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Everything posted by awisha.

  1. It's times like this I wish I didn't live on a gigantic island in the middle of the nowhere :lol:
  2. I'd like to make a square for Aubrey's quilt, one for Melissa's Aussie quilt and one for Dana's afghan if it's not too late.
  3. :group hug: I am so sorry for your and your family's loss Rosie. I am honoured I got to meet your precious boy a couple of times. Last time we met up (when I dragged the poor DH along lol) we took a couple photos of the kids climbing those trees near the car park. I'll have a look and see if we got your 2 in the photos and email you a copy. <3
  4. Oh man, the boxes look SO cool! They only ship to the US though which is a gigantic pain in the butt :glare:
  5. Good thoughts for you all :grouphug:
  6. ISTJ Introvert(89%) Sensing(12%) Thinking(1%) Judging(33%)
  7. Quoting number plates now hey Rosie?? :lol:
  8. Oh look, it only took 3 posts for the gay card to be brought up...
  9. Here is the website... http://signup.dailyreckoning.com.au/XRECPC07?gclid=CMi_2OS__b0CFZcjvQodChsAWQ And I took a screenshot to show you the ad
  10. We are not religious either but I started R&S 3 with DD late Jan. I don't read out the bible verses and I either tell DD 'Some people belive this but we don't' or we don't pay attention to the overly Christian bits which crop up. It depends on the day ;)
  11. Hi there! Victorian dwellers here too.
  12. Before I logged on I had an ad which mentioned the Aussie dollar, inflation in Australia and Obama being the cause of the said inflation. I saw it in Susan's 'board changes' thread on the chat board.
  13. Thumbs up from me. Donation button is a good idea too and if you do do the amazon affiliate link, could you do a Book Depository affiliate link too.
  14. :o I'm guilty of opening a new tube while DH goes on using the old one until it's as flat as a pancake.
  15. He CLIMBED through her bedroom window?!?!?! Is he a 15 year old boy who's watched too many eps of Dawsons Creek?? What sort of sane GROWN man thinks climbing into ANY window is a good idea?? Even better than his dangling parts rotting, would be him going to jail and forgetting the "Don't bend over to pick up the dropped soap" rule.
  16. My DD would absolutely LOVE those dresses if she saw them.
  17. I have messed up teeth, very rarely went to the dentist as a child and I found out a month ago that my siblings and I should have had braces when younger. My kids go to the dentist every 6 months because I refuse to let them deal with the same issues I've gone through because of inadequate dental care as a child/teen/adult. DD unfortunately has inherited my teeth, so we'll be saving a small fortune for her work when she is a teenager. Don't know yet about DS because he has only lost his lower front teeth so far but I've got my fingers crossed he has inherited DH's teeth.
  18. I really like your DD's glasses Mergath! We can't get kids glasses that look so classic and lovely. I'm glad she (finally) got medicine and is on the mend, poor little thing.
  19. Oh ffs, I jumped and nearly dropped my blasted phone on the floor watching that clip :lol:
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