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Everything posted by awisha.

  1. *throws self onto ground kicking and screaming* But I waaaaaaanna tag though!!!
  2. I wanna know when the ability to leave tags will be finally available. *feti with peni* *speshul snowflake fetus* *YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!* *stop feeding the f-ing trolls already* *seriously, just stop*
  3. I like Sleepless in Seattle. I watched When Harry Met Sally for the first time the other month and it was extremely 'Meh' for me. Why is there such a big fuss about THAT movie?!?! Lol
  4. Oh hell freaking no!!! Whatever way you look at it, it is just nasty.
  5. Serial SPAMMER reported. *sheesh* some people need to get a life :lol:
  6. Oh and to answer your question, I am behind in every way imaginable :D I hate folding and putting away so I have mountains of clean stuff on the 2-seater couch and I have a load of dark and a load of whites to wash.
  7. This thread is gold, I am DYING over here!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. Sorry!!! No, I meant a completely different company to SL. Why hasn't *someone* created a secular program yet? If SL does make Brightflash available to homeschoolers, their BF profits will still be going to the same places as SL profits.
  9. I want to know why a secular SL/in a box/literature program (etc) company hasn't been started yet. I presume it's been MANY years that this type of company has been wanted, so why not?? Is it the money to get started, difficulty getting reliable book suppliers, no established reputation, the time needed to start it or what?? I bought SL core B just last month and I gave away the religious books to a friend. The whole missionary/THUMB thing does bother ME but what can I do if I want lots of lovely books with an already planned IG?? I was thinking about buying many more cores in the future but now I kind've feel like just buying core C next year and being done with it all. But then all the lovely, delicious books keep pulling me back!!!! :lol:
  10. Reported for BLASPHEMY!!! Vegemite and butter are a match made in heaven (especially on fake white bread *runs*)
  11. Yes, I asked the library to purchase a copy because they didn't have one!!!
  12. If that is the case, how do you explain this earlier post...
  13. Personally, I think you need to change your thread title because I think "illegitamate" is a horribly offensive way to describe innocent babies. I thought that sort of thinking died out in the early 1900's :glare:
  14. Tom has a blog too http://www.fathead-movie.com/
  15. Good thoughts being sent to Kalanamak, her family and friends

  16. My boy is 6 today!! *waaah* Where does the time go?!?!

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