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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I have no words of advice, but I'm thinking your post title sounds like the title of a children's picture book.
  2. I finally found time this week to work on my shawl. I wove about 8 inches and didn't like the treadling pattern, pulled it all out, and did a different one. Here's how it looks now: It's the same pattern for the previous shawl and I rather like it best.
  3. just tried it the way you suggested - got the same error message.
  4. Thinking out loud and would love to hear other people's experiences or thoughts on this issues. My husband is approaching 60. I have 2 older friends: one who got it and one who didn't. It's clear that my friend with LT insurance is getting better care. Now it's too late for my one friend..she too old and has too many health needs that crept up on her. Anyway, has anyone done some research on the financial aspects of it and when is the best age to buy it? Is it worth it for some income brackets but not for others? The only article I've seen says "The wealthy probably don't need it because they can pay out of pocket." Well, who is wealthy - and where? I know by gov't standards I'm considered wealthy, but I live in a very expensive area and have 6 kids. Also another consideration is life expectancy. My husband's dad is still alive at 102, his mother is in her late 80s and going strong. Grandparents are a mixed bag due to childhood illnesses and diabetes, but one grandparent lived to be 99 (and only died because of a freak nursing home accident). My family hasn't fared so well, but much of it is due to life-style issues such as smoking - which I don't do. From what I've read, more and more long-term insurers are getting out. So, if we start now and dh lives to be 100, will it be there when we need it?
  5. except he/she didn't give you credit. That's just bad manners.
  6. My son (12yrs) has been sick since Sunday and it's gone from a croupy sounding cough to a very bad sore throat. I took him in yesterday (before the throat got real bad) and he was dx with a viral infection. Not much to do but treat symptoms. Anyway, I've looked at the throat and it doesn't look like strep, but he's in a lot of pain. I've given him Cepacol Fizzlers, lots of fluids, ibuprofen, & sudafedren (I think it's the sinus crud causing all the trouble). He's still rather miserable. Also started giving him homeopathic Coldcalm this evening. Any other suggestions?
  7. Like! definitely put the mirror up. Hopefully, the stress from him will slowly fade into the background.
  8. I love seeing everyone's projects too. urpedon - love your description of the ocean - so true for the mid-atlantic shoreline. I haven't been to OC MD in years! Too much like a bad version of Vegas. We go to Rehoboth or Dewey. I love, love, love the shawl you chose... so pretty. I looked it up and the book is available in my library system. Perhaps it will be at your local library too. Saraha - How gutsy of you! That wreath is so pretty... can't wait to see your own creations. craftymom - I don't know what Schuletuten is. off to google slr - love the sampler. How nice to be done so early too.
  9. you know, this is one of the things I keep coming back to. It's not that she just presented herself as a sweet all-American innocent girl... she did do interviews where she talked about her Christian faith (albeit rather vague at times). So, going from a wholesome *Christian* to tweerking and tongue action on stage with a much older man is "Whoa, what happened?" moment for many people.
  10. yes, it's an issue with me too. We've been talking about you over on the Site News board. Seems like it's anyone with an accent thingy.
  11. your name pops up just fine... and the picture too - so I know it's you. I also tried typing it in all the way without the accent - no go. It appears it isn't just you but anyone with the accent thingy.
  12. LOL... my phone is a dinosaur and I can't do email on it, even if it took good pictures. I have noticed that the camera has been getting wonky lately. Probably time to just throw in the towel and buy another one. Thanks for the complements. It's actually the first woven project in which all 3 of my girls were asking me to give it to them! LOL. I think there will be more in my future.
  13. I'm so glad to hear what everyone is doing. MomofOneFunOne - what does AMDG mean? Still scratching my head over that one. urpedonmommy - what beautiful yarn. Love the color. OC New Jersey or MD? OhElizabeth - I *still* can't find my camera. I'm starting to wonder if it sprouted legs. I'm a little concerned. You can see the beginning of the first one here: Ravelry Link
  14. I'm old enough to remember hearing rumblings about some Disney star name Kirk Russell breaking out of the goody-goody mold. Sadly, today most seem to break out by going for shock value rather than actually doing something artistic and or innovative. Out-of-the-mold = raunchy. I'm not impressed by either Mliey or Lady Gaga. They act like Madonna wannabes. I didn't see the video's... I just saw the stills. But, I'm not a fan of raunchy. It almost always seems demeaning to women.
  15. Yay! I hate having to go back and re-do,, but it's always worth it.
  16. Well, I usually put it in the bottom of my opening post.. I'm beginning a bamboo shawl similar to the one I worked on 2 weeks ago, but this time in sage green. I still can't find my camera :confused1: Erin - those are sweet shoes! My sister is a crocheter, I'll have to share them with her. She has 2 grandbabies due this fall.
  17. Are you a crafter or artist? Do you quilt, knit, paint, soap, do paper craft, or re-purpose furniture? All kinds of artistic and craft type outlets are welcome! This is not necessarily showing completed items... maybe you bought a pattern, yarn, or fabric. Did you go yard-saleing this week and found a bookshelf you want to paint? Show any of those (if you have a photo - that's even extra great). Maybe you finally pulled out your sewing machine and dusted it off... include that. Any little bit towards your goal throughout the week is great!! Also, if you have a website or tutorial that inspires you, please share it with us. Perhaps one of us will pick up a new hobby. ;) Let's inspire each other! -------------------------------------------- Hi all. I'm actually starting on my 2nd bamboo shawl in a pretty sage green. I'll post pictures as soon as I find my camera :closedeyes:
  18. We have Roy Rogers restaurants here in my area... so I've told my kids who he is too. They don't know much, but I think they'd know he was a tv/movie actor.
  19. Wonderful! So glad you got your money too.
  20. Hi All, I've been busy all last week getting my house ready for the descent of extended family, my son's wedding, and babysitting my grandchild part time. Whew. What a week. I've loved all the different craft things people have done. I love the headband and the wreath (with the leaves). Gail, I hope you got that costume done! And OMG! Those gnomes are adorable. We have a couple of quilters. I hope you'll share some pictures. I'm sorry if I've missed anyone. I'll start the new thread tomorrow. Just popped in to say "hi"... but I'm helping my sister get reading for their 5am departure tomorrow.
  21. just went back and tried again... yup. It's her name that is causing the issues. Must be something new because I know I've sent her a PM in the past with no problems.
  22. Interesting Phoenix, because Milovany is one of the recipients of my PM as well. In thinking back, I may have forgotten to take her name out to see which one was causing all the issues.
  23. I can't figure out what is wrong. It says: "You must enter their name in the appropriate field fully." I typed the names I was sending to and it comes up with the proper suggestions... which I click on that name... but I still get the error message. There's a comma between each name... my in-box is not full, I've tried it more than once. I've tried taking each name out individually to see which one is the problem child. Nothing. Still getting the message. I give up... What have I missed?
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