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Everything posted by awisha.

  1. Does anyone remember the names that the infamous troll from last year gave its multiple children?? Nevaeh jumped out at me and made me laugh as I thought of last years entertainment. My children have names which aren't on that list. DD has a kind've popular name with an 'h' added to the end, and DS has DH middle name as his first. It is a nice, old name.
  2. Are you sure that you haven't just been trolled in real life?!?! Because either the woman is smarter (i.e.crafty) than she appears or else you should be going to the hospital to get your stomachs pumped. Wow, just w.o.w :lol:
  3. :grouphug: oh my, you and your family are definitely being thought of. :grouphug: I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. Be strong (somehow) for your boy. Did your daughter witness the accident?? Big hugs all around.
  4. :iagree: She is an incredibly selfish and stupid woman. I feel sorry her children because they are the innocent ones in this situation. They need to be adopted out so they have a chance of a normal, loving, caring life. :glare:
  5. For some reason, the salad troll came to mind as I read the 'review'.
  6. Have a look at the review by DrBonnie, it is the 3rd review down... :lol: http://www.homeschoolreviews.com/reviews/curriculum/reviews.aspx?id=180
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