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Everything posted by awisha.

  1. No advice, just :svengo: because I googled 'yellow jacket' to see what they look like...
  2. Congratulations!!! I took DD out of school after only 6 months of Prep (US K grade) and I too wonder why I even bothered with public school to begin with :D Enjoy your new, exciting lifestyle :)
  3. I have a question for all those who allow their kids to pee in the bath and not rinse them off afterwards... If you, the parent, were to have a bath and for whatever reason pee in the water, would YOU get out without rinsing yourself off too???
  4. Thankyou!!! I love looking at other peoples rooms and spaces too.
  5. Okay, what is this stuff in the recipe: 1/2 ounce half and half (10.5-18% fat cream) ??? Is it just cream?? Why then does it say whipping cream underneath?? Is whipping cream the stuff in a can that sprays out or is it just normal cream too??
  6. You are not crazy Imp, you are a perfectly sane, caring mother. :grouphug: About 90% of the clothes here in OZ are completely unacceptable for the age they are meant for. My DD is in size 7 now, which means size 7-14 (so tween/early teen) clothes. I am SO glad I can sew clothing for my children because there is NO way my DD is wearing clothes that look like they were designed for adults :) I totally get what you were saying.
  7. I don't think kck was telling you to change back or was even angry, hence the :D :)
  8. :grouphug: the Hive IS an awesome place!!! I think my DH is rather glad that the thread finally got locked because I was spending WAAAAY too much time checking the thread :lol:
  9. That if I leave the forum for the rest of the afternoon (it is 3.30pm here) I w ill miss out on more fun. :lol:
  10. Australia has a brand called Deb potato and pretty much everyone I know calls all instant potato 'Deb potato'
  11. What does the hive think of instant potato/deb potato?? As in, do you use it or not??
  12. The episode videos aren't available in my area... Darn it.
  13. Wow, that is a lot of boxes ( and I am just a teensy bit jealous lol). And they are pretty boxes too!! Have fun with it all :)
  14. I don't know if they are the same, but Rainbow Resource sells MSB science kits. Have you had a look at them yet?? http://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?subject=11&category=6880
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