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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I thought it might be nice to read a happy story about adoption. http://www.today.com/news/woman-left-dumpster-newborn-i-forgive-my-birth-mom-1C9948610
  2. LOL - that's what I've been thinking! He also owes me money for the time I wasted reading it. What a stupid book.
  3. I agree... It also can come across as condescending towards your parents, and they would probably just shut down. :grouphug: to you though - this has got to be very hard.
  4. This is our van as well. It's been a great workhorse. It's a 96 model and we bought it in 97 with barely 20K on it. It now has 209K miles on it. The nice thing about these vans is that they are made to go to about 250K. Good luck van hunting.
  5. wow, I never noticed that before either LOL.
  6. no, I never would have attempted it the 2x we had to have our liner replaced. But, our pool was 20'x40' and I can't imagine how difficult it would have been. Good luck with your research!! I'm all for people DYI - especially with something that is SO expensive.
  7. because of the land it would probably be well over a million in my area and maybe a couple million.
  8. I did electrolysis years ago for my unibrow. It worked quite nicely. It hurt a bit, IIRC, but not terrible. She put cream on afterwards to sooth it. I have a few hairs (like one or two) on my arch that are stubborn, but I never went back to do it until they were gone. No scarring... I can't really think of any cons, actually, except the price - which I hope has come down since I did it about 15yrs ago. I use an epilator for my growing chin hairs. It works very well. They claim that it will eventually cause the hairs to stop growing. I don't know if I totally believe it, but I don't have THAT many hairs on my lip/chin area, so I'm not too worried. I don't have to do it that often (like every couple of months), thankfully... cuz, I will tell you - it hurts!! - especially the upper lip. If I had more growth there I'd probably consider electrolysis too.
  9. Trex!!. I had them put on our old deck and LOVED it. We started with a splintering deck when we moved in. With a pool it made it very hard on the bare feet! We just replaced the floor portion with treks and then over time replaced the side parts with wood. We were there nearly 20 yrs and never had any problem. They are more expensive than wood and it does end up whiting out or fading, but it didn't look bad.
  10. That is incredibly sad. I hope someone in her extended family shows her the comfort and support she needs. How sad that your own parents aren't there for you when you most need them.
  11. This is what I've been thinking about too. Isn't this like the 3rd or 4th in recent time where a child went missing for many years only to be found in someone's home and kept as a s*x slave? Seriously, it makes be wonder about all those poor kids whose bodies have not been found. Are most/some/any!!?? of them just wasting away in someone's basement. So frightful and sad. I feel for the parents of other missing children too. What emotions they must be going through today.
  12. I'm kinda there with elegantlion. I hate doing chores. But, for daily, I hate doing dirty dishes. For the more weekly cleaning - I hate.hate. hate doing the tiled shower stall. Hate it. Such a pain, and boy no amount of elbow grease really seems to keep away the moldy grout. Ugh. At least with a toilet it can be transformed so quickly and easily, even if it is a bit grosser than the shower.
  13. :grouphug: :grouphug: I hope this all works out well for you and your son.
  14. I'm so glad you asked. I saw it reposted on someone's blog and thought it sounded alarmist too, but didn't know where to begin to wade through the smoke and mirrors.
  15. I'm so sorry :grouphug: . I hope this sad moment opens the door for a blessing.
  16. I hear you. People seem to want a turn-key home (granite counters, palacial bathrooms, new wood floors, etc.) for nearly nothing in a 40yr old house. It's sad really that realtor's don't try to educate them. But, that said, having spent nearly a year looking for a house.. .the realtor HAS to give some feedback to the sellers whenever someone comes to look at the house. It may just have been that the house just wasn't right for them... nothing they could really put their finger on, but the realtor had to say something to the selling realtor - so that's what they chose. Don't feel too pressured if you've described the home well online it should be fine.
  17. This --totally agree. I'd even try to put grandma's gift somewhere to display it and remind you of her.
  18. Thanks everyone. The mystery has been solved! I found the wayward pill up by my bedside. I had taken it out to take right after I woke up but had to pee WAY too badly to wait (LOL). Then I promptly forgot about it, and went downstairs to make my tea. Thanks for everyone's advice.
  19. I'm on Cipro 2x per day for a UTI. I started the meds late yesterday with one dose. This morning I got up and got my tea and then sat down. Totally forgot to take my meds --- or so I thought. I'm pretty sure I didn't, but I counted the pills to be doubly sure and there's 8 there (should be 9). I really don't remember taking my med. It's big and the tea was hot, I think I'd remember! Is it possible the pharmacist miscounted 10 pills?? I'm still in considerable pain, so I really don't want to accidentally miss a dose either. i've been on Cipro before and it doesn't make me feel that great anyway. But, how bad would it be to take 2 doses at once? Ugh. I'm so frustrated with myself.
  20. I weave. I learned to weave when my last homeschooled child started his senior year and I put the youngest 2 in school. I love it. It can be expensive depending on what kind of loom you want. But it's a great hobby for me because I can easily walk away from it for a few days (or weeks even!), and not be totally lost when I come back to the same project. I have no other fiber arts experience - except I used to sew a little bit about 25yrs ago.
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