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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Or those that cross at a green light with the little red hand. We have a new law about stopping for people in cross-walks, and the effect I've seen is that it makes the walkers bolder and take very risky changes. "Stopping for people in crosswalks" does not mean they can cross illegally, but they don't seemed to have gotten that message.
  2. I think people are getting bolder and ruder (hey, didn't we just have a conversation about rude/cruel people on the internet too??) It's also texting, for sure... especially the slow veer into someone else's lane. But, I've also seen very aggressive behavior by drivers not texting.
  3. old or bad yeast? Did you use the same package of yeast for both batches? Also, I found that the water amount they recommended was too much. Maybe back off a little (1/4cup or less) of the water and see if it helps.
  4. In a nutshell--- As a Christian - no it didn't make me question my faith in God... but it did seriously effect my faith in Protestantism. I found Eastern Orthodoxy through my studies in church history, and this has strengthened my love for God and greatly enriched my relationship with His Son.
  5. very interesting! I'm not Paleo, but I am LC and I do try hard to avoid wheat for allergy issues (I like my dairy and fake sugar). My sister and her husband are huge Paleo fans... but I don't know that I'll send them this. I assume it's making the rounds on the Paleo websites. Besides, my BIL tends to be a bit of a diet Evangelists :) I would imagine that *many* friends have sent him this already.
  6. after you have a chance to look at them in real life you may want to scour craigslist or other used sites (if you're not in a hurry). I bought my Samsung for less than $1000 (it is almost brand-new via Habitat for Humanity Re-Store) as well as a nice unopened Bosch dishwasher, via Craigslist, for half the price by keeping an eye out. Lots of time people are selling perfectly good appliances because they are upgrading or they got the wrong color and the factory won't take it back.
  7. I have a Samsung and really like it. My parent have the one without the ice dispenser on the front. I have it, and it's okay. I guess it's better than opening and closing the freezer, but the thing is slow and noisy. I like having the water dispenser on the door because it gives me cold, filtered water.
  8. so sorry for your loss. What a lovely tribute you've written here. May he rest in peace.
  9. I don't like them either. A friend gifted me a Kindle and I've been unimpressed with it. I really like holding a book and knowing where I am in it. I like being able to easily flip back to a passage to remember something /someone.
  10. Yup - I've been pretty saddened by people's lack of compassion or humanness lately. I don't get it either, and find that type of thing so sad. I don't care if the internet gives you license to be cruel. I have to wonder what that says about a person IRL if they think/speak/write those kinds of things?
  11. I agree. We haven't finished watching this season yet, but we're pretty disappointed. I had hopes for Clara, but am disappointed. I think it's her "know it all" attitude. I miss Donna too... I always wished that her grandfather had been the next companion. I hated the way they ended her companionship. The Doctor has lost his campyness. But it shouldn't be surprising. Look what has happened to Star Trek franchise. Sigh. I think I'm going to put a Pertwee episode onto my queue.
  12. I don't normally have my cell phone with me but lately I have because our oldest is due any day now with our first grandchild. I've had trouble sleeping no matter where my cell phone is. But, I'm glad you have found something to help you sleep better.
  13. I am a hospice volunteer, not an employee. I know the experiences (and the hours!) are very different. It used to be pretty easy with the emotional stuff. I could easily step into the hospice role and keep that apart. I had no history with the patients and so no strong emotional attachment compared to someone who knew them for a long time or a family member. Of course, I was sad when certain patients died - some you get closer to than others. But, I strongly felt that I was giving something to each patient that their family was not always able to give. It's kind of hard to explain exactly. But lately, its been difficult. Mostly because of outside stuff happening in my own life that has been hard, and just making hospice work that much more draining. The thing is I'm very attached to several of my patients, and it would be hard to just leave right now. I've been a volunteer since 2008.
  14. My FIL is going to be 103 this year. nope, I have no desire to live that long. I do not want to be the person that watches all her friends and close relations die. Nope.
  15. But Christians have tried that in the past, and it didn't seem to work for them. Anyway, I feel bad about thread-jacking... should we spin this conversation off? Mods, is there a way to lift all the conversations about Johnny Depp and put them into a new thread, or do we have to start all over?
  16. I completely agree. Saw the trailer yesterday. I'm shocked that Depp would even go near this project - for any amount of money (does he really need it anyway). He's a joke and I can't believe that NA's aren't complaining more loudly at the hypocrites from PC Hollywood. It's unbelievable. The link to the McSweeney article is not working.
  17. It's okay. There may be some very wonderful things that she will be able to do because of her singleness. My niece is probably not going to get married (she's 30). She 's a lovely, caring, and well-rounded lady. I know she would like to get married, but she's dated some guys that had us all very worried. I also come from a Christian tradition that embraces singleness in both men and women (not that they all will be nuns or monks - there is a large place at the table for all those who are unmarried). In fact, my godmother is not married and never had children. She's a great blessing to very many people - partly because she has much more time for people and their needs. But, who knows what the future will hold for your dd. :grouphug:
  18. Neem smells very mediciny to me. It's a very strong smell.
  19. It's probably the rats more than the dog. Do NOT mix vinegar and HP!!! Do one or the other - and vinegar is a good odor neutralizer but I don't know about hp. I'm pretty sensitive to smell and when we had guinea pigs they really stank up the place FAST. At least with the dog they go outside to pee - not so with the rats. I'd concentrate on keeping their cage clean.
  20. I'm stunned that an adult would do this and think it's appropriate... I happened upon this story this morning about Adam Goodes and made me think of this thread. Goodes is an indigenous Australian Rules footballer and was called a racist slur by a teenager. He asked that she be ejected from the game. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/26/adam-goodes-racism_n_3339704.html Good for him!!
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