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Everything posted by awisha.

  1. I changed mine to my fav Ryan Gosling movie. Although I have a feeling the middle word will get me in trouble...
  2. I resize my pics in microsoft paint. There is an option to resize and I start at 50% and do it in smaller amounts until the pic is the right size.
  3. Wow. Could you be ANY more insulting?!?! Many of the members you have just given the finger too have been on the boards for YEARS. They have been READING and LEARNING about educating their children now and in the future. They have a right (just as much as you) to give answers, advice etc to those who ask questions. Even if the answers/advice is for children older than what they have. Because remember, they have been actively gaining knowledge about ALL sorts of things, not just preschool information.
  4. Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality. Open your eyes, Look up to the skies and see. I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy. Because I'm "easy come, easy go". Little high, little low. Any way the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me...

  5. Over on the Skyfall imdb forums, some where saying the movie was like the recent batman ones. TheDark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises... I love James Bond but I haven't seen Skyfall yet. It is released over here tomorrow actually. I think i will wait a few weeksfor the hoopla to die down before I see it though.
  6. Thanks to whoever posted the status 'Blinded by the white'.... I can't get the blasted song out of my head. Not cool!!!

    1. Dana


      Ha! Heard it on the way home from work tonight :)

  7. Jeez, some people are t.o.u.c.h.y. My post was supposed to be light-hearted, you know, FUNNY/HUMEROUS/AMUSING etc. The group i am a part of discovered (rather hilariously i think) some new euphanisms for *ahem* sensitive subjects. But if you nay-sayers want it, we can start using the correct terminology from now on. You know, because protecting the board from sickos googling correct names for body parts is sooooooooooooo, like, junior high. *MASSIVE EYE ROLL*
  8. What the title says, is there, or will there be, a button to click to see the last read post for a thread?? Thanks :)
  9. I discovered earlier that if you hover/click to the far right of the signature in someones post, two (tiny writing) options pop up. You can stop seeing that posters signature OR you can stop seeing everyones signature. And for what it is worth, the forums are fast for me when most of you are asleep lol. So maybe once the guys finish things out back, the speed will return :)
  10. Woohoo!! Adding hilarious tags is a fun hobby for some of us :)
  11. I'm not seeing it in my settings *cry*
  12. Also the first smilie I used should give you a hint to the specific, (tiny) part ;)
  13. :001_tt2: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:
  14. Whoever is responsible for the change over :glare: I also think if there is a new forum logo, that it should be a collage of hot guys in kilts :D
  15. The city where I live has an exhibit which is showing vintage promotional postcards (for my city) and vintage photographs. Rosie was the first to spot this cute little guy. There was a postcard next to this one of a little boy wearing nothing but a kilt.
  16. http://satorismiles.com/?s=history+odyssey+timeline&submit=Find Just scroll down to see her posts on the timeline. :)
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