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Everything posted by kewb

  1. We had a variety of fruit trees in my backyard when I was growing up. 1 peach tree that grew the best peaches. I think my parents largely ignored the trees. We did lose the peach tree to bora bugs when I was little. I can only imagine the frustration of an entire orchard.
  2. I could make it happen but I don't want to make it happen. It would be somewhat difficult because I don't have the land to raise my own meat and laying hens. I do have access to locally grown food and I tend to only shop at the supermarket for some staples. I already make the majority of our food from scratch. My kids already know that June is when I buy strawberries because that is when they are local and in season, the same for summer fruits. By the end of winter everyone is quite tired of apples and pears.
  3. Food that is non GMO is labeled that it is free from GMO. My husband is gluten and dairy free. It cured his digestive issues that he had all of his life and his skin is fantastic. I have not noticed a difference in my health but I also never went completely gluten and dairy free. I do eat a lot less of both now simply because meals I prepare for the family are gluten and dairy free. I think healing yourself with food (or the elimination of food) is the best thing you can do for yourself. Changing your diet is a lot better for you then a lifetime of meds.
  4. Chocolate Chip Meringue: 2 egg whites (room temperature) 1 cup sugar 1 tsp vanilla 6oz chocolate chips Preheat oven to 325 Beat egg whites until stiff peaks begin to form. Add sugar 2 tbls at a time. Mix well after each addition. Add vanilla. Fold in chocolate chips. Drop by teaspoonful onto baking sheets. Bake 20-25 minutes (until golden) Fudge: 1 can condensed milk 1 12 oz bag chocolate chips 1 tsp vanilla optional add in: marshmallow, nuts, etc. Grease pan. line with wax paper. Heat milk and chocolate chips in microwave for 1 minute. Stir. Heat at 10-20 second intervals until smooth. Mix in vanilla and optional ingredients. Pour into prepared pan. You do have to act somewhat quick before fudge hardens. Cut into small, bite size pieces. It is very rich and most people only eat a few pieces.
  5. My perfectionist ds was exactly the same at age 4. He is now 16 and I just went through a bout of sore losing with him because his sister was beating him at chess. It challenged his idea of himself as a great chess player. It took a lot of conversations and meltdowns and talking until he was better able to control himself. With patience and persistance on your part he will learn to be a better loser and control himself.
  6. Duct tape, banana peel, and a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar. It took a few months for the wart to fall out, but it was summer and I could only keep the duct tape after the day was done and we were in for the evening. I would cut a little piece of banana peel, place it over the wart and seal with duct tape. In the morning when the tape came off I would clean with apple cider vinegar.
  7. I've been to the one in NYC with my daughter for an author signing. We did not go to the cafe or have the dolls hair done. It is a toy store. My most horrific moment was in the historical doll section and coming face to face with Julie. Her historical era is the 70's. My childhood is not a historical era, thank you very much. It is not my cup of tea but my daughter enjoyed it.
  8. In my dream garden there is a full time gardener so the plants and trees are not victim to my black thumb. As for trees-growing up we had 2 apple trees, a pear tree, a peach tree, and a cherry tree in our backyard. It was quite awesome. Besides all the great fruit apple and cherry trees are great for climbing.
  9. I love my vitamix. I debated for years making the investment but it has paid for itself. I use it daily. Nut butters, smoothies, nut milks, millet flour, almond flour, etc. No discoloration from blueberries here and I use a lot of blueberries.
  10. As late as they want. I would expect a courtesy text or call letting me know if they are planning on staying out all night so I don't stay up all night thinking they are dead in a ditch somewhere and I would let them know that was my expectation.
  11. Largest to smallest and all bills must be facing the same way. Face front and right side up.
  12. Ugh, Dr. Laura makes my blood boil. Dr. Phil-laughable. I am amazed people take him seriously. Dr. Oz- we have covered how he got caught up in his own press. But Dr. Laura-oh, if I believed in Satan she just might be it.
  13. Dr. Oz performed life saving surgery on my uncle before he became a tv celebrity. He is a fantastic surgeon.
  14. It is a cultural norm that you are supposed to act like time with your family is all kinds of awful. I actually do not know anyone who believes it but many of my friends whose kids go to school make these same kinds of comments. Most of the time they are not even listening to themselves-until I call them on it.
  15. Get tested. May have been a tick and not a chigger. And take a picture of the rash to show your doc in case it fades before you get in to see them. I would also insist on a preventative round of antibiotics.
  16. School is still in session in my state and the back to school sales have already started. It is absolutely ridiculous.
  17. My oldest was a big fan of Barry Manilow sings Sinatra. Calmed him down like nothing else.
  18. I agree it is a conversation worth having and overall this one has been fairly civil. I am just done with the subject matter. The only sweetener in my cupcakes is raw honey. Produced by bees living free in tje wild. It is unfortunate that I had to steal their hard work but I like honey more than stevia or agave and brown rice syrup may or may not have arsenic.
  19. I feel your pain. Our AC died over the weekend. New part won't be here until tomorrow. It is 85 degrees in the house. I am thankful I have 2 powerful fans blowing. As soon as the tree guy is done cutting down and pruning my trees we are out of here.
  20. I don't know why I keep reading this thread. I think I have all the relevant points now. People who don't vaccinate are selfish and unable to research and arrive at the same conclusion as people who vaccinate. Circumcision = child abuse. I am surprised we have not yet tossed in bottle feeding=feeding your child poison in a can. I think I am going to go eat some cupcakes. Gluten free, soy free, dairy free, nut free, egg free, add allergen of your choice free cupcakes.
  21. Yes, there is fashionable and comfortable clothes. When I say I am not focused on fashion I mean I am not buying trendy clothes that will be out of style next season. For that matter, I rarely buy myself anything because it is simply not in the budget. I just got slapped with an unexpected repair bill because the AC just broke and now I am looking around my house and selling everything that is not nailed down to raise the funds. It kind of sucks. So I am a rather grumpy frumpy right now.
  22. My number 1 reason is comfort. I don't feel the need to be a slave to fashion. My clothes are clean and flattering colors. I don't like tight or form fitting clothes. It is who I am at the moment. I also have no disposable income at the moment and any spare $$ go to clothes for the growing teens.
  23. We play that game too. He looked ancient on Barney Miller when I was a kid. Oy, the Six Million Dollar Man is 75 now. I was so in love with Lee Majors when I was a kid.
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