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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I was thinking the same thing... .although I do think (since these are made-up people) that talking about the condition on one person's house without the others is a bit slanted. Do all recluses have hoarding tendencies? Do all extroverts have clean, tidy homes?
  2. ouch! How horrible. I hope you get into an eye doctor today. :grouphug:
  3. I used hypnobirthing with my first. We took a class, so I cannot say anything about the tapes or book. But, I utilized the techniques I used for all of my births. FWIW, mine were all out of hospital births (1 BC, 5 home).
  4. Hey! Thanks for teaching me that. no prob. at the chuckle. Typos and incorrect words seem to be my specialty.
  5. oh no! I did misspell it. I don't think I can fix it, can I?
  6. wow. that's a lot. I did almost restart it right away, but decided not too. It would definitely be one I'd be willing to watch again - which I rarely do with movies anymore.
  7. I finish watching it and loved it! Someone recommended it back before the board switch in Nov., but I wanted to thank you. Such a great movie. For those who didn't see it, click on the promo photo and it should take you to IMDb
  8. You see, I don't think it does explain why. As I said before, there's plenty of people in history who people will disagreed with - and disagree quite strongly. What about when Christopher Hitchens died? Did his family get this treatment on the scale it's been with RW? Did people riot when Winston Churchill died? (I picked two polarizing people to make my point, not to discuss their beliefs or politics.) I'm sure you didn't mean to become the spokesperson for those people. Sorry if it seems like we're all jumping on you at once. I've learned the hard way that sometimes it's best NOT to be the first to reply :closedeyes:
  9. Well, I have to chuckle, because I almost included MT in my question, but didn't because I didn't want the conversation to go off track. IMO she kind of overlaps with RW, since both deaths happened within a week of each other. Westboro, gosh, don't know what to think about them. They seem almost to have a special place all to themselves and outside of what appears to be happening on the internet. It's not like there are tons of people who go out and cheer on Westboro when they picket. - if that makes sense. I'm very saddened to hear you say that many, many people have received what RW is receiving now.
  10. I understand what you are saying... but when in history has this kind of thing happened before? Surely there has always been people who disagree with a pastor, politician's or artist's public stances... but did they ever act like that during such a tragic event?
  11. the sun & heat really bothers me too. I have to have dark sunglasses, which are harder to find that it should be. Thanks for the reminders about water... it's something I forget all the time too.
  12. Not comfortable answering the poll as this is a public forum and there's been a few people here who've been stalked. But, my husband keeps close track on our net worth and investments. He's within 10yrs of retirement age, so it's important. After watching my parents not keep track and have a miserable financial mess when my dad sold the business and retired, I'm very thankful my dh cares enough to do this.
  13. so true! I hope your husband is feeling better today.
  14. uh, man cold alert. totally agree iwth the NyQuil recommendation. Also separate bedrooms if you can. :grouphug:
  15. Funny! Ann Voskamp's blog was the first thing that popped in my head! I never go there and I certainly never read her book. Yes, I sometimes feel a bit forelorn or envious... but usually those kind of blogs make me feel like a failure. I have a blog, but I seriously doubt I make anyone feel any of those things - at least I hope not! ETA: I usually steer clear of those types of blogs (Ann Voskamps, A Hen's Life) for that reason. I enjoy reading blogs, but I know the kind that inspire me rather than deflate me.
  16. I heard this article on NPR this morning: Annual NK missile crisis Reader's Digest paraphrased version: This happens just about every year when SK and the US do their joint military exercises each spring.
  17. Yes, and I think it's also to get some money. I remember the last time something like this happened with his dad he got paid off to back down. Of course, it wasn't worded like that.... but that's the way I remember it happening.
  18. grief has so many different faces. It's only been a day... it's really hard. Plus, it sounds like it was very sudden. There was probably hardly any time for the kids to process it all. Be there for them. Let them know it's okay to cry and be sad. My mom died last week and my youngest (11) was much more distraught at her funeral than I thought he would be. She moved far away when he was 5 and he has only seen her a handful of times since then (and most of those she was already quite sick).
  19. wow, that sound very difficult. I have found that doctors always underestimate the recovery time. I don't know if you can convince your mom of this. Is there anyway you can call the doctor's office and explain that she if refusing to have family around to help post-op? Maybe they can step in and play hard-ball with her.
  20. I've been in and out of town for the last 10days or so. I'm just wondering how she's doing, if anyone knows.
  21. This has all been very, very helpful. None of these pieces are of sentimental value to us girls, we'd be much happier selling and getting hte money to my dad. Wow Carrie Sue! That's a lot of money. My mom also has a lot of trinket type pieces that we were thinking of selling at a yard sale. We'll probably pick out the ones that may have gold and see what we can get for it.
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