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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. They're harder to find. We live in a major metro area and with the traffic congestion I can see why people don't opt for a stick shift. I've only been stuck driving one a few times in rush hour and it was a major bother. Otherwise, I enjoy driving them too. My husband is currently in the market for a used car. His main criteria are manual trans. and hatchback. It hasn't been so easy to find.
  2. I'm loving all these creative things people are doing! Halloween! Yikes. We've never really participated beyond having candy and a family movie night on that evening. But, with youngest in school, it's become something I've had to pay more attention too. Also, we moved into a more traditional neighborhood, so the pressure's on. Fortunately, he's at a Montessori school and they do something called "Halloween Heroes"... the kids can only pick someone real (but I wonder if she'd allow mythology). Head-mistress is trying to avoid witches and zombies and such. Anyway, it's makes it much easier for me.. I'm not much of a sewer. One year ds went as a Spartan. I've got a baby blanket started on the loom for a grand-niece due next month.
  3. Hi All.... our weekly installment of the craft and hobby thread. Please share what you're working on, no matter how small. --------------------------------- We went to the world Maker Faire in NYC this past Fri/Sat. I wasn't overly impressed. DH was disappointed that it appears to have been taken over by corporate sponsors. We were hoping to see more mom/pop labor-of-love type inventions and creative items. Someone in one of the lines (and there were LOTS of those) said that 2 years ago, it was much more local and mom/pop like. Oh well. We'll try one of our local ones and see if it's more to our liking. I also pulled the shawl off the loom. Only thing left is to twist the fringe. I'm planning on donating this to my parish for our ethnic bazaar in Nov. Here it is. As you can see it still have loose threads that need to be trimmed. I haven't wet finished it yet either. I'll do that after the fringe is done.
  4. I hate bartering... if your dh is willing let him deal with it. Yes, start with 10K and maybe see if they take it or counter.
  5. I can't do chocolate at night or I'm restless all night long. Actually, I shouldn't do chocolate at all because I'm allergic, but I cheat on occasion knowing full well that I'll pay the price. I do take magnesium in the afternoon and evenings. My sleep has been much better.
  6. This made me laugh!! I felt that same way.
  7. What is the battery life like on the phone? My current old-style talk/text cell phone can go about a week before a recharge.
  8. I agree. Old Earth Creationists. Hugh Ross's Reasons to Believe is a good resource.
  9. Very interesting. I'd love to hear more about how your parents helped former ATI people.
  10. There's not been too many cars we didn't like. I would say the ones we didn't like were the ones my dh exclusively picked :huh: . The ones that we have liked and would buy again are: Subaru Outback Hyundai Santa Fe (except for the gas mileage) Toyota Prius
  11. Thank you for this article. Very enlightening.
  12. Thank you Dawn, I looked everywhere- but I guess I didn't make it to the bottom of each page :closedeyes: So, I guess I need to wait until Nov. for these options. Cool. My phone is getting ot the end of it's life but I think I can wait another 5-6weeks.
  13. I don't see the $5 plan. Is that with a different phone? The only one I see is the MotorX with the $20 plan.
  14. my husband went to a few of the seminars way back in the early 80's before we were married. He thought there was some good stuff mixed with weird stuff, but never really got hooked anyway. We have two friends from a former church who were heavily involved in it during our homeschooling days. The stuff they'd say made me not interested in ATI at all. Too controlling and oppressive (especially for girls and women). At the time I kept thinking that all these smart girls and the only skill they learn is cake decorating & quilting (not that there's anything wrong with those, but hopefully you know what I mean).
  15. lovely... made me teary. May I share it with my daughter? She just had a c-section 3months ago and is already talking VBAC for the next time. I'm a homebirther, so I'm definitely behind her all the way and I'd love to encourage her along.
  16. I've found that there are times when my brain cannot handle anything beyond a fluffy mystery. Is it perhaps timing rather than your actually comprehension level?
  17. I'm so sorry. May she rest in peace.
  18. Hi all, Another busy and stressful weekend and here it is Monday night already! This thread is for us to share and encourage each other in our crafts and hobbies. What things have you done this week? It doesn't have to be big or even finished. Maybe you were only able to knit a few rows or pull out your sewing machine before being distracted with life. Share any of it. ---------------------- I had a whirlwind of weaving activity on Sat. I've finished the Bamboo shawl and hemstitched it and cut it off the loom last night. I also finished weaving one scarf of the three I have warped on my other loom. I finished hemstitching that tonight and will start weaving the next scarf in blue sometime this week. Tonight I wound 300 out of 700 threads for a baby blanket I'm starting. I've been looking at a lot of weaving projects over on Ravelry and it really inspired me to get moving and get some of these long planned out projects started and finished.
  19. I don't know about the sinus headache, but I'll definitely be trying it out the next time one rears it's ugly head. As for the taste. I have the rasp./lemon one and its VERY strong and tart. I don't like the taste with just water.. but do like it in OJ. I tried it in cranberry juice and it was awful that way too :ack2: . So, try and see what works for you. I don't think it matters at all if you drink it with tea/sugar.
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