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Everything posted by awisha.

  1. How could you ever be NOT impressed with Ryan Gosling :svengo:
  2. http://chickendiapers.com/Gallery2.html Look at the black chicken, 3rd one down on the right side... The owners have used red NAILPOLISH on its claws/nails :svengo:
  3. What about using those 3m command adhesive hooks?? We've used them for our white boards (2 hooks for each wb), paintings in the kids rooms etc. http://www.google.com.au/search?tbm=isch&source=mog&hl=en&gl=au&tab=wi&q=3m%20command%20hooks&sa=N&biw=533&bih=237#p=0
  4. Anyone else think this thread was heading into salad territory?? Anyone?? No?? Yes, puke = leave :iagree:
  5. A few of the Toddlers and Tiaras kids (and their mums) were on an aussie morning news program some time ago. I just knew who the show was about before I clicked on the link. How can this family not be mortified beyond belief??
  6. Well, I was banned sometime between last night and early this morning our time (not sure when because of time differences). The login screen told me why I was banned and when I was allowed back. I guess you get perma-banned (forever) if you are a troll, spammer, scammer or possibly more than 1 account?? I want to know about the members who become guests and you can't see their old posts. Were they someone with multiple accounts, or a mega troll or something else??
  7. Who's rejoicing?? And I do feel bad for the innocent children, hence my 'Why haven't her kids been taken from her?' comment.
  8. :lol::lol::lol: They looked like they were watching a horror movie or something :lol:
  9. Thankyou for this thread, I have been struggling with my patience and if how I am doing things is okay or not. I have improved so much in my moods and the way I interact with my children since starting homeschooling last year, but I still have my doubts. Thankyou :)
  10. I just youtubed that clip. Wow, it is really, really well made.
  11. Could someone please tell me how heavy an empty Desk Apprentice is?? Thanks :)
  12. THANKYOU for asking that question!!!! My dd drives me batty some days. I know I should be grateful that she is 100x better behaved than the couple of ps friends she stills sees, but just. Give. It. A. Rest. Already. And my sweet ds is starting to copy too :svengo:
  13. SPAM reported (of all things, they spammed the word dog) :lol:
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