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Everything posted by awisha.

  1. We are schooling in our singlets and undies today!! We have had 30+°c days the last 3 days... *waaah*

    1. Rosie_0801


      33 here. *waaaaahhhh*


    2. Lucy in Australia

      Lucy in Australia

      Oh, I feel your pain! We had day after day over 40° here in Perth & we nearly lost our collective mind. Just keep repeating "this too shall pass..."

  2. I am waiting (impatiently!!) for the day the software people give us our tags back.
  3. Oh. my. word. :svengo: My skin ITCHED when I looked at the photos of the floors. Ugh, the whole place is filthy. The bathroom is just... there are no words to describe it... flipping disgusting x1,000,000 *shudders*
  4. These are all of the touristy Victorian places I can think of at the moment :) Melbourne Zoo Healesville Sanctuary Werribee Open Range Zoo Sovereign Hill in Ballarat Riding the Paddle Steamers in Echuca Warnambool and watching the whales Drive along The Great Ocean Road Surfing at Torquay beaches Botanical Gardens in Melbourne and other state towns Any other touristy places fellow Vics??
  5. Oh how I wish we could still tag threads...

    1. mommymilkies


      We can't tag threads? I saw some have something like tags. I will say that it doesn't seem as handy as before, though.

  6. LOL, I am an '85 baby and I was thinking either pogs or fancy clothing snaps :rofl:
  7. I added a few guesses... Pains in the butts they are lol
  8. I will make a couple of squares for the boardies brave, sweet daughter.
  9. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!!! Is anyone else liking posts in threads from the old board?!? Anyone, anyone?? Bueller, Bueller, Bueller...
  10. Also, how do you plan to travel from A to B when you are here (if you don't go the tour route). Queensland and more so the Northern Territory are HOT during half/most of the year. Queensland accomodation along the beaches/near attractions will be expensive. Same with Sydney. If we go on a holiday (as in, going to a town in Victoria), we stay in a caravan park but we use the cabins. So, as an example, we stayed 7 days in a town 2 years ago and we paid $500 to $600 for the mid size family cabin. That was hundreds cheaper than staying in a motel or hotel. That example is country Victoria, so staying at a popular tourist destination will be much more expensive.
  11. I have ordered twice with RR. First time was perfect ( Ordered Jan/Feb this year and it only took a week or so to get to Australia). Second time was August this year. I had the initial email confirmation and then nothing. A week later I called them (the lady who answered was very nice) and they told me some things were on backorder and the whole thing would be sent next day. Took nearly a month to get here and the box was sent to Buenes Aires first!!! Next time I order (in a couple of months) I am going to be ringing them about shipping options and to check if any of my items are on backorder. It only cost me a couple of dollars to call the US from Australia. The phone call was no longer than 5 mins.
  12. Still too hot at 5.30pm. Tomorrow will be worse!!! :svengo:

    1. Rosie_0801


      You should have been at my place!

  13. Any advice given depends on when you are coming to Australia, where you will be travelling to and how much you are going to spend :)
  14. Wow, that is great news for both if them!! Hope the paparazzi leaves Kate alone.
  15. My trolldar is making a lot of noise...

    1. Avila


      Beep. Beep. Beep. Or does yours honk? ;). Mine sounds like a truck backing up.

    2. awisha.


      Mine just screams "Intruder Alert! - Intruder Alert!"

  16. I hope she is found safe and sound. Poor girl, I hope she is alone.
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