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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. That's just awful! Thank God there were no passengers in your car.
  2. You sound *exactly* like me about 13 yrs ago. I used to even sing in the worship band, but slowly I came to dislike it very much. I remember even one time thinking "I'd love to put the band in the back of the church and have everyone face away from us because it's not about us." Not even realizing that many liturgical churches actually do have the choir in the back! LOL. And here I thought I was being innovative. :lol: But seriously, I feel your pain. BTDT exactly. :grouphug:
  3. Liturgical... acapella. Everything is either chanted or sung except the sermon. A mix of Byzantine and 4part harmony hymns (but hymns in the EO church are not like hymns in the Western churches).
  4. oh boy, that's a pretty serious problem. Yes, try to talk with a lawyer to find out what your rights are. :grouphug:
  5. Boy! Everyone is busy. Here's my soap I just finished cutting. They'll cure for about 3 weeks or more before I'll use them. The "cream" color turned out a little more yellow. That's because the Pumpkin Spice scent has vanilla in it. Vanilla will turn soap brown. I've been making cold processed soap (with lye) for about 15 yrs. There's a bit of a learning curve but, once you've tried it a couple of times it's quite easy. If you don't have a friend who can teach you (the best way) then these are two websites I recommend to beginners. Soap Essential's website: http://www.soap-making-essentials.com/index.html#.Ul3KSFMQM40 I love her site and always find it a source of inspiration. I've never used her recipes, per se, because I like to make my own. But, I've learned a lot from her. Also, the soapmaking forum is good place for more resources:
  6. scripture set to music. I still remember scriptures verses from songs I learned 30yrs ago. I'm fortunate that I go to a church now that almost exclusively uses music in the service.. and lots of scripture this way too. So, I'm retaining more now than I have since those days 30yrs ago. In terms of just having a good feel for the big picture and knowing a lot of the stories (big and small), I prefer listening to the Bible. I listen to it as often as I can remember :closedeyes:. But, it is a nice way to always have it going even when I'm just sitting around or driving in my car. I like the KJV read by Alexander Scorby... it's like listening to LOTR. I don't normally *read* KJV, but listening to it read by a Brit makes a difference.
  7. Okay everyone... here we go.. Week 11. How many weeks until Christmas??!! Today I made a batch of soap using pumpkin spice scent and an burnt orange swirl. It's sitting in the mold overnight, and I'll cut the bars tomorrow and take some photos. I also finished the 2nd shawl (blue) of the 3 shawls on my smaller loom today. I hope to start the 3rd one this week and get the whole thing off the loom. Last one should go really fast. I'm just weaving with a variegated yarn in plain weave. But, tomorrow... I'm so excited! I'm going to The Mannings It's one of the few weaving mecca's on the East Coast. And it's only a 1.5hrs from my home. Normally most weaving classes are several days to a week long (and rarely over the weekend). I can't do that. But, they started offering a one day class on finishings, and it happens to be on a day when I'm not babysitting our grandson, so woo hoo!! I get to go. I'm already making a yarn list so I don't over spend. Taking more weaving classes to increase my skills is a goal of mine, but when in the world do I have a full week to go away??!! This is just a wonderful opportunity for me, and it's something I desperately need help with.
  8. Wow, a duct tape chair. We love duct tape at our house too. Strawberrymama - that shawl is going to be beautiful. I love that lacy look. urpedonmommy - it's still knitting/crocheting - even if you're pulling out. But, how frustrating. I hate, hate, hate having to undo weaving. But, I hate wasting yarn even more, so I unweave rather than cut it out. Okay, I'm obviously behind once again! :closedeyes: I should have had a week 11 thread going by now... but don't. I'll go start the new thread now....
  9. The first short story goes a little slow, but after that it picks up speed. I had to stop reading it at night for a couple of nights because I was staying up way too late.
  10. I vote the LEEP. I bled like my period for over 3 weeks (doctor said it would only be "about 10days"). I would call that doctor and try to be seen.
