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Everything posted by awisha.

  1. And here I was thinking it was Chick-Fill-Uh. Thanks for setting me straight :lol: I have always wondered how to say her name. I always thought it was Ceilia. Fascinating name :) When I had DD, my roommate at the hospital called her daughter Destiny Rose. Nice but unusual.
  2. The temperature is currently 45'C and the forecast for the rest of the week is 40+ temps. Kill me now...

    1. awisha.


      (113'F right now)

    2. Dana


      Yikes! Stay cool!

  3. I read Owls in the Family to my children last year and they both really enjoyed it. Henry Huggins series. Ramona Quimby series Homer Price Enid Blyton (I don't think she is as popular/well known in the US, but she is an author I highly recommend http://www.enidblyton.net/ ) You could also look at Sonlight, Veritas Press, Memoria Press, Heart of Dakota etc and pick from their lists the books you would like to read aloud.
  4. Come on, you've got to at least give us a couple of hints so we can work out who you're talking about!! :lol:
  5. I can't remember where I found this list, but here it is for anyone interested. It lists spines, non fiction, fiction, biographies, aboriginal themed, geography, lapbooking etc books. I don't know if every single book can still be found as I found the list a couple of years ago. Australian Books.pdf
  6. This thread is from 2009 but keeps getting bumped up!! How hilarious :lol:
  7. I would love to have more children but it just is not going to happen. The big things for me is my body could not handle another big baby, my body hates being pregnant and I get bad PPD. We are still trying to save up for DH to get snipped and I can't get my tubes done until I am in my 30's (stupid rules in the area I live). You need to make the decision which is best for *you* and *your* life.
  8. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/Season's Greetings fellow Hivers!! My 2 darling, lovely children decided 5:30 AM was an appropriate time to wake up today. It is now 8:11am and I have the whole day to get through before I can get back into bed *wah!* :lol: Have a good Christmas Day to those who are celebrating today!!!
  9. I was going to say 'Pics or it didn't happen' but I suspect it is the 'didn't happen' part :lol:
  10. She was having fun!! At least she kept it to your basement area where you could shut the door and pretend it didn't happen :lol:
  11. I see what you did there :lol: Marry me ♡
  12. I hate dark chocolate. I hate coffee of any sort/type/whatever. I hate olives themselves but I can consume/use olive oil. I hate parsnips. I have never read nor watched Twilight, The Hunger Games or 50 shades of Grey and I don't ever intend to either.
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