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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Hi All... our weekly craft and hobby thread. Everyone is invited to share what they've been working on, no matter how small. I've been working on a baby blanket for a grand-niece. And I have a long-time project on another loom :closedeyes: that I've finally started working on again. I really need to finish it... as it's been on the loom since last spring! I'll post pictures tomorrow. What's everyone else been up to?
  2. It is awful to watch a loved one die like that. BTDT. Has anyone approached the family about hospice care? Hospice will care, not only for your mom, but also for your dad and sibs. Also, they can talk about what to expect in the dying process that may help your dad feel less anxious. Many hospice organizations have lots of volunteers that can come sit with your mom and dad. Give them both comfort care and just being a calm presence. And, I can't say enough good things about hospice nurses & social workers. They are wonderful. Saying this as someone who used hospice for my mom and also a hospice volunteer.
  3. my daughter has asthma and we haven't done the flu shot. We have a friend who used to work in the hospital as a PA. He told us that every time he got the shot he also got the flu that year. He never got the flu when he didn't get the shot. And, of course, working in the ER he was probably exposed way more than I'd ever be. Last year we did Sambucol, Arborne, and on hand we have the homepathic flu med. (can't remember the name). No one in my family has had the flu in the last 15 yrs (I had it then, and it's the only time I've ever had it). I'm not sure my husband has ever had the flu. It's so hard to tell how much is typical hyped up media stuff, since now it seems like EVERYTHING is hyped by the media, not just the flu. But that said, I also take a pause to consider. The recent flu's seem to hit the respiratory system harder and I don't want my dd getting it.
  4. Wow... that's pretty irresponsible. I've done a lot of hikes with my kids and we always plan water, snacks, and lunch. And we walk slow with lots of breaks for um... the kids' sake ;) Glad your dd had a grand time, nonetheless.
  5. I agree. Four hours late with with no contact is too long... Start the ball rolling now.
  6. I meant to say in my OP - at hour one I'd be worried... by hour 3 I'd vacillate between seriously ticked off and ready to call a posse to help me find my child.
  7. Most park ranger offices close by 5 or 6...it's probably too late. Hoping your dd is home now. It's dark outside.
  8. yes, I agree. So much more of a truthful possibility.
  9. Millionaire Next Door is a great book. Very encouraging and definitely recommend it. I agree that you're going to have to figure it out on your own. For one person paying a stylist to do hair would be frivolous, but to someone else it's a nice perk. Same with cable or phone plans, etc. And, these things will change as your children grow. A big memorable family vacation to Europe was important when my kids were young (we went to Italy). But, it's much harder to do that realistically with two kids married, one grandchild, 3 in college, jobs, etc. etc. etc. Now our extra income can go to helping the adult kids a little. And, renting a big house in the woods for week and telling everyone to come when they can. Stuff like that. And of course, a lot of our money goes to college. We timed paying off our house to coincide with our oldest hs grad. We feel that paying for the kids college is money well spent -- and others may feel differently. So yeah, it really is a family by family decision.
  10. I agree. I'm not sure I could take a regular dose of that. 6 episodes was plenty
  11. That scene was when she invited him over for dinner in the BBCAmerica version. Yeah, I noticed that change in him too. Very well written.
  12. We watched it all. I have mixed feelings about it. Spoilers Alert! . . . . I didn't like the way they portrayed the killer as some guy who "just fell in love with an 11 yr old" um ... no. Were the writers trying to make him sympathetic?? A grown married man in his 30's can suddenly out of nowhere have feelings for a boy?? I found that message troubling, IMHO. But, I thought they did a magnificent job of showing how a tragedy like that ripples through a community and effects everyone. There were so many victims of this one crime. I thought that was done very well. I cried during much of the last one too. I was also thinking about it a lot the day after I saw it.
  13. LOL - you've reminded me I need to sew some patches on my son's uniform too. Yes, they are a major pain. Definitely designed by men who didn't get the sewing patch :laugh: Thanks for the complement on the shawl.
  14. wow, I'd take them back and complain. Even if they don't refund, at least you've let them know your opinion. edited to fix blazing error.
  15. :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm so sorry. Yes. go. Definitely go. My dad was in denial when my mom was put on a respirator. This all sounds somewhat familiar. It is heartbreaking... I'm sorry. My mom went into the hospital for what we thought was a UTI. I called most days to see how she was doing and THEN called my local sis and aunt. Over the weekend she went downhill and went on a respirator... I was busy and didn't call. I assumed she was getting better, like always. Everyone knew but me. No one called me!! I was so hurt. My mom was in her right mind and was adamant that she wanted OFF the respirator. Nurse told her she would most likely die if she went off. She okay'd it. I talked with my dad the day they took her off the respirator. He said "Nurse says she won't make it, but I think she's going to be fine." Ugh!! But see, my mom had been down this road before and she always rallied... so he thought it would just be a few days and she'd be home (just like #1 for you). That was Saturday night. We were able to get out there Monday morning (big snow storm hit St. Louis).... and she died on Tues. Call the nurse and see if you can talk with her.
  16. How do you know if your beef comes from China? I buy my beef by the 1/2 cow from a friend, and haven't had to buy from the local store in ages. I haven't looked at the packaging of beef in a long time.
  17. They have tons of sugar and lemon (citrus)... both are preservatives. I think you can leave them at room temp for some time. Personally, I think they taste better cold.
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