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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Those women were rude. I have brought a laptop with me to things if I jad something I needed to get done but have always said to hostess to please excuse me as this is the only chance I have to get X done. I think it is time for you to move on. Yhe group is no longer meeting your needs.
  2. This thread makes me miss Tom all the more. I understand the hesitation but it is something we as a society should be trying to overcome.
  3. I should add that I don't keep the dishpan under the sink. Before I go to bed I make sure the sink shines. Then when I wake up I feel good knowing I have a clean sink. Until I go into the kitchen and see the dish my dh left in the sink because opening the dishwasher in the middle of the night is too difficult.
  4. My dh is gluten and dairy free. We all eat gluten and dairy free for dinner. If they don't like what I have cooked they are free to forage in the fridge.
  5. I am a fly lady drop out. The one lesson that stuck, my kitchen sink shines.
  6. No, if you are the one who will be taking on the bulk of the responsibility and you do not want the dog do not get a dog. It is not fair to the dog who just wants to be loved and part of the pack.
  7. We had German shepards when I was a kid and yes they herded us.
  8. It helps my husband when he has heartburn. I definitely notice a difference in my skin and energy when I take it daily. I am not consistent with taking it every day.
  9. I like the idea of dropping best friend and just be friends. There is a lot of ppressure with that terminology. As for the rainbow loom, I get what you are saying about immaturity but that is actually something they both enjoy. A better example would have been chess vs. Basketball. My Dd does not care for basketball and friend does not care for chess. To your point, they both have their immature sides and perhaps those are in conflict.
  10. Thanka for the reassurance. You have clarified a lot of what I was thinking. 14 is a time of change.
  11. We are family friends with another family. Have been for years. Our 14 year old dds are best friends. Lately Dd has been feeling that she is just not as close with best friend. She says she feels like whenever they get together she is always doing what friend wants and they never do what she wants. To an extent, this is something I have noticed. Dd has been hanging out with some other girls in their social circle who share interests with her but best friend gets mad when Dd does this saying she is excluding her. I explained to Dd that sometimes best friends develop other interests and that is okay. There is nothing wrong with seeing a friend who shares an interest that the other friend does not. I also told her that sometimes we need breaks from our friends. That doesn't mean you are no longer friends but you are pursuing other interests at the moment. Dd is upset because she does not like feeling this way about her friend. And she is concerned because we spend so much time together as families. I told her to relax and to talk to her friend about how she is feeling that they always do what friend wants and to work out some compromises. We will play basketball for half an hour and then rainbow loom for example. I guess I am just looking for some ways yo help her navigate this tricky time.
  12. I am sorry for your loss. Nothing brings out the ugly like weddings and funerals.
  13. In my late 40's. Moving I can stand for hours. Standing still and doing a task like ironing will leave me needing to sit after half an hour.
  14. I don't have any advice but I didn't want to read and run. I would take the dog to the vet to check on possible bladder infection.
  15. Going out to eat-a nice sit down meal. Grabbing a bite to eat-fast food, chipolte type place etc. Technically, any meal eaten elsewhere would be going out to eat. The terminology is semantics.
  16. The wise edge knows when to cut. Your cousin was not signing the 3 year old up for Hitler Youth but utilizing in your opinion, a lack of parenting. If this is a hill you want to die on, go for it. Offer all the unsolicited advice you care to. Be prepared for the consequences.
  17. I use a lot of coconut oil. It makes the best popcorn. I use it in place of butter to make eggs. I stir fry with it. I make chocolate candies with it (The best peanut butter and jelly cups). For oil pulling I mostly use sesame oil but I mix it up with coconut oil every few weeks. It makes a great Make up remover. I buy 2 kinds. The one that tastes like coconut and the one that does not. I order them both from tropicaltraditions.com For me personally, it has not been a miracle weight loss oil but then I am not consistent with taking it every day.
  18. When my sister and I see each other it is for a few days at a time. Our parenting is night and day. Just like we were growing up. We are opposite extremes. Unless asked I don't see any way for that conversation with your cousin to end well. She may forgive you on the surface but that wound will leave a scar. What you can do is model your style if parenting and offer annecdotes of your own parenting adventures. Accept that your cousin may not be receptive. One of my husband's cousins always praised my kids and we always talked about how I parented. Now that she has one of her own she parents nothing like me. I think it is because the family that she lives near does things differently than I do. It is difficult to against your family and the cultural norm of where you live. If it were me, look for opportunities to offer stories of your own journey when you are together. Until then put it out of your mind.
  19. Both my teens are hoarders. They always have been. I really try to be hands off in their rooms. My mom was always on my case when I was a teen. I was quite the slob and her constant comments probably made me even more a slob. Basically, no food allowed. Clear path to the door. Dusting and vacuuming at least once a month. Ds with more frequency. His room takes on a dirty laundry smell if I don't remind him to put stuff in the hamper and that is gross.
  20. Unless your opinion is asked for keep it to yourself. No one likes to be told what they are doing wrong. You are also making sone serious assumptions based on 1 visit. My sister and I had a huge disagreement based on assumptions she made about my life when we only see each other once or twice a year and speak infrequently. It took awhile for that rift to heal.
  21. It is expensive but a little goes a long way.
  22. Here is how I see this situation. 1. Hobby Lobby is a corporation that offers health insurance as a benefit to its employees. This is part of the employees compensation package. Employee works and earns their compensation package: $$, vacation time, sick time, health benefits. Thus making the health benefits the employees to use or not use as they see fit not the corporations. 2. Unless Hobby Lobby is self insured they are purchasing a plan that meets AHC standards from the insurance company and do not get to pick and choose what parts of the plan they like or don't like. 3. Hobby Lobby, the corporation, does not get to decide what is moral for me. The corporation is imposing its morality on the employee. Unless the employee has a moral clause spelled out in their employment contract Hobby Lobby does not get to do this. 4. This court case was about can a corporation impose their morality on its employees. According to the Supreme Court it can. This means the corporation gets to make decisions about my body. What I can and can not use for my medical health. This disturbs me. 5. Side note and not part of court case: If Hobby Lobby is so moral why do they not insist that their 401K only invest in moral companies. How is the fact that they invest in companies that produce Plan B and other drugs they feel are abortifacients not hypocrisy? As far as I can tell, this court case was about women and their right to be in charge of their own medical decisions. 6. Statements such as: You don't have to work there. You can go buy your own plan and do what you want. What if a baby was dropped on a desert island, etc. Are not helpful to the discussion about whether or not Hobby Lobby should have the right to dictate its moral stance onto its employees. These statements are smoke and mirrors that detract from the actual issue. Placing aside the obvious answers that it is not so easy to just get another job in the current economy. Yes, the employee is free to purchase health care elsewhere. Healthcare is a benefit offered by Hobby Lobby which is probably why many have chosen to work there. For their full compensation package. Hobby Lobby is a corporation not a religious institution.
  23. Therr are people who don't know about the stepford wives? I feel old.
  24. If you need a Lyme doc in the city I love who we are using to treat my dh now.
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