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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Fly lady flunkie. However, the sink lesson did stick. I so feel quite accomplished after I shine my sink. I do set a timer for 15 minutes on occasion and tackle my hot spots. Lace up shoes, not this time of year.
  2. If I am going all out bad, my favorite steak dinner: Steak Baked potato with butter and sour cream Creamed Spinach Since I am no longer 20 years old my steak dinner will have a baked potato with a pat of butter, sauteed greens, or asparagus.
  3. Oh, yes, I can remember feeling pretty smug about my perfect son when my boss would tell me stuff about her teen. Then my boy became a teen. I apologized to her. I also have a much greater understanding of my mother now that my dd is a teen. But I believe this is normal developmental behavior so that we are happy to see the back of them as they leave for college.
  4. I think it is ridiculous how much college text books cost. I just spent $181 on a spanish loose leaf textbook for my ds. I could have picked it up used for $60 but he needed the online access code which you can only get with a new book. It doesn't even come with a binder. It is a pack of paper.
  5. I found it easier just to make chocolate chip meringue for my gluten and dairy free dh. 2 egg whites 1 cup sugar 1 tsp vanilla 6 oz chocolate chips (or a bit more if you like a lot of chocolate) preheat oven to 325 beat egg whites until stiff peaks begin to form. add sugar 2 tbl at a time, beat well after each addition. Add vanilla. Fold in chocolate chips. Drop by teaspoonful onto baking sheets. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. I have used coconut oil and shortening as substitutes but nothing tastes or bakes like butter.
  6. High Anxiety Silent Movie Midnight Run Stir Crazy See no evil, hear no evil Silver Streak Young Frankenstein When Harry Met Sally Tootsie
  7. I didn't see the need to spend $10 a month when I can borrow library books for free.
  8. So there is hope for me? My ds is a Junior this year and I can't say the past two years have been lollipops and rainbows as we trekked down the path of higher learning. More like a battle of "One day you will have a boss. This boss is hiring you to do all the sucky stuff he/she does not want to do. High school is practice for doing the sucky stuff to your bosses expectations. Until you prove yourself and then get to hire someone else to do the sucky work." My dd is a freshman this year and I am cautiously optimistic about her high school years.
  9. A splash of vinegar in the water when hard boiling eggs keeps the egg from leaking out if you cracked the shell when putting it in the pot.
  10. I am guilty of friend purging. I am really not friends with 250 people. Sometimes I see no need to keep someone I went to high school with whom I have not seen in 20+ years on my friends list. Sometimes it is someone I was close with but now we never see each other. It is not usually about the person but about how I am managing my relationships.
  11. I was going to have a brace burning party but my mother found out I was at an unchaperoned party and had a beer with my friends. She canceled my party. Had she not there would not have been an actual burning. More of ceremonial tossing. I am a little envious of your daughters zebra stripes. Mine came in one color only.
  12. Absolutely adored that book when I was a kid. My kids do not have grover appreciation though. I also loved Bert's Hall of Inventions. I think that is its name. For every invention Ernie showed Bert an animal that already did what the invention does.
  13. I have a sign that I copied from someone on this site. It says: I'm sorry there seems to be some confusion. I did not ask you to do it, I told you to do it. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to clear that up. When the debate starts I point to the sign.
  14. I buy popcorn kernels in bulk and pop it on the stove. Baked potatoes
  15. I believe they have moved to my house. Been here 16 years and this is the first summer I have seen them in my yard. Although they moved to the front when they met out dog. I wish the hawk would move back in to the neighborhood. It took care of the squirrel problem when it lived here.
  16. Yes, I think your expectations are unrealistic. Daddy needs industrial ear plugs and a white noise machine. If possible, you should leave the apartment.
  17. I have yet to do that but I can see iy happening during/after an argument or a sleep deprived parent.
  18. I have treated iy at home and done the prescription drops. I found the drops work faster. If we have somewhere to be and I don't want to cancel I use the drops otherwise warm compresses using tea bags.
  19. I used to buy a lot of the tracks online. I am drawing a blank on the name of the website but the track was inexpensive amd good quality. I will have to dig around the basement and see if I saved anything with the name on it.
  20. Spaceballs is a very under rated movie. Big hit in our house.
  21. I usually toss, donate, sell everything that is not nailed down. However, I am hanging on to some things for my future grandchildren. My sons Thomas the Tank Engine stuff. All the wood tracks and trains. Our set of wood blocks. Books-the classics that were mine when I was a kid plus a few that the kids and I read together all the time. There are a few other random toys that I can not part with because they had so much fun playing with them.
  22. People do it for fame/recognition/money. If their kid has a bit of talent they see a cash cow. They see a cash cow because the public watches this stuff. If the public stopped participating it would somewhat go away. The kids who manage to survive it have parents who were not in it for the massive amounts of money. They were in it because their kids enjoyed acting/dancing/singing and they were supporting their endeavors.
  23. Because they don't know what to say. You are outside the box they are in and they don't know what box to put you in.
  24. It is nice when siblings show the love. Once I left mine home alone to go grocery shopping. I believe they were 12 and 10 at the time. I was on my way home when ds calls. They heard a strange noise upstairs like someone is in the house. I asked what the dog was doing. "Sleeping" . I told him there was no one in the house but I was a couple of blocks away and if they are scared they should exit the house. They didn't. I come inside and ds is holding my chefs knife and has his sister behind him looking up the stairs. The noise was the construction on the house behind us. I left the upstairs windows open. I told ds that I think it is wonderful he wanted to protect his sister but should this ever happen again they are to immediately exit the house, call 911, and go to our neighbor, the police officer.
  25. Lemon chicken with stir fry vegetables.
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