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Everything posted by awisha.

  1. Oh yum. My dad bought us kids up eating sardines on toast and smoked oysters on toast. I prefer the sardines slightly smooshed on toast, then add a drizzle of tomato sauce. I love the oysters smashed onto toast. Although I am wierd and eat the beardy bit off the oyster first. :) I have a can of each in the pantry, guess what I'm having for lunch!!!
  2. What in the world is TeA??? I gather it has something to do with lady parts, but is TeA an acronym or something else??? :confused:
  3. :lol::lol: :lol::lol: You hivers crack me up sometimes :D
  4. Thankyou so much for all the replies ladies. Very much appreciated :)
  5. Thanks for the quick reply Dawn :) You've given me something else to think about now.
  6. When I first decided to HS my DD I went and bought History Odyssey Ancients 1 and SOTW 1. I was all excited to begin it in Jan next year and started buying the history spines for HO. And then I discovered Sonlight and I am completely confused now. Which brings me (finally!) to my questions: Which is the better way to learn History? The 4-year cycle (HO) or all at once (SL)??? Could I mesh SL and HO together?? (Follow the SL guide and then add in the HO activities when the time periods etc come up??)
  7. I had the HPV vaccine when it became available. When my children get to an appropriate age (mid teens), they too will get the vaccination.
  8. If you are into action, violence and murder, than yes watch it. It is actually quite good.
  9. I'm actually starting to kick myself that I "missed" my childrens toddler and baby years, to do meaningful, family and educational things with them. I was doing the "normal" thing and sending them off to kinder and school, letting the teachers do their thing. Even though DS is off to his last year of kinder next year, I am going to be teaching him a lot of things.
  10. I read while on the toilet but I always take the book back out with me. I only take in books I have bought though, never library books. I love reading in the bath too.
  11. I have been homeschooling my DD since the 18th July and I am actually enjoying having my children with me all day. Before HSing I would get annoyed with them very easily or not pay them enough attention etc. :o I guess I have been learning the whole time too!!! :party: I *heart* homeschool :001_smile:
  12. I told DH last night, after the movie trailer came on t.v, that we had to see the movies because it had cowboys and aliens in it. Of course my decision had NOTHING at all to do with the fact that Daniel Craig is in the movie too. :drool5:
  13. *hugs* for you Wendi. Hope they recover and that the 14y.o realises that way of life is definitely not worth it.
  14. Specifically with the box literature curriculum companies. I bought the HOD LHFHG guide and the Burgess books for DD. We have our own maths, handwriting and LA programs. I've been doing the science, art, drama activities with DD and while I am happy with continuing to 'gloss' over the religious parts of the guide, I am wondering if there are other curriculum guides which aren't so 'religious' IYKWIM??? I need a lot of hand holding with activity ideas, questions to ask the student, what pages to read etc etc. I did look at the SL guide peeks on their website but they didn't look as helpful/handholding as HOD. Maybe I need to get a 3 week sample and then compare??? Any advice will be greatly appreciated :)
  15. Wasn't there a thread a little while ago which was about AM and her 17 kids??? That AM had been on here years ago and gave really good advice and another lady on here had saved AM posts??? That's when AM replied with the post about all her kids doing chores as a race and they get prizes etc. Sorry to hijack the thread btw
  16. I can kind of understand because just last year I was almost sucked into a religion which is regarded by A LOT of people as a high-risk high-control cult. I was getting depressed and lonely just being at home all the time with the children and when a member from this religion came door knocking, I jumped at the chance for some companionship. I went to meetings and read their literature and version of the bible all the time. If you are bombarded by the same thing over and over and over and over again, you get to the stage where you believe everything you read and hear etc. I was even reading the childrens literature to my DD and took her to a meeting. How I 'woke up' was I, for some reason, googled the religion and came across a forum for current and ex-members and what I saw there was a big wake up call. I thank god everyday that I got out of that mess. I am not religious and I doubt I will be ever be part of a religion again because of my experience, but I am not about to dismiss the possibility of a 'creator', just like I don't agree 100% with 'evolution' IYKWIM. What I am trying to get at, is if you are in the 'right' frame of mind or easily swayed, then falling into this sort of 'religion' is very, very easy. And getting out is just as hard, if not impossible, because of everything you have put into the religion i.e time, money, life etc etc.
  17. The only cool thing about our birthdays is my DS is 7th March, then two months later DH is 7th May and then two months later my birthday is 7th July. DD is odd one with 20th May. Although if you wrote her birthdate out fully it would be 20/05/2005.
  18. I am a real person ladies. I live in Australia, I have ONLY 2 children, I don't live in a mansion (or by a lake for that matter), my children don't have wacko names or nicknames, my husband isn't a doctor (he is an auto mechanic), and I am not interested in stealing a swedish vampire off of a certain board member. But show me Johnny Depp and I would leave my husband in a heart beat :D
  19. I stayed up late last night reading the Ugh thread and then started reading this one. I woke up this morning and I just HAD to get back online to finish this thread. I did try getting on WTM early yesterday and I read one page of a thread and then the forum shat itself. Now I know why!! Good job troll hunting ladies :) p.s It is 10:58am here and I reeeeeeally need to go and do DD's school.
  20. I'll join the support group. I have spent WAY too much already and I'm STILL thinking of curriculum to buy...
  21. Hi. I am new here and have been lurking for a week or so. I finally looked beyond the curriculum board and discovered this one!! We live is Australia and would like DD to have a penpal. Any where in the world is fine. Girl or boy, prefer similar age. I don't know if it matters but we are not religious. DD is 6 and she loves anything pink, butterflies, fairies, princesses, ponies etc etc. She likes dancing, singing, skipping, riding her bike (newly with out training wheels) and lots of other creative activities. Please PM for personal details if interested. :001_smile:
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