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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. FWIW, it happened to me several times yesterday, but so far, not today.
  2. There are two threads already about this. I'm not sure it's been answered/resolved yet. In one of the threads John was asking which browser people were using. Not sure if he ever came back and responded again though: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/480419-problem-with-forum/ http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/480415-captchas/
  3. Update: It looks so much better. They took her back to the darker brown color and it's much more even all over. It looks like they put in a few highlights to give it some contrast. Definitely an improvement. She's going to let it all grow out and then maybe - maybe - try for a lighter look some day.
  4. That is hard. :grouphug: to you. My son is getting married in Aug and then he and she will be moving to Philly while he does graduate studies/work. That's isn't so far for us, but it's not right around the corner either.
  5. That is hard. My son is getting married in Aug and then he and she will be moving to Philly while he does graduate studies/work. It's hard. That's isn't so far for us, but it's not right around the corner either. :grouphug: to you.
  6. Just FYI everyone... There's another thread about this topic and John seems as surprised by this as we are. He has asked which browser we're using. May want to check it out and participate: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/480419-problem-with-forum/
  7. Really?? I've had just the oposite experience. I used to be much more laid back and woldn't get all worked up about small things. As I've gone through my 40's (now near 50) I've gotten way, way worse. I keep wondering what happened to the old me. Taking herbal/vitamin supplements have definitely helped me. My problem is that I'm not consistent. I haven't tried coconut oil though - I'll have to look into this one. Thanks jhschool for starting this thread.
  8. moving is SO stressful and, (I hate to be a total downer about this), but as we age we don't deal with stress as easily as we did when we were younger. Be gentle on yourself... it will go well... and what a blessing that you have movers to do it for you too!!
  9. Congrats! I like a nice round number too, but I'm with Night Elf. I just don't feel qualified to pipe up on some of these topics. I do enjoy reading many of them, and I learn so much about other people's way of seeing things. It's way better than reading the news about something.
  10. Ours was also a schoolroom,, which meant it was the place we stored all the school stuff. We never really did school in there, but it was very nice to have a place to keep all our school stuff. Later, as the kids got older, it morphed into a computer room/office (office is really too nice a description ;) ).
  11. Hi all... didn't mean to abandon this discussion but I left last night to take kids to camp and only just got back this evening. My daughter really appreciates your input and perspective. She's decided to give them one more chance. I'm dubious, but she wants to go for it. She told me she's going to be very specific about what she expects from them. I'm not sure what she'll do if they still can't fix it tomorrow, but hopefully with the Hive's help she'll be a little more emboldened. The one nice thing is that they did condition her hair very well and it's not a frizzie damaged disaster along with the bad color. I'll update when I can.
  12. My girls love Glee... how very sad. May he rest in peace. Praying his family finds comfort and peace during this terribly sad time.
  13. okay, I have a hairstylist friend who says that charging her was completely appropriate. They colored it first, messed up, colored it again. So she only got charged for once - not 2x. Also, since it's a salon school, dd had to sign a paper saying she won't sue them if they mess up. So, threatening them with that won't hold water.
  14. yeah, I thought that sounded off. They kept pushing me to email her... but I want to speak to her directly. Emails can be ignored. Thanks everyone. My gut was that it was just so wrong to charge her the full amount for a disaster. But, don't know what is reasonable and what isn't.
  15. College daughter went to have her hair cut and colored today at a local beauty school that she's been going to for a few years. She had it colored back in Dec. to a darker color than her natural, and now she wants to go lighter (darker really didn't suit her). I explained to her before she left this morning that they can't go immediately from dark to blond, but that it would take a couple of steps. She was fine with that. The first time they colored it today she said it was clown orange. After that she said she thought she should go back to the brown and forget going lighter. They said "no no, I think we can fix it and it will look cute lighter." So she sheepishly agreed. 6 hours later and $100 poorer it's not exactly clown orange, but it's bad. Plus, there's a nice stripe right around the length of her ears, with the darker, previously colored hair around the bottom and the lighter, uncolored hair on top. There are strange "blond" streaks here and there - mostly behind her ears (???), but mostly it's an ugly orange tint. She's in tears. They want her to come back AGAIN on Monday to fix it again. I'm shocked they'd charge her and called to complain (the manager wasn't in!?). What should we expect and what should we do? I've had bad hair days, but this one is bad and I feel just awful for her. I'm trying to help walk her through this experience and learn to self-advocate. Help me out here with what is reasonable and what may not be reasonable. Thanks!
  16. oh my! Why have I not heard of this show before? swoon. Thanks!
  17. oh my! I have no answers, but wanted to commiserate with you. I'm a light sleeper and dh is a heavy breather/snorer. That would drive me batty.
  18. I'm with others and would lean on your husband. How do you feel about reporting him? I would talk with a counselor and a lawyer. :grouphug: I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you.
  19. it's beautiful. Congratulations.
  20. I don't know about all mothers, but I hate this season of life. My older kids are growing up and moving out. It's very painful and bittersweet to me. I'm fortunate to have 2 still at home full-time (as I see you do to), but the best years of my life where when I was bringing up the kids and homeschooling. I also never used to worry or be anxious. Now I'm overly anxious about my kids decisions and the consequences thereof. I hate being that way. :grouphug:
  21. :grouphug: It is SO tough when tragedy happens. There are no easy answers here on earth. The theodicy debate has been going on for a very long time. One author, who I think tackles it very well is Prof. David Bently Hart. He originally wrote a editorial response to Christians who said the Asian Tsunami was a "judgement from God" as well as the atheists who said "how can you worship a God like that??" then he developed it into a book. I know you're hurting very deeply right now :grouphug: Being angry is okay... there is a time for everything. I hope you find peace & comfort as your mourn your community's loss.
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