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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I can't speak for man pants but the jeans I bought a few months ago have pockets so tiny I can't even get my hand in. I was informed that the phone is supposed to stick out so everyone can see your bling.
  2. I feel naked without my watch. Plus, my watch tan line is the only way I can prove to people that I really do have a bit of a tan. My ds will sometimes where a watch. He likes the way they look. My dd rarely wears one. When she does it is a fashion accessory. My dh wears one when he remembers to put it on. But he has been like that since before cell phones.
  3. I have been known to say this when my eeyore is being overly eeyorish. As I recall, it was pretty bad around age 13. Sometimes, I have been known to dramatically announce "You poor underprivaleged child! No access to education. No clean water. Some days you have no food to eat! Bullets flying past your head! Oh wait, those are the kids in parts of Afghanistan. Suck it up, Buttercup." If I am having a good day I try to validate his frustrations and give him the words he needs to express himself.
  4. I love my mom but to quote one of my favorite books..... Her advice is much like pepper, I think. Excellent in small quantities but rather scorching in her doses. The same can be said of my mother-in-law. My mom is awesome in small doses. The fact that she moved across the country helped our relationship immensely. Now when we see each other we usually have a great time. I really hope my daughter likes to spend time with me when she is an adult.
  5. kewb


    If this family member were truly sorry they would reach out to you and attempt to make amends. Since this family member is not doing that you are under no obligation to extend the olive branch. There is almost nothing I hate more then being told you have to forgive someone because they are family. No you don't. I am going to assume that if there is a family function and this person is there that you would be civil so you can tell your family that there is nothing to worry about there on your part. Then tell them you appreciate their concern but this matter is between you and the family member. Set a firm boundry.
  6. I will admit to being somewhat technology challenged. Thanks for the invite. I am now part of the group.
  7. It won't let me reply in the Oncers thread so you will just have to listen to me ramble here. I totally thought that Rumple's dad was Peter Pan as soon as his father mentioned that he dreamed of a place when he was a boy. Then when they got to Neverland and the whole can't fly thing started it cemented that belief. Then when it happened! I almost screamed out loud. Poor Rumple. I definitely want to know more about the women who took in my little Rumple. My heart breaks for the boy that he was. And for Rumple to grow up and repeat the cycle. So sad. But at least he is trying to put it right. Henry-what a dolt. There are no words to describe what he did. I keep trying to put myself in his place. A young boy being told all those lies, being such a believer. His past experience with the curse making him think he could be a savior, too; but it doesn't work. I keep coming back to mentally challenged. Why would you believe Peter Pan over your family? Why, Henry? Why? Hook-so dreamy. His good looks will save him. Charming needs a sword. Definitely not enough Hook in this episode. Wendy-so disappointing. I truly hope they do more with her character when they get back to Storybrooke and she is reunited with her family.
  8. I just want to add that today I used my vitamix to puree carrots and spinach. I then tossed that puree into the meat sauce I was making for the lasagna I made for dinner. Neither of my children know the veggies are in there and they both declared this my best one yet. You would think I would not have to sneak extra veggies into my teens food but alas I do. If they see it go in, my dd especially, they insist they can taste it.
  9. I have a 7 quart one from Lodge. They have enamel coated and non coated. I absolutely love it. I opted not to go with enamel. I know the enamel is easier to clean but I wanted the health benefits from cooking on the iron. From all the reviews I have read and people I have spoken to Lodge is comparable to Le Crueset. It is more affordable and the non coated are made in the USA (which was important to me but I know that is not important to everyone). The enamel coated are made in china. They say it is made to their US Standards.
  10. I use it for the kids essays. Rather then printing everything and marking it up and repeating I have them upload to the drive and share with me. I have not yet needed it for anything else.
  11. Gosh, I am so not dateable. Thank goodness I am already married. I don't know what my dd is going to do since she takes after me. I guess I better start her on cat ownership. She will need about 20 to be a proper old maid.
