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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Make them all the time. I used to have a small business selling them but then I got too busy with my teenagers. Perhaps when they are both in college I will have the time to dedicate to it again. They stay fresh in the fridge for up to 2 weeks and 2-3 months in the freezer. Edited to add in my pups favorite: Apple Cookies 2 cups whole wheat flour 3/4 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup powdered milk 1 egg, beaten 5 Tbl vegetable oil 1/4 cup water 1 cup applesauce Preheat oven to 350. In a large bowl combine all ingredients to make a thick dough. In mixer knead until no lumps remain, or by hand on a lightly floured surface. Roll out to 1/2" thickness. Use cookie cutters or small drinking glass to cut out desired shape. Place on ungreased cookie sheets and bake until edges are lightly browned. About 22 minutes.
  2. It really would depend on the situation. Truth be told, the house I grew up in was emotionally dysfunctional so I am winging it a lot of the time.
  3. I used to throw dh under the bus all the time. Then he got "the sugar"and the kids know he wouldn't have eaten most of what I used to say he ate. Now please excuse me while I go see what that mystery item wrapped in tin foil at the back of the freezer is. I am sure it is long forgotten meatloaf or something.....
  4. I don't have a secret stash of mallowmars wrapped in tinfoil in the back of the freezer.
  5. Are we talking a beef butt roast? If so, use a knife to make incisions all over roast and insert slivers of garlic. Slather outside of roast with spicy brown mustard. Cook at 350 degrees for 20 minutes per lb (this will give you rare, if you like shoe leather cook longer).
  6. Get your dd to use a neti pot. That will help with the dripping and help with sinus infections. A tsp to a tbl of raw local honey every day. More then once a day if you are coughing. Eat it off the spoon or put it in tea. Chicken soup Raw garlic. If you can swallow a whole clove great. Smash it and let it sit for 15 minutes to release the oils and take it. For my kids, I mince it and then after it sits I mix it with applesauce (don't ask me why this is the only way they will take it).
  7. I would be surprised if it is rumple in the other cage. Greg is probable to me. Loved getting some of Hooks back story. He is more then just a pirate. I definitely loved all the "bad form" comments. But, I did feel that his back story was sort of forced and rushed. They really could have developed it more. I have no doubt that somehow they will all get off the Island. Snow was a wimpy weenie and annoying the heck out of me. Regina ripping his heart out needed to be done. The kiss. Chemistry at its finest. I think Hook will tell Emma that Neal is alive because he will do the right thing. I just don't know that he will do it right away. It is not easy for a leopard to change his spots.
  8. I've got a son and a daughter. I did not feel an undercurrent of sexism. We were discussing what sort of partner we hope our daughters end up with. I know what kind of ground rules I think my son should have, too, but in this thread we were discussing our daughters.
  9. Depends on my mood. Some days I use my small cast iron and some days I use my small non-stick pan.
  10. I usually use craigslist and ignore the emails that give me a sob story of how they can only pay a quarter for a complete wardrobe.
  11. Besides the obvious of respect, not tied to gender roles, supportive of homeschooling, not a drug user or an abuser, I have taught my dd that the man she marries should have the 3G's. Good Credit Good Job Good Car (and by good car I don't mean a luxury vehicle. I mean he takes care of it, keeps it clean and well maintained.)
  12. If we are going to tell grandparent stories.... My grandmother met my grandfather at a beach party while she was on a date with another guy. The guy she was on a date with had gone off with some friends and left my grandma alone. My grandfather asked if he could walk her home. She said she was here with so and so but if he was not back by 2 he could walk her home. At 1:58 grandma said "let's go." She felt the other guy should not have left her alone. My grandparents actually eloped without telling anyone because my aunt wasn't married yet and the older sibling was supposed to be married first. They got married and then went home to their families. After a week of this my grandfather said enough is enough. I want to live with my wife. Thus the legend of how my aunt got married was born. Uncle was a door to door salesman. He came knocking. Next thing you know he married my aunt. After my aunt was married my grandparents got married again.
  13. At a dance club. It was not a random pick up exactly. I had won free passes and one of my friends could not go because she had a date with her now husband but she told me to look for her friend. I was thinking "Yeah, right. Giant club, 3 dance floors, not gonna happen." He was thinking the same thing when she told him to look for me. At the club I am dancing with my friends when across the room I see a friend of mine I had not seen since college. She and I do the girl scream thing and run across the room to each other. She was there with her boyfriend who is friends with my husband. She dragged me over to meet my dh to find out if he was the guy I was supposed to be looking for. Turns out he was the same guy. I thought he was a total dud. In fairness, he was just getting over bronchitis. But, seriously, dudsville. He and another friend were taking my friend out for brunch the next day for her birthday and he invited me along. I said sure with absolutely no intention of going-did I mention what a dud I thought he was. The next morning I was telling my mom about it and she made me go to brunch by pointing out that I had nothing better to do that day. He was still a bit of a dud. They all started making plans to go to a hockey game. I bow out. He is a dud. Hockey game rolls around and one person backed out and they had an extra ticket. Again, my mother makes me go. Now dh is healthy and funny and witty. He called 2 weeks later to ask me out. We will be married 21 years come December.
  14. The sad thing for me, when I take the time to make sure my freezer is stocked with pre-cooked gorund beef, meatballs, a meatloaf, etc. dinner time is so much easier. I think I just find the task of sitting down and going through the circular for sale items, etc. daunting and exhausting.
  15. One day I will be right there with you. I only have 2 kids. Plus, I think that day will come after they have grown and left home.
  16. Frequent hand washing. Sing the abc song 2x while washing. Hand washing is better then using too much hand sanitizer. Actively trying to remember not to touch your face or rub your eyes. If you are not a vegetarian-plenty of home made chicken stock based soups. Avoiding public places with lots of kids whenever possible.
  17. Me, too! The only produce I have ever successfully grown is cherry tomatoes and basil. Once I got a zucchini but that had more to do with me running out to get it before the ground hog nibbled it.
  18. Hummus and cut up vegetables travels well.
  19. I have not had that problem but I will suggest you transfer the soy sauce to a mason jar to prevent leakage.
  20. No, no, no. It is one thing if you become friends after you start using them but another if you are friends first. IMO, it just opens the door to all kinds of boundry issues
  21. If they continued to make shirts soft and long lasting you would not buy as many shirts. Worse, you might hand those shirts down for someone else to use. Where is the profit in that?
  22. In my belly. If there are any leftover: in a ziploc bag that I toss in my gigantic bread box (aka: the microwave). If I make a big batch then I toss some in the freezer.
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