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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Of course you don't spend your time judging. You are comfortable with your assessment that her relationship with her live-in boyfriend is not approved by G-d. I am asking what your thoughts would be if your friend felt that way about your relationship with your husband.
  2. Love Cary Grant movies. Off to set my dvr.
  3. Maybe you should flip the question. Can you be friends with someone who disapproves of your marriage? Believes it is morally wrong to raise a family with hetero parents? Would you ever be able to fully commit to a friendship where you know the friend is silently judging your marriage, your family, your life?
  4. Is it possible to see a different doctor? I would not want to be wasting my time convincing the doc to take me seriously.
  5. Years ago my dh was on welbutrin. It saved out marriage. He has self medicated at different times with st. John's wort, same-e, 5 htp, and inositol.
  6. My Dd had the same thing happen to her when ahe was little. Post it notes were a life saver.
  7. What kind of person gives their pet to someone else so they don't have to house it but can keep visiting? And using your friends as a storage facility is also just plain wrong. If it is that important to you then either pay for the storage facility or figure out a way to keep it.
  8. When mine were younger I found the gimmes went away faster if I unplugged them for week. I have a zero tolerance policy. Exiting the store without the cart full of groceries drove the lesson home faster then any conversation we ever had (and I would always sit them down beforehand and go over the rules and how we are not deviating from the list). Leaving without the groceries was incredibly inconvenient because I had to return to the store later and go grocery shopping but it worked.
  9. If i lived alone I would totally do it. But as a couple or a family-no. I need to be able to retreat. I am always looking to minimize our stuff. Quite a challenge when married to a hoarder and you have children who have inherited his hoarder tendencies.
  10. Never apply malice when stupidity will suffice. I, too, am a shy person and homeschooling forced me way out of my comfort zone to find friends for my kids. I am not going to lie, it was a few years before I found some peeps. I kissed a lot of frogs. My suggestions based on what you posted: If you say you would like to see X movie and they say yes pick a date right then and there. Do not leave it open ended with a let me know when would be good for you. Once plans are made follow up with a text a few days before. A quick and breezy "looking forward to seeing X with you on Tuesday" Cancelation - immediately reschedule. Do not leave a loose end hanging out there. For me, I found I really had to work hard to help my kids make connections.
  11. I don't mind filling out pages and pages of forms prior to an appointment but I absolutely detest when the doc does not read them first and proceeds to ask me every question on the form verbatim.
  12. I take the annual back to school mug shot. Each child holds a sign with their grade and the date.
  13. My opinion: Too many patients per nurse. Too many people who go into nursing for the schedule and/or that is where the jobs are. Not because they feel called to it. Not enough respect for what they do from other medical professionals and patients. When my father was in the hospital a number of years ago his room was across from the break room. I can't tell you how many times someone would pop open that door to find someone/ask a question and they would then have a 10 minute conversation in the doorway thus disturbing my father who we were trying to keep comfortable as he lay there waiting to die. My dh went out there and politely asked them to please close the door as the noise was disturbing my father. The staff was quite huffy about it. I get it, you are taking the first break you had all day but you are disturbing a patient. The extra 2 steps inside to close the door was all that was needed. My sister or I had to hunt down a nurse every time our father needed something. This is not the nurses fault, as I stated earlier, understaffed and overworked, but I felt for people who did not have a family member or friend to assist them because those people had to lay there and wait until someone had a free minute.
  14. Homemade chicken soup with lots and lots of noodles.
  15. Never did a cost analysis. I like the control I have over the ingredients. I even grind my own flour. Now that my dh is gluten free I don't bake bread as often as I used too.
  16. Um, all of it. I am a lousy housekeeper.
  17. I soak my beans with an acid to help with the digestive issues. For example..1 cup chickpeas. I cover with water and add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. I also soak them for 24 hours. Different beans need different soak times. Easy to find with a quick Google search. Eating beans with more frequency also helps your body adjust and some of the digestive challenges go away.
  18. Ww are on a very tight budget these days and I found my kids are not big bean eaters but I have found if I grind lentils into flour and mix it into meatloaf or meatballs it helps stretch the meat. Mine will eat certain beans so I buy them dried and soak them and cook them myself. It requires sone advance planning on my part but it is worth it. I buy popcorn kernels and pop it on the stove. In a nutshell if it is not seasonal and on sale it does not go in the cart. It requires a lot more planning and advance cooking then I like to do but it keeps us eating fairly well.
  19. Happy birthday to your dd. Gluten free cake is easy as long as you like chocolate. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchens/flourless-chocolate-cake-recipe.html http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/recipe/flourless-chocolate-cake-dark-chocolate-glaze
  20. I can totally relate. We don't qualify for food assistance either. We are already bare bones with out expenses but dh's medical expenses put us over the edge and assistance programs where I live don't take that into account.
  21. Lyme and it's coinfection friends are everywhere in the US. Even in places where docs tell you it isn't. My dh has the trifecta lyme/bartonella/babesia.
  22. Since my dh is currently on iv antibiotics for his undiagnosed for 30 years chronic Lyme I would insist on getting your child tested. The earlier you treat the better.
  23. I have no idea. Read. Relax. Use my dining room as a dining room instead of a schoolroom/dining room. To hear my mother tell it I am champing at the bit to get out of the house and go back to work so I can feel valued and enjoy adult interaction because my life is so hard taking care of my disabled husband and homeschooling. Whenever she makes these comments I champ at he bit to end the conversation.
  24. My mil is queen of the frankenbox food.I don't eat any of it and I won't prepare it.
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