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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I always wanted to but dh was entrenched in his job. Now the kids are older and slowly moving out and building their own lives. It would be hard to leave them behind. I'd say if you want to do it, do it now. The older your kids are the hard it gets. BTW, I have friends who up and moved across country without a job or real firm plans... just knew they wanted a big change. It was hard and the adjustment wasn't as easy as they thought it would be, but overall they are happy they did it.
  2. This is me too! I'm quite proud now that I'm so tall, but at 13 it was very awkward.... I don't think there's much you can do but just encourage her that it does get better.
  3. We have a Famous Dave's about 5 mins. from our house. I'm not over-impressed by them. Our preference is Red, Hot & Blue. Yum! That's about 15min. away.
  4. Congratulations!! What a lovely photo. My daughter was due Thurs. Still no baby. :toetap05:
  5. We have prepaid plans. I have T-Mobile for $30 a month talk and text. It is not unlimited though, but that's fine for me... not for my kids.
  6. I agree... I like Depp - but no... not for this.
  7. To answer the Title: Perhaps it does for the husband, but it certainly wouldn't for many women. The post is basically an advertisement I see... she's selling a book. It's not my type of book, its seems like it's laying all the work on the wifey to be everything for her husband. Her husband is just another grownup child that she has to "take care" of. I'd like to know how old she is and how long she's been married. I'd much rather talk to someone in their 70's about sex in marriage, because that would be someone who's been through many stages of life and marriage. I do agree that on Mother's Day women get flowers but on Father's Day men get a lecture (she said 'yelled at" and I don't think it's quite that strong). And yeah, my husband would be happy with just tea for Father's Day. The rest of the article was just icky. I don't ascribe to that type of Christian relationship (the woman is the helpmeet to her husband).
  8. The difference is that I don't think our enemies spy on the average private citizen of the US, they spy on the gov't.
  9. Laurie4b - I've not tried startpage, but you've encouraged me to check it out. One of the articles already linked in this thread posed the same concerns.
  10. I second Vera. Very well done Brit. Mystery. If you want to venture away from BBC - we've been enjoying Longmire on A&E. It's a summer series and they just started their 2nd year a few weeks ago.
  11. Yeah, I noticed that yesterday and just thought it was a glitch. But it still appears to be the only thread not showing up in my contents. <queue scary music>
  12. My kids have taken Karate & Jujitsu via the community center. It's actually a company that is hired out by the rec. department. Going to a tournament is traditional in my experience. It really can be a good experience, once they are ready. They get to see a variety of levels working, plus some things he will not be able to do until he reaches a higher belt level. You have to take him to a tournament EVERY time they hold one. My kid's instructors tell them when they think they're ready to test for an advancement. That way we don't have to waste time/money going to a tournament that they would have no chance to get a new belt.
  13. I'm so sorry for your loss. It is heartbreaking when someone dies too young. I would reach out to his xw. It doesn't seem like it was all that long ago that they divorced, and I would suppose her mourning would be largely ignored by the extended family - but it sounds like they were together a long time and definitely had some history. I think it would be a very nice gesture to send her a "thinking of you" type of card or note.
  14. praying for your family during this time. What a blessing that you can be close by to your mom.
  15. I get those same kind of headaches when a strong front is moving in (had one today in fact). It's probably too late this time around but I find that 3-4 Ibuprofen and 2 psuedophendrine (the real stuff) work wonders. I hope you're already feeling better.
  16. I also agree with Fahrenheit 451. It's a faster read for someone who doesn't enjoy reading. I don't consider 1984 to be a YA book. I read it in high school, but it was in the 12th grade. I think 14 might be too young, but that's just my opinion. I've never read Hunger Games, so I can't speak to that one.
  17. The fact that they've been "doing it for years" and "why should anyone be surprised by this?" is not the issue.... and it doesn't mean we should just move along and act like there's nothing to see here.
  18. I think the new motto in America should be: Safety first - Freedom last. I have several friends from former soviet bloc countries. They all say very similar things, and they've been saying it for quite sometime. I'm very concerned about this issue and what it means for our future as a truly free country, but I'm still wading through it all too. A year or two ago I discovered that police can scan your tags as you drive by and figure out stuff about the car/owner. I remember bringing it up somewhere online about the loss of freedom and several others responded that it's just fine with them by using the "we want to be safe from the bad guys." argument. I was completely baffled and saddened that many people didn't see anything wrong with it.
  19. yes, us too. We bought ours used last summer. If I could get it without the icemaker on the door, I'd be okay with it. It is small and noisy - but also convenient...so I don't hate it. This is my 2nd fridge with the freezer on the bottom (the other was a standard fridge) I'm tall and I love it that way. This one is 28.5 cu feet and the 2009 model. I'm very happy with it.
  20. Yes, I stopped going to the church my husband and children were attending. It was hard, but my husband was supportive. He & the kids also eventually left that particular church. The kids started coming with me, but my husband didn't for a very long time. He's attending with us now, but I don't think he'll join anytime soon. That's my story in a nutshell. But, what I found is that we did get pressure from some friends who are of the "husband is the spiritual leader of the household" type of belief. They completely discounted my own personal convictions because I guess I was just supposed to fall in lock-step with whatever my husband said. Thankfully, my husband respected me (not that it's always been easy for us, but I know it could have been much worse). But, anyway... I know you don't want this thread to deevolved into bashing... but is it possible your husband is getting a lot of pressure from his church friends, and that's where this is coming from? I'm very sorry that your husband is being like this toward you and your decision. I wish I had some words of wisdom to impart. :grouphug: It sound incredibly frustrating.
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