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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. yes! We do to. I hate the zero or low fat stuff. Finding full fat is near impossible.
  2. gross... I'm not a fan of the new trend of people bringing their rat dogs to stores and restaurants. And sitting on the table eating off his plate... gross.
  3. 2nd Winnie-the-Pooh... so gentle and sweet. Also, any of the Wodehouse "Jeeves and Wooster" "Out of Africa" by Dinesen Any of the Jasper Fforde's "Nursery Rhyme Crime" series. The Brother Cadfael series... yes they're murder mysteries, but they're really tame and not at all stressful.
  4. congrats! Once you get over the initial shock, I'm sure you will start to get excited. Your kids will probably be SO excited.
  5. I know a lot of spinners who love it. My daughter was a spinner before she went off to college then grad. school. That's how I began my interest in weaving... so watch out! LOL
  6. has anyone noticed more restless sleep and vivid dreams from taking Magnesium?
  7. that is beautiful...and what an inspiration that you were self-taught
  8. Are you a crafter or artist? Do you quilt, knit, paint, soap, do paper craft, or re-purpose furniture? All kinds of artistic and craft type outlets are welcome! This is not necessarily showing completed items... maybe you bought a pattern, yarn, or fabric. Did you go yard-saleing this week and found a bookshelf you want to paint? Show any of those (if you have a photo - that's even extra great). Maybe you finally pulled out your sewing machine and dusted it off... include that. Any little bit towards your goal throughout the week is great!! Also, if you have a website or tutorial that inspires you, please share it with us. Perhaps one of us will pick up a new hobby. ;) Let's inspire each other! ----------------------------------------- Question: How do you keep your ideas and inspirations organized? Inspired by a video by Anita Luvera Mayer I watched a few weeks ago, and Chris in VA 's Smashbook idea I'm going to try and work on having a inspiration book. I've already bought a spiral bound book. I do already have planning guides I use for weaving projects I'm currently working on, but I wonder about a "to do" type of thing. Color ideas, inspirations photos, projects you want to get to someday... that kind of thing. Do you have a place for your inspirations, or is it here, there, and everywhere like me? Here's a video preview of Ms. Mayer... she's very inspirational fiber artist.
  9. I get it too...although a small group would be more interesting to me than something larger (like meeting at a bar with friends - too much background noise, etc.). Anyway. My dh is the social one.
  10. I was actually talking about the books... but I had not heard that either... ugh!
  11. I hate when they do that too. And, it's rarely as good as the Brit version. They just want their piece of the money pie - and are too lazy to come up with their own good shows, IMHO. I wonder what people would think if some American decided to come up with his/her own Americanized version of Harry Potter? :rolleyes:
  12. Is it possible it's Bill Gotherd? I don't know how secretive those are, but I think they are supposed to be pretty intense. Secretive would make me nervous though.
  13. What Mom in High Heels said. Otherwise, I hope you got some sleep last night :grouphug: I know what it's like to be too stressed out to sleep well.
  14. No, they felt that his issues with writing were related to his inability to read/spell. That he can express himself quite well, but mechanics are pretty bad. The psychologist felt that if he worked raising his reading/spelling levels that the writing would improve. I'm looking to help that along with him.
  15. my dh has been at Scout camp all week with our youngest, so Broadchurch is still waiting in our DVR. Glad to hear it was good.
  16. Sure. I'm mostly a self-taught (with the help of books and videos!) weaver too. Here's a short clip from a "How to Warp your Loom" video that gives you a basic overview: The first 40 secs is where you see the most. http://www.weavingtoday.com/media/p/3710.aspx
  17. Agreeing with all of the above. Definitely audiobooks and Sparknotes (which is found online for free). For Shakespeare you can find some great movie adaptations of them (Kenneth Branaugh has done some great ones) and read/watch along with it. Another option is to get Great Books (The Teaching Company) literature studies. Our library has them in audio form, but if you want to watch, they often have 70% off sales.
  18. He was just dx with learning disabilities and mild ADD. We've been addressing the reading issues with a tutor for some time, but obviously the reading problems have effected his writing abilities. I'd like to do something after school 3-4 days a week afterschool. When I was homeschooling we used Rod & Staff and other curriculum (I can't remember their names!) for my kids. It's been a while since I bought curriculum, and I'm sure there's other stuff out there too. I'd love some recommendations for an older child (12) who needs a gentle hand with writing to get him started.
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