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Everything posted by awisha.

  1. :lol: :lol: :lol: you are baaaaaaad!!! I figured out the other forum straight away. Now my head hurts :lol: I have an extremely important announcement to make: For crying out loud people, if you cannot spell EASY words CORRECTLY and if you cannot write a pleasing to the eye sentence, why in the world are you homeschooling your children. Why in the heck would you go to homeschooling forums and proceed to communicate in an illiterate, annoying manner??? You make us SANE people WEEP for your children. **** fruitnuts indeed :D
  2. Thanks for the replies ladies. I think I might do what some suggested and wait for the sales and decide then if I want to buy or not.
  3. I have just discovered http://notebookingpages.com/ and I like what I see but the price is making me go :confused:. Is it worth the $80 membership fee?? Pros, cons or anything else I need to know please. Thanks :D
  4. :iagree: This thread has reached 5 pages and no-one has asked him yet if he has ever worn a kilt?!?! :svengo:
  5. Oh my goodness, that was hilarious (and I am glad it was a "good" clip because my 2 were sitting next to me watching)!!! My DD said "Oh that poor doggie" when it got sprayed. I like Big Bang Theory, Keeping up appearances, Some mothers do 'ave em, Seinfield, Kingswood Country ( early 80's Aussie show), plus more I can't think of.
  6. Here's a news story for the crazy, you can't make this stuff up files... (This is the area we live in) http://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/article/2012/09/27/352186_news.html :glare:
  7. This, I am having trouble with DD because she had half a year of Prep (US Kinder) and now she thinks every grade is just crafts, fun and games. Um NO!! We (mostly me) have been incredibly lazy this year and are now in panic mode to finish 3/4-1/2 of her work before the end of December. I am truly disgusted with myself for my laziness and am trying hard to find my groove. :glare: Homeschooling is HARD, so very, very hard. BUT it is so rewarding. My DD has beautiful handwriting, she is slowly understanding narration a la FLL, she is reading ok and most importantly (for me) she still acts like a 7 year old. Hang in there, you'll find your groove one day :grouphug:
  8. :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: Omgosh, that was hysterical!!! Thanks for the laugh :D I've just shared it on fb.
  9. I hope you and your family get good news and yay! on being able to stay in the house :grouphug:
  10. I am so sorry this has happened to you and your family Imp :grouphug:
  11. It's so bright and airy looking. Love the red chairs against all the white :) I was going to comment on the cement floors being cold (you know, because we are in Winter here and I was freaking about the barefeet) but then it clicked, duh, you guys are in Summer (hence your boys are only wearing shorts and t-shirts and are barefoot!!! :lol: ).
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