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Everything posted by awisha.

  1. We haven't been homeschooling for very long but the single best thing we've used so far is OPGTR.
  2. YES!! But I have been having problems for nearly a week now.
  3. My contribution to this thread is an Australian product. Fitzroy Reading program. I used the readers (excellent) with the matching workbook (ugh) last year with DD and she didn't learn a thing about reading. She was stalled on the first workbook. But we love, love, love OPGTR here, we started in January this year and DD is zooming along!! We still use the fitzroy readers but that's it from that program.
  4. Oh my, all I can offer you is lots of :grouphug: I just can't imagine what it would be like to experience what you have. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  5. It won't let me buy it because I don't live in the US... :glare:
  6. Sarita talks about the core F in the back of the catalogue. The 'What's New' section. The price is a lot cheaper this year, because they have taken out a lot of books. She also mentioned in the "What's New" section that John "completely rewrote and updated" the How To Do A Research Paper guide in core D and up.
  7. It's interesting to compare the prices of 2011 and 2012. Oh and for those who don't like the word intuitive anymore, don't read the top of page 130 :lol:
  8. Thanks for the link. All I found on the SL site was the 2011 catalogue.
  9. The Language Arts video us up now :) http://www.sonlight.com/whats-new.html
  10. I ALWAYS put my shopping trolley away when I have finished... Something isn't right... *checks thread title* this is the wrong thread!!! Sorry. :blush:
  11. Fabulous!!! You all did a wondeful job and the room looks perfect. Love the colours you picked.
  12. They are both cuties!! I think you should call him Oliver ( I don't like the name Corey), but it is up to you and your DH :)
  13. Maybe it's some sort of conspiracy!! They joined 18th March 2009 and guess what tomorrow is... 18th March 2012. (for us Aussies it is) 2009 to 2012 is 3 years. March is the 3rd month. What say the hive???
  14. Could you just use a sunscreen during the day and then use a moisturiser at night?? Or pick foundation with sunscreen in it?? I use beautypedia.com for makeup and skincare reviews, click on Search All Reviews in the green bar, then click on Master Brand List. They say what type of sunscreen ingredients are used in products and they list ingredients too. Eta, your reaction could be from an ingredient in the sunscreen, a reaction between sunscreen and foundation OR you could be sensitive to the titanium dioxide or zinc oxide.
  15. I was just about to post this. Just too late!!!
  16. :lol: When I am around my children and I do something silly ir hurt myself: Oh, bother bum!! Oh for crying out loud... Oh for goodness sake!! Sugar Honey Iced Tea (read the initials!!!) and sometimes sh*t will escape :blushing: When I am alone or with adults: Swearing
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