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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Thank you, this is all very helpful. Most of these pieces are from the 70's and 80s. A few might been less than 10yrs old. Nothing is antique. My uncle probably commissioned them all to be made for my aunt.
  2. My mom passed away last Tues. after 6 years of increased debility & chronic pain. I've just gotten back home from being with the family and her funeral. She had several pieces of good jewelry that she inherited. These are pieces that none of us want and we'd like to resell them. But where? We have either a receipt or estimate of the value for insurances purposes... I know that they're really worth a fraction of that. But the prices!! Oh.my.word! We want to get the best price for them because my mom left my dad in dire straights financially. We definitely don't want to do Craigslist because of the safety issues. I was wondering about an auction house. I've gone to a few around here, and they mostly do household stuff and not much jewelry.
  3. :grouphug: praying for you. It's hard doing long-distance care for our parents, especially when we still have kids in the house. :grouphug:
  4. totally agree. don't go to the bridal area. Go to the part of the store that sells cocktail and party dresses. These are slightly dressier than work/church dresses. That's where I found my MOB dress a few years ago. It was in a soft pastel blue.
  5. yeah... noticed it too and thought :huh: :laugh:
  6. Yes, they publish the budget. We have to approve the budget each year, so we can find the nitty gritty if we want to. In addition, each month a spread sheet is printed and put on the church bulletin board with the detailed monthly budget (in, out, where expenses went, if/where donations were designated to, etc.). It's also available on our website either under the Parish Council minutes and/or the Bi-annual parish business meeting. We have a pretty open-door policy for our budget.
  7. I don't know how common it is, but my son has had that off and on in the past too and we're coming to the conclusion that he does have seasonal allergies. Usually, it sounds terribly - like croup- but he's much too old for croup. Also, there were no other symptoms besides maybe a bit of congestion.
  8. I appreciate the update. I'm sorry it hasn't gone as hoped.
  9. Oh how terribly sad. Praying for your daughter and this family.
  10. I've had orbital cellulitis more than once. The first time it took 3 types of antibiotics before it started to respond. Keep a close eye on it and if it's not showing signs of healing withing 24hrs call the doctors. Perhaps he just needs stronger/different meds.
  11. I think he gives us some good reminders about our consumerist society.
  12. This. I'm already dreading dh's retirement and we live in a large home. Yes, I want to downsize, but a one bedroom box would not work for the two of us. One of us would end up living in the car :laugh:
  13. wow, thanks. I loved that book and watched the mini-series from about 15yrs ago. It wasn't so good.
  14. well the deed is done. She was stressed out but not more than when I clipper her wings. She's sitting on my shoulder as I type, so I guess she doesn't hate me too much. :p Thanks for the help.
  15. You can buy goat's milk too. When I made goat's milk soap that's what I did. I haven't made it in years though.
  16. Is there a special nail trimming thing I should get or are regular scissors okay? Ellie Her 3 perches are all different sizes. But, she spends a lot of time sitting on the outside of her cage. I don't think her cage could hold anymore.
  17. Yes, we hold her a lot. We trim her wings when they get too long and she's flying around too much, but she isn't happy about it and it stresses her out. But, it's us and not a stranger. She has a wooden perch and the plastic one that came with the cage.
  18. I have a 3yr old budgie and her toe nails are very long. We have a cuttle bone (???) which she uses for her beak, but not really for her toes. We also have a pumice perch. Is there anything else I should have/be doing to help her. I don't want to take her in to the vets. I've read several stories of people whose budgie died from stress of getting their nails/beak clipped.
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