  12. There are days that I do not use my vitamix so I do not think there is anything wrong with you. If you did not use a blender frequently before you bought the vitamix you will not magically change your life. With some thought you will start to incorporate it more. I primarily use it for smoothies. I make salsa with it frequently (alas, tomato season is over). It is handy for shredding potatoes for hashbrowns and latkes. I make coconut milk a few times a week. I make almond butter when my dh asks for some. I have also used it to make hummus. I made soup once. It was very smooth but my stick blender works for that.
  13. Is there ever a time you should not wear a tiara? Last year for new years my friends and I broke out our wedding tiaras and wore them all evening. Bonus points-horrified tween/teen children. She is 8. She has plenty of time for society to beat her into submission.
  14. I have been to plenty of potlucks-but they are not called potlucks. It is just -hey we are all getting together and what do you need me to bring.
  15. I loved most of the episode. My thought when John and Michael were trying to get into town before the cloaking spell hit had me thinking "Hipsters! No wonder they needed a cloaking spell. I would try to keep them out, too." Did not love Wendy. No spunk. I think they are setting her up as love interest for Henry. Fighting over the lighter-sorry, I thought that was kind of stupid. Totally beneath Hook. I would like to see Snow have a dang fit at charming for what he did. Yell, scream, hit something. I never loved Belle. The actress who plays her just does not do it for me. I did like her grappling with her feelings of uselessness and her desire to do something.
  16. My hair stylist taught me this trick for my dd's greasy hair. Dawn dishwasher detergent. The one they use to clean wildlife after an oil spill. Once a week she shampoos with dawn. Make sure she is working it down to the scalp. My dd has a lot of hair. The other days she uses a clarifying shampoo. Make sure she only use conditioner on the ends of her hair not near her scalp. My stylist also told me to have dd wash her hair in the morning so that the peak school hours will be less oily. I know a lot of people have had success going the no poo baking soda route but I have never been brave enough to try it. You can also make a vinegar rinse. Apply to hair and scalp after shampooing and then let hair dry. You have to live with the vinegar smell until the hair drys. Another natural remedy is to make a past of baking soda. Massage on scalp for five minutes and then let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse out. My dd is not willing to sit there with baking soda on her head for 20 minutes so we use the dawn.
  17. I have a kitchenaid hand mixer and I have had it for at least 15 years now,
  18. This thread has prompted me to go look at my 4 boxes of Baker's chocolate that have been in my pantry for 15 years now. I don't even know why I have them. It seems as some point I thought I should have them in my pantry (much like my mother did and she never used it either). I think I may have used one square to teach my children that not all chocolate is good to eat so don't sneak it.
  19. My dog does not like to be under the covers but he will make himself a nest out of his blanket. When he is cold his favorite thing is to curl up in a ball and settle in your armpit. At 85 pounds this is not as easy as it sounds.
  20. My 15 year old was just like your 4 year old when he was 4. Somewhere around age 10 a switch flipped and now he is the most absent minded person I know. You are expecting too much from your 6 year old. Every person is different and some take longer to learn the skills they need.
  21. I have only seen one episode and it was the goat head guy. I wouldn't stay married to him but then I probably would not have married him in the first place. I know a few couples who chose not to have kids and worked and saved, never went away on vacation, and were very frugal with their expenses so they could retire in their 40's. None of them were scrounging through seat cushions in restaurants or ate goat heads because it was the cheapest option.
  22. Same thing in my house. Since my dd does not actually have the loom she has become quite inventive with a fork and a couple of magic markers.
  23. My family lives far away and I only see them one or two times per year. Dh's family probably averages to once per month.
  24. My basic rule of thumb is: It was opened in front of you and you were thanked at that time-no written thank you necessary. It was opened without you-written thank you necessary. Unless it is dh's family-they would rather get a phone call.
  25. That I have an issue with. That is just plain rude. Having dealt with my own neighborhood kid politics I have learned there is often more to the story then my kids have told me. I have learned to go directly to the other parent to clarify things. I do not have an issue with siblings not all being invited to the same thing. That is life. You do not get to be invited to everything.
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