and simple-kick them out and tell them why. Calmly explain the house rules at the beginning and when they break the house rules calmly explain why they need to leave.
  4. I am not fond of them but my sister in law who had a double mastectomy when she was 38 loves them. It gets people talking and gets people in for an exam they otherwise would not have gotten. That is step up from "The Big C" whispers and not in front of the kinder that I grew up with.
  5. We use magic jack. No issues. Occasional weird echo but nothing earth shattering. We use our cells for everything and keep the magic jack for the land line. That number is given out when we need to give a phone number for something.
  6. My daughter is following the road my mother put me on. 6th grade-lip gloss/light lipstick 7th grade-blush 8th grade-go to town but first lets learn how to apply properly That said, your daughter is not 100% incorrect. There are plenty of 11 year olds in my town with full face paint.
  7. Some of our favorites: Arsenic and Old Lace Auntie Mame (Rosiland Russel version not Lucille Ball) Meet me in St. Louis My Fair Lady North by Northwest Rear Window Bringing Up Baby Cheaper by the Dozen (the origianl not Steve Martin-although that is fun too) The Music Man Shirley Temple movies are always fun. Herbie the Love Bug And how could I forget High Noon Young Frankenstein Silent Movie
  8. I can honestly say I would not put my dog down to appease an angry neighbor. If my dog was showing signs of human aggression that is a different matter entirely. You admitted you were at fault. You willingly paid the vet bills. You apologized. Keep your dogs on the leash and stay away from this neighbor.
  9. I wear swim shorts. No worries in that area anymore.
  10. I am surprised we have not brought up BART testing. The additional $700 test that will catch even more risk factors that the BRAC test misses. Myriad profits some more.
  11. And please, think before you pink http://thinkbeforeyoupink.org/?page_id=13 Donating directly to an organization that is doing research is better then buying a pink product and filling the corporations coffers while a pittance goes to the organization.
  12. I am sorry that any woman has to make this decision. I am hoping that she comes out with a free genetic testing for all stance. A friend who works for Breast Cancer Action and had this to say: From Breast Cancer Action: Angelina Jolie's op-ed in the New York Times is making big news this morning, and we are happy for the visibility that her piece brings to an issue that impacts women around the world. Jolie has made the same agonizing decision that many before her have made - and that many more will face in the future. But the story is much bigger and more sinister than one of a celebrities personal medical decision. Behind this uplifting personal story, is the fact that a corporation owns the BRCA 1&2 genes - and that monopoly means that the test is expensive and out of reach for many women. Myriad Genetics is the only company that offers the BRCA test, because it holds the patent on these so called "breast cancer" genes - and Breast Cancer Action is currently a plaintiff in a case before the US Supreme Court that will decide whether gene's patents like Myriad's are constitutional. We expect a decision from the court this summer. We know that Jolie's story will help educate women with family histories of breast and ovarian cancer about their options - and we demand an end to human gene patents to that these women can have full access to the genetic information they need to make hard decisions about preventative surgery. I find human gene patenting beyond awful. How dare a corporation say they own me. http://www.bcaction.org/our-take-on-breast-cancer/gene-patenting/
  13. I always use the restroom at a department store. It is usually in a hallway in the women's department. Ds would wait outside the door of the ladies room in this hallway. There was little foot traffic and the women who work in that department are generally suspicious of a man lingering. Not as much help if the attacker is a woman but it offered me some peace of mind.
  14. Life is too short for high maintenance friends. Move on and don't look back.
  15. I never noticed that and we are huge trekkies in our home. I guess I was paying attention to Captain Piccard.
  16. I agree that teen dating can just be a giant emotional mess. Which is why we allow group activities but not one on one outings.
  17. Not so much a concern as my own anxiety about this new chapter.
  18. Thanks for all the tips and advice. All these years we have taught the kids that the focus right now should be on their studies. Plenty of time for relationships later. Based on my own teen years I should have suspected that hormones and group dynamics would win out to some degree. I am not ready for this next chapter of transition to responsible member of society.
  19. A number of years ago when ds was around 5 or 6 we were driving past an A & F billboard and my adorbale son asks dh "If they sell clothes why are all their models naked?" We just about fell over with laughter. We told him it was a very good question and we think it is because their marketing department thinks people will believe their lives will be full of beautiful naked people if they wear the clothes. My ds pondered that for a few minutes and then asked why anyone would believe that. I do miss the old Banana Republic and J. Crew.
  20. I doubt he is that annoying little kid. In my experience swimming generally attracts nice kids. That is not to say there aren't a few bad apples in the bunch but overall I have found the older kids to be mindful and supportive of the younger kids. I usually make sure my kids get a protein with breakfast and pack sliced up oranges for a mid meet snack and have cookies for when they are done swimming. My son wears a swim cap during meets because he likes any edge he could get but at that age he should be fine without one.
  21. Thanks. Access to online/texting is taken care of. He has no idea he should shut his door when face timing so it is easy to hear what he is talking about. Inviting her to family things is a good idea. I did meet her when ds had friends over for his birthday and she seemed very nice. They were just friends then.
  22. I am navigating a new chapter in my sons life. The past 2 summers he had girlfriends. They met at the pool, they hung out together with friends and were really puppy love summer romances. This girl is different. He spends tons of time talking to her. He wants to spend time with her. My questions are-how much time is too much time together/talking? Is this something I need to set rules about? How will I know if I should worry about getting too serious? I am not ready for this.
  23. Expect a lot of sitting around and waiting. He will have a great time with his friends while he waits. You should bring a book. There should be someone marshaling the swimmers. They should be there when you arrive to direct the swimmers to the marshaling area. Once on deck for their event they will be lined up and the coaches will tell them where to go.
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