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Everything posted by awisha.

  1. I love this thread :D I have never fallen asleep in a library, I've been close a few times but I think I am too paranoid to do it lol. That is the strangest, yet coolest thing I have seen for a while!!
  2. For those of you who have ordered directly from Oak Meadow, how long did it take for OM to ship your items?? It has been 10 business days so far and my account still says 'processing'. I am quietly dying of impatience over here lol :D
  3. "Judging other parents is SO bad!!" say the posters judging the other posters for what they said. Pot, meet kettle...
  4. School holidays are usually from week before Christmas until start of Feb and that is the big school holiday so every man and his dog will be out and about. Also hot!! Last summer (so Dec to Feb) for my area (Geelong) was 25-35ish ºC but we did get some 40+ºC days. So keep the heat in mind if you travel during summer. Torquay and Bells Beach are world class surfing areas and have 'learn to surf' opportunities. Torquay is also *the* place for Quiksilver, Roxy and the other surfy clothing brands. If you drive the Great Ocean Road there are beaches all the way along, some with lifeguards and some with none (so basically swim at your own risk). Also along Great Ocean Road are places for bush walking. Lorne is a hugely popular tourist place (and hugely expensive lol) anx if you drive up the hill in Lorne you'll get bush walking places too. Lorne is about an hour from Geelong and Geelong is about 50 mins from Melbourne. Torquay is 20mins from Geelong I haven't ever travelled along the Great Ocean Road after Lorne so I'm not sure what is that way. Definitely bush walking and small beaches.
  5. I just checked my email before going to bed and I had one from Maria. There is a Math Mammoth competition which will end Tuesday. Check your emails!! Here are the prizes... The "grand prize": (TWO (2)) winners will get Math Mammoth All Inclusive bundle - either CD or download, by winner's choice FOUR (4) winners will get Math MammothLight Blue Series bundle - either CD or download, by winner's choice FOUR (4) winners will get Math MammothBlue Series bundle - either CD or download, by winner's choice TEN (10) winners will get one grade level of Math Mammoth Light Blue series - download - the grade level is chosen by winners And I apologise if this is old news :D
  6. I'm going to take a "before" (more like half way organised because I didn't think to take a pic way back when lol) pics tomorrow and then the "after" when I am done. My schoolroom started as my sewing room but had to become a shared room when I started HSing DD. I have organised the room about 6 times since I started HSing and my 2 have had 2 different types of desks :D. I made a big change nearly a month ago and it has been going well. I'll give myself until the end of the week tohave the room done and I'll post pics then.
  7. If you visit display houses of the major builders, they have had 2 sink ensuites for a few years now. 1 sink is bad enough to clean let alone 2 of the bloody things lol
  8. What an idiot :glare: (the person doing the selling, not the OP)
  9. Off topic but thankyou for typing this out Ellie. It is just what I needed to hear :)
  10. Oh man, that was just insanely cute and made me wish I had done that for my 2 lol.
  11. 2 weeks without FB!!! *woot*

    1. Χά�ων


      Congrats! I haven't been able to do without facebook but I rarely post anything since I friended a bunch of DS's friends.

  12. I had DH put a rail across two legs of the cutting table (I sew) he made me so I could store the roll of newsprint I have... I store our coloured construction paper in a cardboard tray organiser thingy...
  13. Your new avatar is too cute!! Love it :)
  14. It is indeed!! I could've paid an extra $30 to get it shipped in 3-5 days but decided not to.Rightstart Maths shipped the day after I ordered (last Wednesday so U.S Tuesday) and I should get it (hopefully) in a day or 2. I am so excited lol.
  15. Ha!! I have to wait the 7-14 days for OM to process and ship my order PLUS another 6-10 days for it to arrive in Australia.
  16. A whole 7 days without fb and it wasn't even a planned break lol.

    1. nmoira


      Good for you. :) I own two groups, or I'd be outta there myself.

  17. I ordered OM 2 for DD just the other day. Now it looks like I am jumping on the OM bandwagon but I've been researching for a couple of months. I had this amazing epiphany a few months back. I need to stop buying curiculum *I* like and what *I* think the kids (particularly DD) should use. I bought SL core B back in Jan and although the books are great, learning that way just does not work in this house. Piles of workbooks don't work either. So yeah, I really looked at DD and she is creative, artsy fartsy, hates workbooks and the added sitting still so I picked OM for her. Getting the craft kit too. We are super excited over here lol. I've also bought Rightstart maths for both kids but I'll still pull elements from OM maths though. So DD will have OM 2, RS maths, handwriting and Aussie phonics/spelling program (plus supplemental reading when needed). DS is RS maths, handwriting and Aussie phonics. Plus listening in :D
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