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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Are there any kind of tests you can request from the doctor if you suspect you may either be at risk or have had a heart attack? Especially if you're going into the doctor's already. I've been to the doctors with several of those symptoms. Two years ago I thought I had pneumonia, the doctor dx me with acid reflux (something haven't had an issue with since).
  2. I've never really liked the sun. Being in the sun gives me headaches. I love cool, cloudy gloomy days. In the last 5-10yrs I've started getting really bad headaches with an approaching thunderstorm or low pressure system. I used to love thunderstorms too, so it makes me a little sad.
  3. well... I only know how to do it with Flickr. Do you have a flickr account? Here is how I do it and maybe it's similar for other photo accts. I go to my photo in Flickr and click on it. Then I go to the part where I can choose photo size. I choose something that will fit here (usually medium). Then I right-click the photo and choose "copy image location". then come here to the thread. Click on the image icon and paste the copied URL in the box and it's done.
  4. Weavers do seem to collect looms, don't we? I have a Macomber (48"), Harrisville (22"), a Louet table loom (15"), and a tablet loom. I'm planning on getting rid of the table loom. I don't really have a need for it and it takes up storage space. I'd love to see some of your stuff someday. Are you on any of the weaving groups at Ravelry? I hope you'll post a photo when you're done. Sewing is not my strong point either, but I really want to do it more. Was it to help with arthritis? Please post a photo of the purse when you can!
  5. I'm curious about the bassinet too. Lizzie, that website is such an inspiration. What beautiful stuff she knits. I love the greyhaven's too... so pretty and delicate.
  6. I was sick like that with all 6 of my preggies. Fortunately, the worst only lasted about 15-20 weeks. I *know* it's really hard but it will be worth it. Pretty soon you'll have a sweet little nursling and all this will be a distant memory.
  7. Wow - we've been doing strong for 10 weeks! What crafting or hobby things are you doing this week? Share here with the rest of us. Just started weaving the baby blanket for my grand-niece. It should go very fast now. I have a ton of stuff starting to back up that I'd like weave, so I'm eager to finish this up. Also still plowing away at the 3 scarves I'm making for my daughter's friends. Really regretting not having a deadline on this. It's been going on FOREVER. Here's a picture of the 2nd scarf - in blue.
  8. I started reading Wool last week. I realized that i had read the first story in Wool (Holston) as a freebie from Kindle about 6-months ago. I didn't realize it was part of a larger book/series then. So glad to have found it again.
  9. very promising, but I have a Galaxy S II. I doesn't look like any of the batteries are compatible.
  10. First :grouphug:. I'm sure you're very concerned. But, since you say that you have mentioned stuff from his FB before, why not say to him, "Hey I saw you had friended ... ex-wife... and it made me a little concerned." can you talk to him about your feelings? Maybe say you feel a little threatened?
  11. Thank you nmoira - I'm waiting for the car charger to arrive and have ordered another battery. I may look into these other ideas if I find those two aren't enough.
  12. we have donated our cars to charity on many occasions. One thing to keep in mind is that most charities want a car with 4 working wheels (for towing purposes) - so a car that has been in a bad wreck may not qualify. But other than that, we've only had positive experiences. I can't remember all the places we've donated too but I think we once did it to NPR. But, I think most reputable charities have some kind of car donation program.
  13. I appreciate this thread. I just got my first android type phone. Making calls is an annoyance, so thanks for the idea of using voice commands. Since I just switched over I am shocked at the lack of battery life in an android! OMG! I used to go nearly a week between charging. Now I can't even make it a day....and that's with WiFi and email turned off. I bought a used one, so I'm going to look into getting another battery in case this one is worn out. However, everything I'm reading talks about how most people's batteries barely last a day.
  14. why?? oh why?? It makes me sad that they're doing it at all.
  15. Thanks for this recommendation. We're ready for something new.
  16. She's not giving marital advice. She's giving advice on how to survive a in a business that is exploitative of young talent (especially women). I think she is in a unique position to give that advice.
  17. she was from India. Someone called again several hours later. I told them to put me on the do not call list. I've looked up the co. online and they are actually listed on my gas co. website as an approved "competitive energy supplier". But they get an "F" rating from the BBB. Also, several other sites have people complaining about them. yeah... I knew it was bad news.
  18. My maiden name is also Dutch. :laugh: Got teased a lot as a kid. And, we could always tell when the salesmen were calling because they would butcher it when we answered the phone. But, on my mother's side we are a big mix (and actually my paternal grandmother too). To answer the OP - I think what you are referring to is uniquely American because we are a melting pot and people came from all over the world. I think they are just looking for a sense of belonging there while they're visiting. I guess they're wanting to say "I'm a little like you." I've never heard someone *in* America say "I'm English." unless they were really FROM the UK. Most people here in America will usually identify with their region (Southerner, West coast, PNW, etc. etc.). Also, I think many Americans (and I'll include myself here) are Anglophiles. We really do just love everything about the UK and its history. I've loved it so much I've been 2x (once on my honeymoon.).
  19. That's one of the reasons we're here. Hope you find some time this week.
  20. I got this suspicious call today. First off it was on my cell and I cant' hear well on cell phones. 2nd, English was not the callers first language so even harder to understand. But, what I gathered is that she was offering to lower my gas bill by 10%. I've had these calls before for my electric bill (I always refused) so I was trying hard understand how this happened but was having trouble. I asked her to send me written information that I could mull over a bit. She couldn't do it. She told me that AFTER I set it up then I'd receive information. :confused1: . I then asked for her number so I could do my own homework and call her back. Again, she couldn't do that until after I gave her my account number. :glare:. She kept saying that if I'd give her my account number THEN the gas company would send me a letter telling me I had been "received" into the program. What??? I didn't like the hard sell. She really wanted that account number. Anyway, are these 3rd party companies for utilities really legit??
  21. wow, everything looks so cool. Love the cowl, Lizzie. And the Max hat is adorable, Bug's Mom.
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