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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. This is all very encouraging and helpful. Thank you for your input.
  2. Interesting. I would like my computer face-time to be shortened. I forgot to add that I have had problems with my neck and it's has been irritated by slouching while computing. ;) I've tried to put my screen up high on my desk and remind myself to sit up straight as often as possible. But, still my neck and shoulders sometimes will bother me for weeks.
  3. For about 6months I've been considering getting a standing workstation to replace my tradition computer desk. The reasons are two-fold. I want to replace this big desk with something smaller anyway (and more portable). I feel like I sit far too long all day. I think it would help me to bounce around from computering, weaving stuff, reading and then regular mommy & housewifely stuff rather than just sitting and more sitting. Anyone switched or know someone who switched?
  4. He's probably not a smuck (schmuck??) but it sounds like you mean something else. My dad had his own business for 30yrs. He was a great mechanic and great dealing with customers, but he was a terrible businessman. He got taken in on several occasions and out and out stolen from by employees and his last partner. So, I think I know what you mean. Prayers for wisdom for your dh and the ability to say no if necessary.
  5. PrincessMommy


    I'm in the scammed camp too....and I'd be worried about your nephew. He just lost his dad, for goodness sakes! Agreeing with others that you should just hide her posts and perhaps talk with her parents (if she's close with them). What a horrible situation. I think a month is WAY too early - even if they had a bad marriage. It just doesn't sound healthy.
  6. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I totally get your wanting your babies with you at a time like this. I know I'd feel exactly the same way- especially with that little one. Prayers that things improve very soon.
  7. oh my!! What an ordeal. I've had 3 friends go through this in the last year. I've had LASIK surgery too and it's nothing like that. Horrifying. Sadly, I've since heard that those with LASIK surgery have a higher incidence of retina detaching. :crying:
  8. I agree. So sorry for the loss of your aunt. May she rest in peace.
  9. I had that happen once but I was eventually able to find the hole. Can't remember what I did. Can you put it in the old hole and turn it the rest of the way?
  10. Isn't that odd. We were just at the doctor's yesterday getting refills for my dd's asthma meds. The doctor went on and on how we needed to get a room humidifier during the winter months. How this would make a difference (in addition to all the other stuff we're doing). edited to add: doctor also strongly recommended local honey. I've had a couple of friend who have had great success with seasonal allergies using local honey.
  11. I completely agree... that part totally freaked me out. Who are all those men in the house alone with children??? Totally freaking out. What a tragedy!
  12. What?? There were children on the cruise without their parents!?! :confused1:
  13. Sigh... I don't know (said in a whiny voice). I feel so brain dead right now. Maybe I'll just order some pizza.
  14. What about zinc lozenges for the sore throat? I have some that zinc and elderberry and they really do the trick on a sore throat. I hope tomorrow is even better!
  15. Good grief! What the heck is she talking about? What ARE they teaching seminaries these days? I can only imagine what will happen to her if she's given a church in the inner city somewhere.
  16. this was us exactly. My son and I took it at first symptoms and were much better the next day and completely over it the day after that.. Hubby is on day 6. He didn't take the cold calm until 2 days ago and it didn't really seem to help him much.
  17. I can't really add a lot more to the great advice you've already gotten, but I seem to remember that the Pope only has public audience on Weds. (and if he's in town). There's also a cool looking bug museum in Rome. I was SO disappointed when we showed up with the kids to look and it was closed. Being vacation and all we didn't realize it was Sunday :closedeyes: We had the 6kids with us - 16 down to 3. We went easy on the museums and Churches. Kids like the Catacombs and the Colosseum. They also really loved the park in Rome - darn, I can't remember the name. The kids loved it because they could climb the trees there. It was a great place for them to run around and burn off steam. Venice was our favorite city and the kids loved it too. We went to Murano for a day trip. The kids loved taking the water buses around Venice. Cinque Terre was absolutely wonderful. Do try to go if you can. It was perfect for the kids. Such lovely vistas and a nice long leisurely stroll down the coast. We stopped at one or two of the towns and bought food at the local shops (cheese, bread and sodas) to eat along the way. Perfect. Local Italians are very proud of their local cheese. Very proud...and I was happy to oblige them.
  18. I thought it was an "undead" turtle...and I'm wondering if we're going to have a turtle apocalypse.
  19. what a lovely tribute to her. :grouphug: May she rest in peace.
  20. Well, we're probably the same age. ;) I said I didn't "recall", that doesn't mean it didn't happen. I just don't remember it.
  21. praying for a speedy and safe recovery for Melanie. How difficult & scary this all must be for her.
  22. Sounds normal to me too. I had the same thing. My ovulation cramping was usually worse than my period.
  23. It probably depends on where you're from. I'm in the North East. I don't recall people smoking in stores when I was young. However, in the late 80's I went to visit my sister in NC. We went to the grocery store and there were older people smoking in the produce department. :ack2:
  24. Well... I don't know where you're talking about, but I have a non-hsing board that I finally walked away from. Just couldn't take the meanness.
  25. I've had that too! My blog isn't primarily about my kids so they seem fine with it (I've been blogging for 7yrs). It's about my life, which includes the kids. I had one who went through the "don't ever take a photo of me." phase. What I did was, if I was using a photo it was taken from the back so no one could tell who it was. It was a pain for a while if I were taking a group photo of the family. I do try to avoid something that would embarrass them.
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