  11. Gail, I need to have things spelled out for me too. I often don't get subtleties.
  12. okay, so I'm coming back here to ask a question of those who have read most/all of the series. I'm nearing the end of the Wool Omnibus and I'm wondering if the title "wool" has any significance later in the other books? I'm kind of scratching my head over the name reference for the Omnibus. Should I just be patient and it will all be revealed later?
  13. Eggs, toast, bacon for our dinner tonight. We try to have a family meal for the local elders. Distant, I send a card and call. I have several pendulum clocks in my house as I love old clocks. None of them are running, however.
  14. Our parakeet will eat what we do too - if we let her. I've told people that she thinks she's a dog. If we leave her cage open during dinner she flies over to the table and starts trying to get on our plates.... not really something I want her to do. I will leave my breakfast out on the table in front of her cage, when I'm done, and she'll come and eat it. Mine is also super-social. If I'm out for a while and come home, she'll poke her body out of her cage and call me to come and get her. She'll sit on my shoulder and "talk" to my chin and groom it. She's very loving. Sometimes she's skiddish about "the hand". Especially if she's in her cage. It's like she's playing a "come-here, come here, go away" game with my hand. She wants to, but she's afraid. If I just swoop my hand under her she'll just get right on it, but if I try to follow her around the cage, then yeah, she gets upset. If she's on my shoulder and happy and I try to touch her with my hand, she'll move away and make gestures like she's going to peck at it.
  15. I've had two parakeets and have enjoyed them. the first one started out being very good at handling, but then she changed and she liked her cage more and more and was not as easy to handle. The one we have now is super friendly. But, I specifically asked the raiser which parakeet had the sweetest personality and she choose this one. When I was deciding between a Budgie and a Cockatiel there were several things I decided between. Noise level (hate lots of noisey squawking), mess, longevity (I didn't know how long *I* wanted to keep a pet), friendliness, and trainability (I did like the idea of having a bird that talked a little). In the end, noise and longevity trumped trainability. The others seemed about the same depending on the specific bird. Good luck with your decision... and post of a photo when you get one or the other!
  16. I completely agree. I wish he had never made the movies. At least we still have the Silmarilian. I doubt anyone will ever make that into the movie.
  17. "The Princess Bride" and "Enchanted April" come to mind. Otherwise, I'm usually left disappointed with a book-to-movie adaptation. For "did a decent job, but not great" - I'd say "Cloud Atlas". The book is much richer, but the screenwriters didn't take a lot of liberties either.
  18. Woohoo!! Can't wait to see it. Bug'smom - color me impressed. That costume is awesome.
  19. I'm a total introvert. My husband isn't. He doesn't understand it and often thinks when I don't want to get together with friends that it means I don't like them. It's not that. It's just when he over-enthusiastically suggests it (think annoying cheerleader :glare: ) at a time when I'm already overloaded and overwhelmed, I just want to be in my cave for some odd reason. But, I don't think I'd consistently re-buff my sisters if they called to get together. That seems a bit off. Maybe she was feel really poorly though. And - what about the son living in the basement. He didn't noticed his mother was dead? What the...???? :scared: That's just wrong. I'm sorry for your loss... and for your mom. It must be so hard to lose siblings.
  20. This. There has to be a fine line somewhere. The same thing happened at the funeral of my uncle (not a nice person either). One family member said at the end of the funeral "Wow, I would have liked to have known *that* person." LOL. We still chuckle about that today. But, the people speaking at the funeral probably did like and respect him. It was all very odd and made me wonder. There's got to be a happy medium somewhere...especially as time goes by. I think we should be able to speak gently but honestly about the dead, but not be rude our gratuitous about it.
  21. I never heard of this before. I get a little grief from my sis and BIL, from time to time, because they are sun-lovers, and your post makes me feel a little better. Yeah, the heat bothers me. I can take the sun more on a cool/cold day than on a hot day. I'm so happy it's in the 70's now! Fall is my fav. season. My husband is the opposite. He loves the hot humid days of summer. Ugh.
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