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Everything posted by awisha.

  1. o.O what in the world... I am so sorry you had to go through that.
  2. No, no, no you've got it all wrong!! You need to be showing your boobs to *other* peoples children remember. *dies laughing*
  3. If I was your package receiver I would love post cards, US state books, souvenir type things. And a couple of US coins. That sort of stuff interests me more than food things lol.
  4. I got the blasted Microsoft/Windows phone call (again!!) just yesterday. Seriously people, get a bloody life because everyone has known about that particular scam for ages.
  5. Oh man, can you imagine the tags this thread would be rocking if we were still on the old forum format!?!?
  6. How incredibly nice of you to offer help to the young man Swellmomma!!
  7. *sprays annoying spammer with hose* SHOO!!!
  8. That I really like the new logo up there!! Very pretty and a vast improvement over the plain text it used to be. :)
  9. *ahem* Think thunderstorm, front door of house (the outside of the front door!!), 10pm, front door is easily viewed from street, doing the wild thang against said front door, a neighbour across the road coming out of their house, quickly opening your front door, nearly falling over and laughing your butt off. When I was a mid teen I would wear these white pants with a red or pink g-string (which you could see!!!) And these pink strapped platform shoes.
  10. Is that guy PINCHING his own nipples?!?!?! AND is the guy in the top row, fourth from the left GRABBING his crotch?!?!? This is GOLD. THANKYOU!!! :smilielol5: :smilielol5:
  11. And our annual tradition is a Wet T-Shirt Competition. *dies laughing*
  12. Poof/poofter is a not nice slang word for gay here.
  13. *snort* gob is mouth here in Oz. Continue the naughty line of thought to work out what gobbie is lmao
  14. Did you know that wanker and tosser are interchangeable?? Wel,l in Down Under land they are ;)
  15. Yep, the word wanker by itself is rather... interesting. ;)
  16. Someone reported my lamb chops song...
  17. "You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day" *shakes fist* Damn you forum for making me stop my whoring ways for 24 hours. How am I supposed to feed my family now?!?!
  18. ALL I WANNA DO IS TAG!!! *shakes fist at forum*
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