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Everything posted by kewb

  1. You will just have to believe me when I tell you that I look super fabulous with short hair and down right awful with longer hair. My hair reaches a certain length and it just looks stringy. Not at all flattering.
  2. I will make a couple more pronouncements. I have never seen Titanic nor do I want to. I already know how it ends. The boat sinks. Leonardo DiCaprio-meh That Red Solo Cup has been stuck in my head all day. I do not understand the fascination with the Kardashians, Paris Hilton, and The Duggars.
  3. Because snuggling with your dog on a cold winter morning is a slice of heaven on earth. The love and affection from my dog on a daily basis is worth the dog smell to me. Yes, no matter how much I clean and sanitize there is a dog smell. It doesn't bother me anymore then the smells of other peoples homes. If there is a pet in the home I expect a pet smell and hair. That is life.
  4. Watching sports and being overly invested in athletes is stupid. Academy awards, music awards, etc. Stupid. This is your chosen career. You were well compensated for doing your job. Why do you now get an award for doing your job? I don't get an award for doing what I was paid to do in the first place. Parades. Why are they exciting? You get to stand there while people walk past you or float on by. Cheesecake-yuck. I love cheese, and I love cake. I do not love them together. I do not think Ryan Gosling is sexy or attractive (but the hey, girl stuff is funny) Coffee-blech. There should not be fruit mixed in with chocolate. Rasberries and stawberries are delicious but don't taint my chocolate with your fruity goodness. Canteloupe taints everything in a fruit salad. Everything ends up tasting like canteloupe. I really do not like canteloupe. Yes, Breast is best but just because I chose formula does not mean that I fed my children "that poison in a can." They are happy and healthy teens now.
  5. That would bother me. If the white paper bag does not fit in my purse I pull off the information page and put that in my purse. Besides the fact that it is no ones business what meds I am taking I can't help but think of crime of opportunity. Certain prescription meds are desirable. Being able to easily see what is in someones bag can make you a target for a crime.
  6. I have no idea if my library has a policy. Books get checked out on the card I pull out of my purse. Could be mine. Could be one of my kids.
  7. If my dh came downstairs in the 2 items of clothing he knew I detested then yes, I would strongly suggest he change into something else. If we had been arguing I would view the clothing choice as passive aggressive nonsense. If he was just being himself-he clearly forgot I dislike those articles of clothing and he would be happy I told him. In general, I don't care what he wears as long as it is appropriate. Over the years he has had a few things I could not stand to be in the same room as and he saves those for when he is going out with his friends.
  8. I think the everyone should stay away from the evil gluten is a fad. I absolutely believe gluten is an issue for a lot of people. I have friends who experienced the elimination of many of their health problems-IBS, migraines, and the like by going gluten free. I know from my own experience that I did not receive amazing life benefits when I went gluten free. I felt the same when I follow a low carb diet as I did when I tried gluten free. So I try to limit my carbs. Which is challenging because I love carbs. My ds is also a carb lover. My dd can take them or leave them (like my dh)
  9. When mine were little I was much stricter about tv time. When I was working full time they got a half hour show while I was making dinner. (Yes, I know in, they should have been in the kitchen with me-yadda, yadda, yadda, get off my back). When they were school age -no tv until after dinner. Then they watched for an hour and it was time for bed. On the weekends I was always more lax about it. Now that they are teens the no tv until after all school work is completed still applies. Other then that there are no rules. Unless I see detrimental behavior and then I will unplug them from everything for a few days.
  10. My kids and dh love to watch it every year. It is background noise for me as I do other things around the house. I pause and watch a few things as I go about my business. I thought it was just me who thought the hosts talked too much.
  11. My preferred method: Go to Trader Joe's Buy package of potato latkes Cook according to directions on box. However, if you must make them from scratch: http://theshiksa.com/2010/12/01/potato-latkes/ And remember-never eat the first latke. That is a sacrificial latke to see if the oil is hot enough (hint-its not).
  12. We have had Geico for years. We even had a couple of claims. They were easy to work with. We have never had any issues.
  13. Cleaning your house is a set up for failure. No matter what you do the dirt comes back. I absolutely hate it. I would much rather read a book.
  14. The tamper is a non-issue for me. Handy when I need it. I doubt you can go wrong with either one.
  15. We enjoyed the movie but I was pretty bummed that they cut out Haymitch's back story. Well, everyone's back story. I like a good back story. Overall, I think they did a good job. The acting was excellent and I they definitely upped the production budget. I laughed, I cried, it was a good time.
  16. Other. There is normally alcohol available for those who want. Sometimes people partake and sometimes they don't. Some will have a beer or a glass of wine. Some will really go to town. Others will not have any. I suppose it depends on the mood.
  17. Other. I would like them to clean weekly. However, I also like to give them some sense of control over their rooms. Biweekly I probably get on their cases about it.
  18. It is on my list of things to start watching. But I have to wait until I finish another series. Otherwise I am spending to much time in front of the screen.
  19. It would not bother me. I can have a good time with or without a glass of wine or a cosmo. I do have family that hates the fact that anytime I had a party for the children's birthday parties they were dry parties. I usually find that social drinkers who complain about the lack of alcohol at a social event are social alcoholics. These are people who don't normally drink alone or stop in bars but expect to drink at a party.
  20. Personally, I would not involve the other parents. I would encourage my daughter to expand her social circle and move on from the drama. As for being asked why you are not returning, you do not owe anyone an explanation. Anything you say or do about the situation will increase the drama and make things more unpleasant.
  21. Our budget is so tight it squeaks these days. I prioritize food over the other stuff. I cook most things from scratch. I look for sales. Stock up on things when I can and feed the freezer. I clean with baking soda and vinegar 98% of the time.
  22. He is embarrassed that he still wets the bed. As a pp said, don't give him the opportunity to lie. Tell him you noticed the sheets and to please bring them to the laundry or do it yourself and give consequences. I also recommend underjams or goodnites. A lot less laundry for everyone.
  23. My relationship with my mother is complicated. She can maintain the normal for about 3 days and then she starts to crack. She moved across country a few years ago and it was the best thing for our relationship. Overall, my mother was not truly a bad mom but she suffered from depression while I was growing up. This was back in the day when you didn't go to therapy unless you were nuts. So my dad ignored her problems and my sister and I were left to fend for ourselves. She was emotionally unavailable for most of my childhood. When you do share something she wants to be helpful but she has no idea how to be supportive. I always call her the queen of negative support. For example-come home from school and say "I am going to try out for the play" Normal mom says with great enthusiam "How wonderful. What part?" My mom "Are you sure you want to do that?" With my dh's health issues and not looking like he will be better any time soon her support has been quite draining.
  24. I don't recall my parents interfering unless our bickering was bothering them. My sister and I did not get along at all when we were kids so we tended to avoid one another as much as possible. When my father was alive he helped me out tremendously fiscally because my dh and I were really struggling at one time. He would have done the same for my sister if needed. My mother would never suggest one sibling give to the other in the manner you have described. If she did my family would be enjoying some awesome overseas trips right about now. Now that my sister and I are adults we get along better then when we were kids. My mother still stays out of our relationship. In the long haul my sister and I are night and day. While we are certainly there for each other in a crisis we can and often do go weeks/months without speaking to one another.
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