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Everything posted by kewb

  1. That's horrible. I would take that complaint to the top and social media.
  2. Any vegetable side dishes that don't have added sugar would be fine for a diabetic. Roasted root vegetables, greens sautéed with olive oil and garlic, bean salad. For dessert my husband will pass on cake because diabetic friendly ones usually involve artificial sweeteners so I give him an assortment of berries with fresh whipped cream. I don't add sugar when I make the whipped cream.
  3. I followed the put away before you take out rule. It worked when they were 5. My teens require a lot of reminding to pick up after themselves.
  4. We have a clothing budget that covers the basics. After that they are free to spend their own money on clothes they want. They learned early that they could have 3 plain shirts for the price of that designer shirt. They got to choose if they really wanted that designer shirt or more clothes to get through the week before doing laundry.
  5. Good luck. Some days I think insurance is a big old scam. I pay a large premium and get little on return.I pay $1500 a month for my husbands iv drugs because the cdc says he doesn't have lyme. So frustrating.
  6. Dylan's candy bar can be fun but we prefer Economy Candy on the lower east side for a more authentic experience.
  7. That is why you make a reservation. I am not waiting 90 minutes for it, either.
  8. Serendipity for frozen hot chocolate. Make a reservation. Place is tiny.
  9. Our neighbors attract lots of rodents with their garbage. Our dog is part terrier and he keeps them out of our yard. He has taken out a mole, mice, possum, and I have no doubt that chipmunk will be moving out soon. If a dog or cat is not an option report them to the town. Rats are a health issue.
  10. Not uncommon in my school district. If the public school is not equipped for the child it may be less expensive in the long run to send them to a private school that can meet the needs of the child. To be honest, I struggle with the expense when it is time to vote on the school budget.
  11. All I can tell you is the eggs I buy from my poultry farm taste a heck if a lot better than the supermarket eggs.
  12. Definitely the chicken, olives, and feta. I would add the spinach, too. What time shall I come over for dinner?
  13. That is interesting. My kids were typical. Navy blue eyes when born, quickly changed to brown.
  14. I feel your pain. My kids don't measure up to my sil's in my inlaw's opinion. I have finally reached the conclusion that they don't make these comments out of malice. They make them out of stupidity and nothing I say will change them. They love my kids but our family style is so radically different from theirs that they do not understand what we do or why we do it, nor do they want to understand. My sister in law follows her mother's method of parenting therfore she understands those grandchildren. She also lives closer to Sil so is way more involved in her life then I would be comfortable with. I hope this makes sense.
  15. I tip my stylist 15% because that is what I can afford. I happen to think that 25-30% is ridiculous. It would be one thing if I had some kind of difficult hair and was having a runway updo done that took an hour or more.
  16. My Dd and I used to watch house hunters years ago. It just seemed over the years the couples became worse and worse. Shallow with ridiculous expectations. I know the show is heavily edited but it became ludicrous. Realky, if you need a whole bedroom for your closet you have too much stuff. The cosmetic complaints-this wall color is awful. We stopped watching because it was no longer enjoyable.
  17. I have thrift shop envy. There are none close to me. I did not feel the few I had been in had such great pricing and the selection left a lot to be desired. I find it easier to shop on line. I stalk the clearance section of my favorite sites.
  18. I use white vinegar and baking soda to clean just about everything.
  19. Is it supposed to be organized? I don't have a pantry (I wish I did). bulk items are in the garage. Beans, wheat berries, coconut oil, popcorn, etc. In bulk bins with gamma lids. In my pantry cabinet my spices are organized by frequently used in the front. I also store them on lazy susans so I can spin to what I need on one shelf. The next shelf has the oils and vinegars and small storage of the bulk beans. Top shelf has the cannister of sugar, molasses, and boxes of salt. Nuts and ground flours are in the freezer. Cheese is in plastic wrap in the fridge.
  20. I find I do better freezing ingredients instead of meals. I keep things like breaded cutlets or grilled cutlets and meatballs on hand in the freezer. That way I can pull out what I need for what I am preparing. Other then soup and chili I found that when freezing meals it went to waste. I freeze in ziploc bags most of the time. Sometimes I will line a container and when the contents are frozen I will pop it oit for easy stacking.
  21. Not that I think his concerns about ending up as a weekend dad are not important but I think he is missing the big picture here in terms of your needs. If my dh made a comment like that in my current state of mind he would find that concern coming 100% true.
  22. When my kids were in public school the principal was receptive to separation requests. Simply state your reasons why your child should not be placed in the same classroom as y. Make the reasons about your childs success without saying anything negative about the other child.
  23. Side note-seriously, why does he even care what a bunch of strangers think? He is never going to see them again. I can totally relate to what you are going through with the hormones. My dh has been ill for a number of years now and being caretaker and my own hormonal shifts have left me wishing I can hole up on an island by myself. Dh just spent a week at his mothers to give me a break and I am kind of sad he is back now. I feel horrible about that. It was just so peaceful for me when he was gone. You need to find a time when you are both having moment of lucidity (as we like to call them in our house) to discuss what is going on with you.
  24. So sick of the jamberry fandom. I have a few fanatical friends. Makes me nuts. I don't wear nail polish because I hate the way it feels. I can only imagine non breathing vinyl would feel worse.
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